(한글은 아래 참조) ?????
June 16, 2019 (Seoul) - The
American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM Korea) hosted the 10th AMCHAM Healthcare
Innovation Seminar on Friday, June 14, at the Four Seasons Hotel Seoul. This
year’s seminar was particularly special as it marked the 10th
anniversary of the seminar’s establishment.
200 representatives from the Korean and U.S. governments, industries and
academia gathered to share their insight through presentations and panel
discussions under the theme of “People-Centric
Healthcare: Towards Sustainability and Innovation.” The seminar aims to
facilitate an open and constructive dialogue on innovation in the healthcare
In his congratulatory remarks, H.E.
Kim Ganglip, Vice Minister of Health and Welfare, thanked AMCHAM’s efforts
in paving the way forward for the cooperative relationship between the U.S. and
Korea as well as the healthy ecosystem for the healthcare industry. He pledged
to work closely with the private sector, who are on the frontlines of
collaboration and innovation in the healthcare industry.
Noll, Counselor for Economic Affairs of the
U.S. Embassy Seoul, highlighted the importance of deepened and improved
relations between the Korean and U.S.’ governments and industries. He stressed that “Through
cooperation with the public and private sectors, we can see the right stage for
nurturing innovation and development which is important to all industries.”
Min Hyung-bae, Presidential Secretary
for Social Policy, delivered the plenary keynote presentation on Moon
Administration’s policies towards an innovative and inclusive society. He
elaborated on President Moon’s core policies on the healthcare and welfare
system, which is to enhance the social safety net, create a lifetime healthcare
management system, promote innovative growth and respond to low birth rate and
aging society. He concluded the presentation by encouraging continued support of
the people-centric healthcare system.
The morning session included presentations and panel discussions with a
panel comprised of Valery E. Gallagher,
Deputy Director, Global Government Policy and Advocacy of Baxter, Young-Hak Kim, M.D., Ph.D., Member of
Healthcare Special Sub-Committee, Presidential Committee on the 4th
Industrial Revolution, Dong-Hee Kim,
CEO of Philips Korea. They discussed the topic of “Building a Sustainable
Healthcare Ecosystem for the Future.”
During the afternoon session, the medical devices and pharmaceutical
sessions covered the topics “Democratization of Healthcare” and “Sustainable
Healthcare Plan for Innovation and Patients.”
*Group Photo Caption (from left)
Sang-Soo (SS) Lee, Corporate Affairs Director of Medtronic Korea & Co-Chair of AMCHAM Medical Devices Committee, Jae Yoo, Area Managing Director, North Asia of Johnson & Johnson Medical North Asia, Sean Kim, Senior Director/MA & HC Policy of Korean Research-based Pharma Industry Association (KRPIA), Amy Jackson, Japan Representative of PhRMA, Dong-wook (Dave) Oh, Country Manager & Internal Medicine Korea Lead of Pfizer Korea, H.E. Kim Ganglip, Vice Minister of Health and Welfare, James Kim, Chairman & CEO of AMCHAM Korea, George Noll, Counselor for Economic Affairs of U.S. Embassy Seoul, Amit Laroya, President & Managing Director of 3M Korea, H.E. Min Hyung-bae, Presidential Secretary for Social Policy
암참, 국내 보건의료산업 혁신성장 위한 노력 10주년 맞아
-‘암참 보건의료혁신세미나’
10주년 기념식 진행
-보건의료 정책기관 및 국내외 의료기기·제약사 관계자 200여명
2019년 6월 16일 ? 주한미국상공회의소 (이하“암참”)는 지난 6월 14일 (금) 포시즌스 호텔 서울에서 ‘2019 암참 보건의료혁신세미나’를 개최했다. 금년도는 특히 개최 10주년을 맞아 특별 케이크 커팅식을 가졌다.
한미 보건의료산업의 협력사업 및 발전방안을 강구하고, 민관 및 산학연 간 정책 공감대 형성을 위해 개최되는 본 세미나에 약 200여명의 보건의료산업 정책기관, 국내외 의료기기·제약사 및 학계가 참석하여 ‘지속가능하고 혁신적인 사람 중심 보건 의료’ 주제 하에 활발한 발표와 토론을 벌였다.
김강립 보건복지부 차관은 축사를 통해 한미 양국간 보건의료 협력 강화와 공동 성장 증진을 위해 가교 역할을 하고 있는 암참에 감사를 표하고, “혁신적인 의료기술을 선도하는 다국적 회사들과 앞으로 보다 긴밀히 소통할 것”이라고 전했다.
민형배 청와대 대통령비서실 사회정책비서관은 ‘혁신적 포용국가를 위한 보건복지 정책’을 주제로 한 연설을 통해 문재인 정부의 국정 기조 및 패러다임 전환, 그리고 주요 보건복지정책에 대해 설명했다. 민 비서관은 문재인 정부의 보건복지 정책의 핵심 과제로 △사회안전망 강화, △평생 국민 건강관리체계구축, △보건산업 혁신성장, 그리고 △저출산, 고령사회 대응을 꼽았다.
오전 프로그램에서는 밸러리 갤러거 박스터 글로벌 정책 및 대외협력 총괄대행, 김영학 대통령직속 4차산업혁명위원회 헬스케어 특별위원회 위원, 김동희 필립스코리아 대표을 비롯한 패널들이 ‘미래를 위한 지속 가능한 의료 생태계 구축’에 대해 논의했다.
오후 프로그램은 제약 세션과 의료기기 세션으로 나뉘어 의료 민주화’와 ‘환자와 혁신을 위한 지속가능 헬스케어 계획’을 주제로 패널들이 활발한 토론을 벌였다.