• American Chamber of Commerce in Korea
  • Your Partner in Business Since 1953





1) Committee's Mission Statement

The purpose of the Aerospace and Defense committee is to promote closer association among US aerospace and defense industries which are resident or represented in Korea.


The Committee facilitates the exchange of information concerning the Korean market among US aerospace and defense industries and provides a means to focus AMCHAM attention on the continued awareness and representation of aerospace and defense-related issues.

During our regular meetings, guests from the Embassy Country team and invited guest share items of interests to our A&D members, usually around 25 personnel both US and Korean. The Aerospace and Defense Committee's yearly plan is to meet as needed to discuss pertinent issues related to the Aerospace and Defense industry with the goal of facilitating a better business environment for its members. The year will begin with asking members on issues that the A&D Committee might be able to assist.

2) Activities in Support of the Mission

• Guest speaker discussions (e.g., ROK/US Defense academic guest, ROK National Assembly Defense Committee member, US DoD)

Roundtables with defense industry stakeholders

• Joint meetings with JUSMAG-K, and DAPA


Youngje Kim - GE Korea (02-6201-4550)

Wonik Lee - Lockheed Martin Global, Inc. - Korea (02-2012-6201)




1) Committee's Mission Statement

The AutoVehicles (AV) Committee provides a platform to support members involved with any motorized vehicle that transports people or goods, including automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles. Stakeholders include the full ecosystem from end-customers to OEMs to suppliers to regulators (e.g., environment, safety). The AV Committee strives to act as an information sharing and advocacy platform, providing opportunities for all committee members to discuss industry developments, issues, policies and regulations, best practices, and other information that provides value and to foster business relations between Korea and the United States. 



Roger Chae - Hanon Systems (02-3498-5595)




1) Committee's Mission Statement

The mission of the Blockchain Committee is to facilitate the understanding of blockchain technology and digital assets such as cryptocurrency, coins, tokens and NFTs, and to educate AMCHAM members, industry experts and the general public of its usefulness and application in relevant industry sectors. It is also the Committee's mission to recommend effective policy to lawmakers, regulators, and industry leaders in Korea so that blockchain technology and the use of digital assets will promote economic growth for the benefit of AMCHAM members.


2) Activities in Support of the Mission

  • Invite subject-matter specialists, lawmakers, and other key influencers within the blockchain industry for lectures at least three times per year
  • Solicit suggestions and concerns regarding blockchain and digital asset policy and regulations from AMCHAM members to be delivered to the appropriate government body and/or legislature.


​Sirgoo Lee - Dunamu Inc.

Patrick Yoon - Crypto.com




1) Sectors to be Represented: 

Banking, Securities, Fintech & E-commerce, Asset Management


2) Committee's Mission Statement

The mission of the Capital Markets and Financial Services committee is to collectively identify the essential issues and topics regarding the financial industry in Korea and address suitable recommendations to the relevant government regulators and agencies through AMCHAM advocacy procedures. It also strives to explain to relevant stakeholders the importance of the financial services industry to Korea.


3) Activities in Support of the Mission

  • Engage with the relevant regulatory bodies on financial policies and regulatory issues of concern
  • Provide global best practice financial policy recommendations to the relevant regulatory authorities
  • Promote the historical and on-going contributions made by the foreign financial services industry to the relevant authorities
  • Guest speaker Series on Financial, Economic and Regulatory Topics
  • Regular discussion forums to share, discuss and address key industry issues
  • Face-to-face meetings with senior government officials and regulators
  • Coordination with other organizations (Foreign Bankers Group, Seoul Financial Forum, and other AMCHAM committees)
  • Expansion of committee membership
  • Regular meetings between co-chairs and AMCHAM leadership 


Jin-Woo Cho - Standard Chartered Bank Korea (02-3703-5001)

Jeen Kim - Kim & Chang (02-3703-5708)




1) Committee Mission Statement

The AMCHAM CFO Committee serves as a forum to identify, discuss and address key issues that impact CFOs in Korea as well as to facilitate peer-to-peer networking among CFOs. While the committee is closed to CFOs and Finance Directors, speakers and guests will frequently be invited from various consulting firms, accounting firms, law firms, government organizations, and other AMCHAM committees from time to time to ensure meaningful discussions and coordinated follow-up on key issues.

2) Activities in Support of the Mission

1.   To have at least 4 seminars (one per quarter) aimed at facilitating peer-to-peer networking among CFOs with a focus on key issues/concerns faced in Korea, including but not limited to the following:

  • Treasury & Foreign Exchange Control Matters
  • Compliance & Fraud
  • Labor & Union Issues
  • Customs Duties, VAT, & Customs Audits
  • Transfer Pricing, Corporate Tax Compliance & Corporate Tax Audits
  • Data Privacy
  • Data Retention
  • JV Issues
  • Shared Services and Allocation of Common Expenses
  • Management Service Fees and HQ Expense Allocations
  • Business Restructuring & M&A
  • Public Relations Issues
  • Government Advocacy & Relations
  • Individual Income Tax and Foreign Bank Account Reporting
  • Valuations in Korea
  • Managing Forex Risk

2.   To have at least once special session in which the co-chairs of the Taxation, Compliance & Ethics, Legal Affairs, and Foreign Investment Committees would be invited to brainstorm and prepare a joint wish list for future discussions with the MOSF, NTS, Ombudsman, etc. (and to evaluate progress on prior year wish list)


Henry An - Samil PricewaterhouseCoopers (02-3781-2594)

Michael Fendrick - MSD Korea Co., Ltd. (02-331-2000)




1) Committee's Mission Statement

The Chemical Committee aims to provide forum for AMCHAM members to discuss various political, mainly regulatory issues of chemical industry in Korea. The Committee works to enhance regulatory environment so that chemical-related policies and regulations are more harmonized with global standards. One particular issue of the Committee’s interest is chemical control laws and the Committee seeks to engage in activities for opinion shaping opportunities with officials from Korean regulatory and policy-making organizations. The Committee also operates committee working group for more in depth discussion on technical matters of chemical regulatory issues and for setting agenda for the Committee meeting. The working group is open to all AMCHAM members, and have a regular meeting at quarterly basis. Twice or 3 times a year, the Committee provide informative meeting opportunities for members inviting high profile speakers from the Korean governments and international organizations.

2) Activities in Support of the Mission

* Working group regular meetings (every 3 months) on on-going and new regulatory issue related topics.

* Regular meetings (bi-annual) inviting high profile speakers from the Korean governments including MOKE, MOE and MOL with following topics and speakers

MOKE: Dr. H. W. Lee, Korea REACH legislation

MOE: Korea REACH legislation and revision of Toxic Chemical Control Act

MOL: Revision of Occupational Health and Hygiene Act in accordance with Korea REACH legislation



Hye-Jin Soh - Dow Korea

Hyeon Ju Ahn - 3M Korea

Schoni (Seung Hyun) Song - Macoll Consulting Group





Young Hoon Kim - Amazon Web Services Korea (02-3430-9657)

Chan Yoon - Microsoft Korea Inc. (02-531-8280)




1) Committee's Mission Statement

​The Compliance and Ethics Committee’s mission is to provide a forum for its members to exchange information and ideas regarding compliance and ethics issues that affect our members’ business operations in Korea and to share best practices. The committee invites expert speakers from private and public sectors as well as government regulators to share the latest regulations, risk trends and cases that will provide valuable insight to the committee members. 


Minah Choi - Intuitive Surgical

David Waters - Kim & Chang (​02-3703-1318)




1) Committee's Mission Statement


The mission of the Corporate Security and Risk Management committee is to increase awareness on geopolitical risks and security environments impacting enterprise risk management within Korea based Corporations. The committee will make effort to share deep knowledge and support the development of stronger security and risk management programs within member companies. 


2) Activities in Support of the Mission


  • Share best practices in Corporate Security Management.
  • Enhance executive knowledge around crisis management and risks best practices
  • Expand knowledge of local security issues by creating an atmosphere of open information ­sharing and by inviting a range of speakers to meetings.
  • Develop an informal training program that will assist new members in creating their own security programs and emergency action plans.
  • Establish a working partnership with the U.S. Embassy's Regional Security Office (RSO), ASIS International, and other industry bodies to facilitate learning opportunities for AMCHAM members.



Peter Kim - Securitas Korea

Charles Chang - Lam Research Korea




1) Committee's Mission Statement

To be the go to resource providing up to date information to help companies understand the investment processes for various cross-border investment channels, assist companies to become more familiar with the regulatory environment in the investment destination locations and make the most of these investments through accessing knowledge about valuable incentives and tax benefits. 


The Cross-Border Investment Committee will focus on the following important investment categories:

  • Korean companies with outbound investment into the US market
  • Korea as an Asia-Pacific Regional Headquarter for foreign companies
  • Small businesses in the US looking to start operations in Korea – AMCHAM Korea runs the ABC Program that can link to this topic
  • Additional cross-border investment topics the Committee and AMCHAM Korea deem relevant


The Committee will provide a regular channel of communication to provide timely updates on investment regulatory changes and build a network of companies who are considering making these cross-border investments. We will create a forum where industry sectors, companies and government representatives can engage in open dialogue about investment challenges and successes. The Committee will seek to hold meetings every two months and aspire to hold at least three seminars in each year promoting cross-border investment.



Robert Smith – EY Han Young




1) Committee’s Mission Statement

AMCHAM’s DPRK Committee is a forum for interested members of AmCham to gain understanding of issues related to North Korea, including the status of regional security, political and economic policy and developments that could impact the potential for conducting business in and with North Korea.

2) Activities in Support of the Mission

Q4 2019: Host talk on current developments in North Korea-U.S.-South Korea relations with a former U.S. Government official.

Q4 2019/Q1 2020: Host update on North Korea security-related issues and readiness with U.S. military official.

Q1/Q2 2020: Host panel discussion on North-South political and economic policy and regional issues with speakers from academia, policy-making and think tanks.

Q2/Q3 2020: Host panel discussion on Life in North Korea regarding the everyday impact of economic policies, featuring speakers from various professional backgrounds with experience inside the North.


Jeffrey D. Jones - Partners for the Future Foundation (02-3703-1140)




 1) Committee's Mission Statement

The Education Committee serves as a forum to identify and bring topics in education to the forefront of public discussion in the international community. The committee endeavors to raise awareness, increase communication, and encourage collaboration to bring synergy in the field of education and international relations. This committee is a channel and voice to advocate on subjects related to improvements in education for the future.  


2) Activities in Support of the Mission

Organize meetings and/or speaker engagements on a quarterly basis which may include joint meetings with other committees. 



Anne K. Choe - Dwight School Seoul (02-6920-8601)

Paul Smith - Dulwich College (02-3015-8540)

Christina Cha - George Mason University Korea (032-626-5073)​




1) Committee's Mission Statement

The Energy & Environment Committee will serve as a forum for AMCHAM members to discuss energy and environment(including climate change) issues both among industry participants and with guests from the Korean government and international organizations headquartered in Korea. Topics will include (but not limited to), Korean energy strategy, use of LNG, renewable and alternative energies, new technologies (e.g. SMARTGRID), improvements in energy efficiency (especially in buildings) and technologies and policy measures to reduce/minimize carbon footprint. It will seek to provide a forum for AMCHAM members involved in the energy and sustainable growth industries, related disciplines, trades and sectors to discuss issues of common interest. It will also provide a mechanism to bring pressing energy and environment policy issues to the attention of the AMCHAM Board and, through AMCHAM education and advocacy procedures, the relevant Korean government authorities and representatives of international organizations with headquarters in Korea.

2) Activities in Support of the Mission

  • Regular meetings, with varied formats, on energy and green growth sector topics featuring guest speakers from government and industry
  • Meetings for Committee members to review relevant energy and green growth issues internally and to update the AMCHAM energy & green growth policy statement
  • Develop items for AMCHAM Board advocacy to relevant Korean government authorities and international organizations, in writing as appropriate
  • Regular reports by the Chair or other designated Committee member to the AMCHAM Board on the status of major developments in the energy and green growth sectors and the potential need for advocacy on these issues
  • Meeting topics could include
    • a. MOTIE or other officials, e.g. KEPCO CEO or KEI Director, visiting executives from US DOE:
      • i. "Make up" of power supply -- implications to fossil fuel supply chain and carbon foot print. The relative roles of coal, nuclear and renewables could be related topics.
      • ii. Lessons from the recent low reserve margin situation and potential impact on energy conservation (will there be changes in policy and regs to provide positive economic/financial incentives to encourage conservation on a sustainable basis?)
        • > Korea government's policy intentions embedded in RPS and ETS regimes and their projected effects on industries.
        • > Relative roles of MOTIE and ME in setting environmental policies and regulations.
        • > Potential linkage of ROK gas and power grids with DPRK
        • > C40 states that 40 major cities in the world emit 80% of the world’s GHG emissions. We can facilitate more discussions on how energy efficiency in existing buildings can help South Korea achieve their 30% overall CO2 emissions reduction plan against BAU by 2020. With an estimated cost of KRW60 trillion to improve efficiency in existing buildings, this is an enormous market opportunity for Public-Private Partnerships.
        • > Facilitate discussions on how to build more sustainable cities as new cities are built in Korea. Understanding the importance of integrated energy master planning of cities, we can influence Korean officials to build more efficient cities.
      • iii. The administration’s policy stance on key energy issues, including climate change, self-sufficiency levels, cost of supply, etc.
      • iv. The role of energy in South-North rapprochement
    • b. Accelerate deployment of alternative energy sources (fuel cells, solar & photovoltaics, wind, biofuels, clean coal, ESCOs, information systems to access Korean projects and research)
    • c. Energy conservation & efficiency (including green buildings)
    • d. What member companies are doing to develop and commercialize energy technologies, e.g. CEO as speaker
    • e. Increased use of LNG as a clean fuel; incl. 3rd party view, e.g. Wood MacKenzie
    • f. Carbon regulations and relevant management technologies
    • g. Technology deployment: Improving the power sector through use of SMART Grid and clean coal
    • h. Intellectual property protection for energy technology
    • i. KORUS FTA - consolidation of specific impacts on member businesses of ratification; improve understanding, identification of issues that may need to be addressed by FTA committee
    • j. Targeted white papers to frame advocacy positions based on member input


Seung Ho Choe - Pacifico Energy Korea Co., Ltd. (02-771-7801)




1) Committee Mission Statement

Every day, millions of people want to be informed, inspired, or just simply delighted. In this era of creator economy, the Entertainment and Contents Committee serves as a forum to identify and bring topics in the entertainment and content industry to the forefront of public discussion. 


The committee strives to raise awareness, encourage collaboration, and increase communication to bring synergy to the entertainment and content industry. This committee is a channel and advocacy platform, providing opportunities for all committee members to discuss industry developments, issues, policies and regulations, best practices, and other information that provides value and to enhance business relations between Korea and the United States.  


2) Activities in Support of the Mission

Organize regular meetings on entertainment and content industry topics featuring guest speakers from government and industry



Liz Kyo Hwa Chung - Netflix Services Korea

Young Seok Yoo - Google Korea LLC




1) Committee's Mission Statement

Serve as the main platform for global companies in Korea to understand ESG, share and evaluate their policies, and better implement the ESG vision in Korea and globally.

2) Core Objectives

* Promote ESG best practices

* Bridge U.S. and Korean business communities  

* Pioneer new directions for corporate citizenship

3) Key Priorities

* Find ways for U.S. companies to help Korea achieve 2050 carbon neutral strategy

Develop women’s leadership by creating opportunities for career/personal development in Korea and the U.S.

Cooperate to build sustainable supply chains, manufacturing and packaging

* Foster dialogue and exchange on sustainable livable cities

* Promote joint projects and joint bidding between U.S. and Korean companies in third regions

Achieve high standards of corporate governance in Korea by creating channels to share global best practices



Cheeyoung Lee - Procter & Gamble Korea

Yang-Kwon Ryu - Ecolab Korea

Yun Chung - UL Solutions




1) Committee's Mission Statement 

The Committee aims to provide forum for AMCHAM members to discuss various economic and political issues in Korea, and other issues in international affairs. The Committee intends to focus on cross-sectoral issues, which are not likely to be covered by other industry specific committees and macro issues and international politics. Every year, the Committee provides numerous informative meeting opportunities for members by inviting high-profile speakers from the Korean and U.S. government, company executives and think tanks. ​

2) Activities in Support of the Mission

  • Meetings with Korean government senior officials to discuss policy directions, especially for deregulation
  • Meetings with visiting Washington officials and experts to get updates on U.S. policy issues
  • Networking meetings for professionals working on government affairs/relations, advocacy, and public policy.


Chris Ahn - Apple Korea Ltd. (02-6712-6733)

Minsung Kim - IBM Korea

Ji Eun Chung - CODIT Corp.




1.Committee`s Mission Statement

The Human Resources Committee will focus on six key areas for HR management professionals:

*Recruitment and Retention of Employees

* Labor Relations and Policies in Korea

*Training and Development

*Performance Management and Performance Appraisal

*Career Development

*Creating business value through strategic management of the workforce.

Committee members will focus on the above HR related issues and propose viable solutions in a collective effort to enhance members’ knowledge and understanding of human resources management and development, labor practices and policies within Korea.

HR management professionals in AMCHAM Korea member companies in good standing will be eligible to receive information from the committee and participate in committee events, take active role in Committee’s activity, etc.

Through quarterly meetings, it also acts as a forum for transferring information between member companies, the Korean and US governments, Korean corporations, and labor organizations.

These meetings are designed to provide an exchange of information between speakers and members. The HR Committee also coordinates an annual Human Resources Seminar, an open forum for the discussion of current human resources issues in Korea.

2.Activities in Support of the Mission

The Human Resources Committee activities will be built around the following objectives:

* Raising of professional standards within the HR community and the promotion of an active HR management

*Facilitate regular exchange of information, and share best experience within the area of HR management

* Development of closer ties of co-operation between HR experts in the business sectors and their counterparts in government

* Research and development of HR best practices and lobbying for their adoption

* Networking within the HR community in order to enhance and facilitate understanding and co-operation

* Provide seminars, training, conferences for HR management professionals


Tabby Kim - 3M Korea Ltd. (02-3771-4165)

Hai Kyung Min - Google Korea LLC (02-531-9000)

Heather Hyejung Han - PERSOLKELLY (02-760-8832)





Eun Ji Han - Apple Korea Ltd.

Sun Hee Kim - Yulchon LLC.

Yohan Lee - Google Korea LLC

Brian Oh - Kim & Chang




1) Committee's Mission Statement

The mission of the insurance committee is to collectively identify the essential issues and topics regarding the insurance industry in Korea and address suitable recommendations to the relevant government regulators and agencies through AMCHAM advocacy procedures. In serving the best interest of the members and the insurance industry, insurance committee strives to achieve the following goals in a responsive, efficient and effective manner, consistent with the needs and demands of its members.

- Promote and protect members’ interest;

- Promote fair and competitive insurance markets;

- Support and improve government regulations on insurance.

2) Activities in Support of the Mission

- The committee organizes regular meetings on insurance related issues, typically involving guest speakers from regulatory agencies, U.S. and Korean governments, and academia.

- The committee works together with the U.S. and Korean governments, Embassy of The United States, Ministry of Finance and Strategy, Financial Services Commission, Financial Supervisory Services, Korea Life Insurance Association, General Insurance Association of Korea, and American Council of Life Insurers.



Ramzi Toubassy - AIG Korea Inc.

Young Rok Song - MetLife Insurance Company of Korea, Ltd.

Nathan Chuang - AIA Life Insurance Co. Ltd




1) Committee's Mission Statement

The Legal Affairs Committee serves as a forum to identify and discuss legal and regulatory issues, including regulatory changes and legislative initiatives, impacting the AMCHAM business community in Korea.  

 2) Activities in Support of the Mission

The committee holds regular meetings on germane topics, typically involving guest speakers from professional legal circles, the U.S. and Korea government, and/or academia. 



Nina H. Kim - Yulchon LLC (02-528-5294)

Maria Hajiyerou - Kim & Chang (02-3703-1329)

Arie Eernisse - Peter & Kim (02-538-2900)




1) Committee's Mission Statement

Marketing is defined as the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers. The mission of the Marketing & Communication Committee is to support companies operating in Korea by sharing best practices in the areas of marketing and communications. This could cover a diverse number of areas, including: advertising, brand management, channel management, market research and analysis, product positioning, sales, promotions, and communications​.

2) Activities in Support of the Mission

The Marketing & Communication Committee will strive to hold 10 meetings annually using various delivery formats such as case studies, panel discussions and key notes​.


Our topics will focus on top business trends: 

 • Marketing In A Digital World Including The Use Of Digital Analytics

 • Digital Marketing Channels Including Social Media Advertising

 • Focus On Connecting Customers

 • Invest In A Corporate Culture Of Customer Service To Grow Revenue

 • Fun And Games To Engage Customers And Employees

 • Shift From Complaining About To Embracing Millennials 

 • Commodity Products Will Continue To See Margins Erode. Services Will Extend Value

 • Integrate Content Marketing Into Your Sales Process

 • Developing “Selling/Solving” Skills For Non-Salespeople

 • Measure And Deliver Results Not Just Solutions



Eric Kim - Datacrunch Global (02-2097-8271)




1) Committee's mission statement and Activities in Support of the Mission

The Medical Devices Committee is founded to maximize their communications and engagements for U.S. medical device companies in Korea. The committee advocates to shape ethical business environment and to position as a reliable partner with stakeholders and a trustworthy provider of innovative medical devices for a timely patient access to safe and effective products. The Committee engages in activities and initiatives which promote best practices transferring, advanced knowledge and opinion-shaping opportunities with policy makers, payers, healthcare providers, physicians and patients. The Committee strives to facilitate an openness representing all segments of the medical device industries.



Yong Bum Choi - Intuitive Surgical Korea (02-3271-3210)

Brian Suh - Siemens Healthineers (Varian Medical Systems)

Grace Hwang - Johnson & Johnson Medical Korea Ltd. (02-2094-3000)




1) Committee's Mission Statement

The Pharmaceutical Committee strives to shape the environment for fair competition and positive business prospects in Korea for US pharmaceutical companies and to build strong collaboration between Korean society and the US companies.

2) Activities in Support of the Mission

- Regular update of Key stakeholder list

  a. AMCHAM pharmaceutical Committee member list update - Once a year

  b. External Stakeholder list update - Once a year


- Pharmaceutical Committee Meeting - Have at least two meetings per year. However, we can hold a meeting whenever an urgent matter in industry business or a significant change in policy takes place at a national level.


- Key stakeholder engagement program

  a. External speaker program - Once a quarter

  b. Roundtable discussion on key policy issues with key stakeholders - Once a year


- Knowledge sharing with key stakeholders

  a. Share KRPIA policy position papers with key stakeholders - On-going

  b. Face to face meeting with stakeholders - On-going


- Update to AMCHAM & US Embassy: Have a regular meeting with AMCHAM and US Embassy with AMCHAM authorities to address pharmaceutical industry issues


- Keep in contact with the US-Korea Business Council to deliver industry message to relevant Korean government bodies



HeeSeung Lee - MSD Korea

Hye-Min Oh - Pfizer Korea

Dongwon Kim - Moderna Korea




1) Committee’s mission statement and Activities in Support of the Mission

The Real Estate Committee is dedicated to fostering a dynamic, sustainable real estate ecosystem. The Committee will advocate for policies that promote investment, innovation, and best practices in environmentally sustainable real estate development, architectural design, construction, and related technologies. By serving as a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and advocacy, the Committee will support members in navigating the real estate market and contributing to the growth and prosperity of both Korea and the United States.


Sunghyun (Sean) Park - Energy X



SME Collaboration

1) Committee's Mission Statement 

The Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (“SME”) Collaboration Committee aims to provide a platform for representatives of multinational corporations (MNC) member companies, both foreign and Korea-based/invested, to foster stronger networks, discuss shared concerns, and exchange best practices.

Regardless of whether your company is based in Korea or headquartered elsewhere, building collaborative partnerships with Korean SMEs can bolster your competitiveness, create job opportunities, fuel innovation, and positively impact your company's bottom line as you expand your business in Korea.

2) Activities in Support of the Mission

The SME Collaboration Committee will pursue the following four (4) objectives as the foundation of its activities:

1.    Networking:

  • Plan and execute strategic networking events and activities tailored to assist AMCHAM members: (i) in cultivating and reinforcing their business relationships; and (ii) to enable MNC executives to develop and strengthen their business network.

2.    Information & Best Practice Sharing:

  • Facilitate a regular exchange of information and best practices, including experiences and solutions to challenges, through organized meetings (e.g., seminars, panel discussions, conferences, and workshops).

3.    Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Promote relationship-building with key stakeholders to encourage mutual engagement and partnerships (e.g., the Korean and U.S. governments, academia, and Korean media).

4.    Promote Cross-Cultural Competency:

  • Increase awareness of cultural expectations and differences between foreign (such as U.S.-based) and Korean companies to facilitate more robust and effective business partnerships.


Baekjoon Kang - Amway Korea Limited (02-3468-6351)

Andy Park - Qualcomm Korea YH (02-530-6942)




1) Committee Mission Statement

The AMCHAM Taxation Committee serves as a forum to identify, discuss and address key tax issues that could impact the members of AMCHAM Korea. The Committee also promotes sound tax policy in the promulgation and administration of tax laws and regulations. The Committee engages in dialogue with governmental bodies, tax officials, tax organizations and tax professionals to promote its mission.

2) Proposed Events

1. To have at least 3 breakfast seminars covering the following topics: new tax law changes, recent trends and developments, and proposed tax law changes; Or on any topic of interest to AMCHAM Korea members. Each of the co-chairs shall be responsible for organizing one event).

2. To have at least one face to face dialogue each with National Tax Service, Korea Customs Service, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, or other governmental body (with AMCHAM Executive/Management support).

3. To submit position papers (at the invitation of NTS) on key tax issues impacting AMCHAM.

4. To have at least one joint session with another committee focusing on topic of interest to the AMCHAM Community (e.g., IP, Insurance, Financial Services, Real Estate, Labor, etc.).



Jeremy Everett - Yulchon LLC (02-528-5133)

Paul Manning - Kim & Chang (02-3703-5796)

Changho Jo - PwC (02-3781-3264)

Steve (Minhoo) Kim - Lee & Ko (02-6386-6271)




1) Committee's Mission Statement

The Trade & Customs Committee will serve as a forum for AMCHAM members to identify and discuss trade and customs issues with expertise in both government and private sectors. The committee will seek to provide a mechanism to address current issues of common concern such as: implementation and enforcement of free trade agreements, customs audit, non-tariff barriers, and other issues to improve transparency and facilitation of legitimate trade.

Going forward, the Trade & Customs committee will explore a wide range of cross-border trade and customs enforcement issues related to the facilitation of movement of goods and people associated with investment opportunities to assist AMCHAM members.​


Lists of the Committee’s business plan for the coming years include:  

• Navigate customs and origin verification under the amended KORUS FTA 

• Find practical ways to facilitate business travel and investment between Korea and the U.S. 

Understand how the latest international trade news affects your business (e.g., unilateral trade actions—Section 232 investigations and sanctions—WTO, and implementation of regional FTA’s—CPTPP, RCEP, etc.)

• Identify customs and trade issues and convey them to relevant government agencies

​ Convene joint discussion sessions with other committees to address industry-specific and/or other common issues (e.g., Tax Committee to address transfer pricing and customs valuation concerns) ​ 

2) Activities in Support of the Mission

• ​Regular meetings with varied formats on trade enforcement topics featuring guest speakers from government and industry.

• ​Meetings with Committee members to review and discuss internally and elevate to appropriate government agencies, as appropriate.

• ​Develop recommendation for KORUS FTA Working Group implementation/enforcement issues to relevant government agencies (e.g. MOTIE, MOEF, KCS)



Katrina Chang - Kim & Chang (02-3703-1537)




1) Committee's Mission Statement

Travel & Tourism is the United States’ 3rd largest export sector of goods & services, exceeding $7.3 bn in 2014. The Visit USA Committee serves as a forum for AMCHAM members to discuss travel and tourism sector issues, assess regulatory changes, exchange industry views and shape policies with both Korean and US Govt policy makers in all areas impacting the industry. It serves as the industry advocate for promoting the economic value of tourism, and facilitating in-country, market based activities that promote the USA as a destination of preference to the Korean market in concert with Brand USA, the public-private National Tourism Office of the United States of America. The Committee is part of the US Travel Association’s worldwide network of “Visit USA Committees”. The Korea committee’s membership includes a diverse scope of businesses that are touched by travel and tourism.

2) Activities in Support of this Mission

• Quarterly workshops for exchanging industry information, best practices and developing cross- marketing opportunities between members to increase market demand and commercial activity

• Sponsorship of Korean trade and consumer events to promote awareness and demand for US travel

• In country marketing co-ordination with “Brand USA” to secure matching funds for the execution of marketing activities in Korea that build economic value for members and foster US commerce

• Serve as a clearing house for travel related industry data for members

• Liason with US Travel Association and Brand USA in Washington, DC to lobby key Korea issues and execute global marketing initiatives in Korea through the Committee members



Michael Jensen - Mohegan INSPIRE Entertainment Resort

Andrew Kim - Delta Air Lines

Mark Meany - Conrad Seoul




1) Committee's Mission Statement

i. The Committee provides a forum for AMCHAM members to discuss and explore women’s issues.

ii. The Committee aims to impact and work with both individuals and companies in encouraging the development of competencies and policies that support these goals and increase the inclusion of women at all levels of corporate life, placing no limits on either career aspirations or career opportunities.

iii. The Committee seeks to engage men to actively participate in our achieving our mission.

2) Activities in Support of the Mission


* Organize forum/meetings on a quarterly basis but will be flexible to have joint meeting with other committees.

* Women’s Leadership will primarily focus on female agenda to develop/increase the number of female leaders in Korea but will take the subject of getting feedback from the audience to address the major interests.

* Engage with Korean and US stakeholders around policy to ensure the systems are in place to support the development of women in business.


Christina Ahn - Korn Ferry (02-2097-8160)

Namju Cho - Dulwich College Seoul (02-3015-8516)

Hyesun Kim - HP Korea (031-5176-7778)

Policy Seminar
Policy Seminars


Drawing on deep and long-standing relationships with the U.S. and Korean governments, AMCHAM provides the premier platform to advocate for priority issues that affect our member companies. AMCHAM members are able to frequently engage with government representatives through public seminars and closed-door roundtable meetings.

Let us know if you would like to join AMCHAM Policy Seminar by contacting marketing@amchamkorea.org


·Schedules are subject to change.

  • April

    AMCHAM Human Resourses Workshop

    AMCHAM Human Resources Workshop is one of the signature annual industry seminars. Attended by more than 100 members and relevant stakeholders, this exclusive seminar will provide updates on the latest trends and practices in the HR field both in Korea and internationally.

  • May

    AMCHAM Sustainability Seminar

    AMCHAM Sustainability Seminar discusses how companies can contribute to a better and more sustainable future for all while also improving their business performance. The seminar will focus on ways to improve public well-being but at the same time spur economic growth.

  • June

    AMCHAM Healthcare Innovation Seminar

    As life expectancy is steadily increasing and access to medical care is vital, AMCHAM Healthcare Innovation Seminar discusses the advantages of various medical technologies in Korea with experts in pharmaceuticals and medical devices industry.

  • October

    AMCHAM Doing Business in The U.S. / Korea Seminar

    AMCHAM Doing Business Seminar discusses how to find constructive solutions to business issues faced by foreign-invested companies in Korea and U.S. and highlight the contributions of such companies as key stakeholders in the Korean economy.

Webinar Series
Webinar Series


The AMCHAM Webinar Marketing Service provides a unique opportunity to host customized online events via the AMCHAM platform. Offering a quick, simple and convenient method of "Untact/Ontact Marketing," AMCHAM webinars are a powerful tool for brand promotion and service demonstration.

Let us know if you would like to join AMCHAM Webinar by contacting marketing@amchamkorea.org

AMCHAM Webinar Series

AMCHAM Webinar Series 2020
Social Networking
Social Networking


AMCHAM holds networking events that allow professionals and executives across all industries to explore business opportunities.
These events take place four times a year.

Let us know if you would like to join AMCHAM Networking night by contacting amchamrsvp@amchamkorea.org


·Schedules are subject to change.

  • March

    Networking Night

  • June

    Networking Night

  • September

    Networking Night

  • NovemBEER

    Networking Night

Inaugural Ball
Inaugural Ball


AMCHAM Inaugural Ball is one of Seoul’s largest and luxury black-tie events. This exclusive celebration welcomes newly-elected members of the Board of Governors and ushers in the new year with approximately 1,000+ VIP guests. With Inaugural Ball events, corporations get exclusive brand awareness and high-end promotion effects as well as networking with 1,000+ VIP guests.

Let us know if you would like to join AMCHAM Inaugural Ball by contacting amchamrsvp@amchamkorea.org

inaugural ball