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[News Article] Crypto.com makes Korean debut

Crypto.com makes Korean debut   By Im Eun-byel, The Korea Herald - Cryptocurrency exchange operator Crypto.com said Tuesday it would launch its exchange app service in Korea this month while expressing its hope for winning the regulatory nod for Korean won-based transactions soon, the company announced Tuesday. The firm said it will launch an exchange app for Korean users on April 29, enabling coin-to-coin transactions through the license earned by local exchange OK-Bit. Through the launch, Crypto.com will become the first regulated foreign player to operate a service here, it explained. “The first product we will be launching in Korea is the Crypto.com app, which is our most popular product globally. We have been localizing and adapting it to the Korean market needs over the last 12 months,” Eric Anziani, president and chief operating officer at Crypto.com, said at a press conference in Seoul. “It is a fully mobile product offering a convenient and safe way to buy, sell and store digital assets including non-fungible tokens, enabling Korean customers to access global prices in a regulated manner.” Users of the app will be able to execute transactions of virtual assets at a global price through the exchange service, without the so-called “kimchi premium,” which refers to the price discrepancy of the assets between Korean and international markets, Anziani explained. With the local market heavily dominated by major players such as Upbit and Bithumb, Crypto.com views that it may not be able to take up a significant market share here through the launch of coin-to-coin trading. For the time being, its goal lies more in reputation building, the company said. “We are not likely to see a spike in transaction volume through just coin-to-coin trading. Building a reputation for Crypto.com will be a big win for us, rather than achieving high sales in the short term,” said Patrick Yoon, general manager of Crypto.com's Korean subsidiary. In the meantime, Crypto.com will make efforts to earn a license to trade Korean won into virtual assets, such as partnering with a local bank for real-name accounts. “Earning approval to use real-name accounts for Korean won trading is not easy, especially for a global exchange to launch operations here for the first time. But we will have to try,” Yoon said. Anziani stressed Crypto.com has extensive experience in working with regulatory bodies across the world. “Over the years, we have built an extensive network of banking relationships in the US, Canada, the UK, Europe and Singapore,” Anziani said, adding that it operates a local team to understand the requirements of a regulator. “It is something that we have been doing across the globe. We are known to be that bridge between traditional money and digital money.” Source: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240402050664 


[News Article] SK하이닉스, 반도체업계 최초 네온 가스 재활용 기술 개발

SK하이닉스, 반도체업계 최초 네온 가스 재활용 기술 개발  연합뉴스 장하나 기자 - SK하이닉스는 국내 반도체용 특수가스 기업 TEMC와 협업해 반도체 업계 최초로 네온(Ne) 가스 재활용 기술을 개발했다고 1일 밝혔다.  국제 정세 불안으로 수입에 의존해 온 네온의 수급 불확실성이 커지는 가운데 국내 소부장(소재·부품·장비) 기업과 함께 재활용 기술 개발에 나선 지 1년여 만에 이룬 성과다.  네온은 희귀 가스 중 하나로, 반도체 노광공정에 필수적인 엑시머 레이저 가스의 주요 성분이다. 네온은 레이저 광원으로 활용할 때 화학적으로 분해되거나 변형되지 않는다는 특징이 있기 때문에 한 번 사용한 네온은 불순물 제거 등의 분리·정제만 거치면 재활용이 가능하다.  SK하이닉스와 TEMC는 노광공정 이후에 스크러버(반도체 생산 공정 중 발생하는 가스, 화합물 등을 걸러내고 제거하는 장치)를 통해 공기 중으로 배출되던 네온 가스를 수집 탱크에 포집하고, TEMC의 가스 처리 과정을 통해 네온만 선택적으로 분리해 정제했다. 이렇게 정제된 네온은 다시 SK하이닉스로 공급돼 반도체 제조 공정에 사용된다.  현재 네온 회수율은 72.7%에 이르며, SK하이닉스는 앞으로 지속적으로 정제수율을 개선해 네온 회수율을 77%까지 높일 계획이다.  네온 재활용 기술이 반도체 팹(fab·반도체 생산시설)에 적용될 경우 연간 400억원 상당의 네온 구매 비용이 줄어들 것으로 예상된다. 네온 생산 과정에서의 온실가스 배출량(스코프3)을 1만2천tCO2e/yr 가량 줄이는 효과도 창출할 것으로 보인다.  네온 재활용 기술 개발을 주도한 SK하이닉스 탄소관리위원회 소재 재활용 분과는 반도체 공정에서 화학적으로 분해·변형되지 않는 모든 소재의 재활용을 최종 목표로 삼고 있다. 2025년까지 네온, 중수소, 수소, 헬륨 등 4개 가스 소재와 황산 등 화학 소재를 비롯해 총 10개 원자재의 재활용 기술을 개발할 계획이다.  앞서 SK하이닉스는 지난 2월 '재활용 소재 사용 중장기 로드맵'을 발표하고, 2025년까지 재활용 소재 비율을 25%, 2030년까지 30% 이상으로 늘리겠다는 목표를 밝힌 바 있다.  SK하이닉스는 "해외 의존도가 높은 소재의 수급 문제를 해결하고, 반도체 제조 전반의 밸류체인에 걸쳐 배출되는 온실가스를 감축해 회사의 경쟁력을 높이고 환경 문제 해결에 기여하겠다"며 "앞으로도 전문성을 갖춘 협력사들과의 파트너십을 더욱 발전시켜 나가겠다"고 말했다.  출처: https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20240401049200003?input=1195m


[News Article] LG엔솔·GM 합작 '얼티엄셀즈' 2공장, 본격 가동

LG엔솔·GM 합작 '얼티엄셀즈' 2공장, 본격 가동 매거진 한경 안옥희 기자 - LG에너지솔루션이 자사와 미국 제너럴모터스(GM)와의 합작법인 얼티엄셀즈 제2공장에서 생산된 첫 번째 배터리 셀이 고객사에 인도됐다고 밝혔다.  이 공장에서 생산되는 배터리는 ‘캐딜락 리릭’ 등 GM 3세대 신규 전기차 모델에 탑재될 예정이다.  얼티엄셀즈 제2공장은 단계적으로 가동 라인을 늘려 총 50GWh까지 생산 능력을 확대할 예정이다. 이는 1회 충전 시 500km 이상 주행이 가능한 고성능 순수 전기차 약 60만 대를 생산할 수 있는 양이다.  얼티엄셀즈 제2공장은 자동화·정보화·지능화 등 최첨단 스마트팩토리 시스템을 적용해 생산 효율을 극대화한 것이 특징이다. 자동화된 제조 공정과 설비를 도입해 생산 속도를 대폭 높였고, 또한 각각의 생산 단계마다 최첨단 품질 검사 및 제품 오류 검증 방법 등을 적용해 최고 수준의 품질을 확보할 수 있도록 했다.  LG에너지솔루션 관계자는 “얼티엄셀즈 제1, 제2공장 모두 해외 사업장을 다년간 운영해온 LG에너지솔루션의 풍부한 양산 경험, 고객가치 역량, 최첨단 스마트팩토리 시스템이란 3박자가 총 집결된 작품”이라며 “초기 가동 시 발생할 수 있는 시행착오를 최소화해 안정적인 운영을 해 나갈 것”이라고 말했다.  앞서 얼티엄셀즈는 미국 오하이오주에 위치한 제1공장 가동을 2022년 11월 시작, 가동 초기부터 높은 수준의 수율을 유지하는 등 안정적인 생산을 이어오고 있다. 2025년 가동을 목표로 하고 있는 미시간주 제3공장 역시 건설 작업이 순조롭게 진행 중이다.  얼티엄셀즈 제2공장 김영득 법인장은 “LG에너지솔루션과 GM의 공고한 파트너십을 바탕으로 탄생한 제2공장은 제1공장, 제3공장과 더불어 북미 전기차 시장의 핵심 기지로 성장해 나갈 것”이라며 “압도적 기술리더십으로 차별화된 고객경험을 만들어 나갈 것”이라고 말했다.  한편 LG에너지솔루션은 글로벌 경기 침체로 인한 전기차 시장 수요 둔화 속에서도 미래를 위한 투자를 지속하고 있다.  현재의 위기 상황은 일시적이며 북미 시장을 비롯해 글로벌 전기차 시장이 본격 성장기에 돌입하는 때 선제적 진입 효과를 누릴 수 있을 것이란 판단 때문이다.  오히려 압도적인 기술 리더십 및 고객가치 역량을 차별화할 수 있는 기회로 삼을 수 있다고 보고 전사적 역량을 집중하고 있다.  실제 LG에너지솔루션은 얼티엄셀즈 제1·2·3공장을 비롯해 현대차그룹·혼다·스텔란티스 등과 함께 합작공장을 운영 및 건설 중이다. 미시간주, 애리조나주에서는 LG에너지솔루션 단독 공장을 운영 및 준비 중이다.  출처: https://magazine.hankyung.com/business/article/202404023076b


[News Article] Hyundai Motor Group takes global EV market by storm

Hyundai Motor Group takes global EV market by storm Carmaker’s E-GMP-based EVs win World Car of the Year for 3rd year straight By Ko Dong-hwan, The Korea Times - Hyundai Motor Group is taking the global market for electric vehicles (EVs) by storm as it has added three new awards to the heap of international crowns it has collected since 2020, according to the country's biggest carmaker, Tuesday. This year's World Car Awards on March 27 saw Kia's EV9 and Hyundai Motor Company's IONIQ 5 N beating other world-class brands. The EV9 won in the World Car of the Year and World Electric Vehicle categories, while the Ioniq 5 N won in the World Performance Car category. The group previously saw its vehicles winning the awards. The IONIQ 5 won in the World Car of the Year and the World Electric Vehicle categories in 2022 and the IONIQ 6 in 2023 and EV9 in 2024. The group's latest achievements came after it launched its E-GMP dedicated EV platform in 2020 and started pipelining EVs for the global market. With its latest awards, the group has won the World Car of the Year category four times in the past decade, the most among the complete car factories of the world, beating Jaguar Land Rover, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo and Volkswagen Group. Taking into account the North American Car of the Year and European Car of the Year awards, the group's accolades stand out even further across the major car markets in the world such as the U.K., Germany, the U.S. and Canada, beating other automotive groups. Alongside the World Car Awards, the two regional awards are considered the world's biggest recognition for cars. Out of a total of 274 honors bestowed by the three awards, Hyundai Motor Group has so far claimed 66, while Volkswagen Group claimed the No. 2 spot with 33. As per brand, Hyundai Motor Company and Kia won the highest number of awards with 28 and 27, respectively. Mazda follow with 19, Volkswagen with 17 and Honda with 16. Hyundai Motor Group's EVs have contributed a significant portion to the group's global awards overall. The IONIQ has won more than half of Hyundai Motor Company's entire prizes, while the EV9 and EV6 have altogether won 10 prizes for Kia. In the past three years, 66 percent of the group's entire global prizes, 41 in number, were won by its EVs based on E-GMP. E-GMP has allowed the group to apply its EV technologies to all its models by making the platform modular and standardized. The group plans to complete a new EV manufacturing plant in Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi Province, by June and will start producing the new EV3 for local consumers. The group's Metaplant America (HMGMA), Kia's new EV factory in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, and Hyundai Motor Company's new EV factory in Ulsan are expected to follow with operation launches. "We're thrilled our competitive E-GMP EVs have been recognized by global auto experts," a group official said. "We'll keep building EV manufacturing plants in different parts of the world and introduce new EVs to global consumers. Our brand will hopefully become one of the world's top 3 by 2030." Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2024/04/419_371900.html 


[News Article] 대한항공, '미국 뉴욕 취항 45주년' 기념행사

대한항공, '미국 뉴욕 취항 45주년' 기념행사   연합뉴스 이승연 기자 - 대한항공은 미국 뉴욕 취항 45주년을 맞아 기념행사를 개최했다고 1일 밝혔다. 대한항공은 지난달 29일 오전(현지시간) 뉴욕 JFK 국제공항에서 인천으로 향하는 대한항공 KE082편의 45번째 탑승 수속 승객에게 인천∼뉴욕 왕복 프레스티지 항공권 1매를 증정했다. 또 이날 KE082편에 탑승한 승객 전원에게는 특별 제작한 에코백을 증정했다. 에코백은 미국 뉴욕의 비영리 문화예술단체 뉴욕한인예술인협회(KANA)와 협업해 제작됐다. 대한항공은 오는 4일 뉴욕 맨해튼에서 이진호 대한항공 미주지역본부장, 현지 주요 인사 및 관계자들이 참석한 가운데 기념행사를 개최할 예정이다. 대한항공은 지난 1979년 3월 29일 김포∼뉴욕 정기 여객편 KE008편을 처음으로 운항했다. 당시 KE008편은 미국 앵커리지를 거쳐 15시간 10분 만에 뉴욕에 도착했다. 해당 노선은 한국과 미국 동부 지역을 1일 교역권으로 좁혀 국내 산업 발전에 크게 기여한 것으로 평가받는다. 개설 초기 주 3회 운항되던 뉴욕 노선은 1986년부터 주 10회로 증편됐으며, 현재는 주 14회 운항되고 있다. 작년 총 탑승객 수는 41만7천920명으로, 미주 노선에서 두 번째로 많은 승객을 실어 날랐다. 출처: https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20240401038300003?input=1195m 


[News Article] LG CNS to introduce 10 AI legal services in 2024

LG CNS to introduce 10 AI legal services in 2024   By Jeong Ho-jun and Lee Eun-joo, Pulse - LG CNS Co., a digital transformation company under South Korea’s LG Group, is poised to launch specialized legal services specialized for the legal sector in 2024 that will use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze precedents and draft legal documents. The company currently offers six generative AI services, and aims to expand its portfolio to include ten services by the end of 2024, including specialized legal services, to solidify its position as the top generative AI business organization in Korea. Lee Joo-youl, vice president at LG CNS Applied AI research, Lim Eun-young, director of generative AI business unit, and Kim Kyung-il, professional leader of AI business, met with the Maeil Business Newspaper and shared the company’s AI goals. The AI Center, which LG CNS opened in January 2024, comprises the AI Research Institute, Generative AI Business Unit, and AI Business Manager, with over 200 AI experts. “AI is evolving rapidly,” Lim said. “Integrating our research and technology organizations is a move to propose and executive business quickly.” The Generative AI Business Unit oversees generative AI businesses such as drafting document outlines and image generation while the AI Business Professional Leader focuses on the AI Contact Center business. LG CNS plans to develop four new services in 2024, including the Specialized Legal Service and Generative AI Discovery, which support companies in introducing generative AI services from the initial stage. “The Specialized Legal Service includes policies such as using generative AI for precedent analysis, providing legal information, and drafting legal documents,” Lim said. The company is also mulling collaborations with law firms or legal startups. The Center also offers a portfolio of six generative AI offerings, including internal knowledge-based answers, visual content creation, business support and automation, the Future Contact Center, management decision support, and AI coding. “We conducted over 20 Proof of Concepts (PoCs) in 2023, introducing a service that learns from Ministry of Interior and Safety documents to generate draft speeches and support Q&A,” Lim said. “This service uses EXAONE, LG AI Research Institute’s Large Language Model (LLM).” She noted that a smaller EXAWON model is fine-tuned to use ministry data for tasks such as drafting speeches or internal announcements, providing results within seconds. LG CNS is also enhancing its future AI Contact Center (AICC) business. Kim, who is in charge of the project, said that the financial sector is most enthusiastic about adopting AICC, adding that “it has recently been actively adopted in the public and distribution sectors.” The AI research center comprises language, vision, data and engineering labs. Lee, who serves as the vice president of AI research, noted that the company is researching multi-modalities simultaneously to prepare for the future while advancing LLM technology. It is focusing on multi-modal AI that understands various types of data, such as images. LG CNS has developed an image-generative AI called DRAG. “Moving forward, it will be an era of LXM that not only includes language but also large multi-modal models (LMM), and large action models (LAM),” Lee said. “We plan to conduct research to provide a differentiated customer experience using various LXM models,” he added. Source: https://pulsenews.co.kr/view.php?year=2024&no=238522 


[News Article] LG Energy Solution ramps up partner support

LG Energy Solution ramps up partner support   BY JEONG SEONWU, Korea JoongAng Daily - LG Energy Solution is enhancing the competitiveness of its partners and establishing a sustainable mutual growth system through various collaborative activities.   The company plans to further strengthen its cooperation with its partners to overcome uncertainties such as global economic downturns and solidify its position as a leading global battery company. It has expanded the scope of its productivity improvement and quality enhancement support system from its domestic partners to overseas partners. In addition to securing its production cost competitiveness through short-term goals, the company is also working on medium to longterm goals such as establishing a value chain based on localization and supporting the discovery of new technologies. LG Energy Solution cuts no costs in providing financial support for mutual growth with its partners. The Investment Funding for Mutual Growth is a fund established in 2020 that is worth 150 billion won ($111.4 million). Through this fund, the company assists partners in taking out loans with low-interest rates. In the case of equipment investments or operating expenses, which can impose a strain on partners, financial support proves to be of significant assistance. LG Energy Solution makes its payments before the predetermined date before holidays, helping partner companies secure liquidity from temporary surges in fund demand. Additionally, by implementing the Delivery Price Indexation System, the company shares the burden placed on its partner companies caused by increases in raw material prices. LG Energy Solution is actively working to promote a culture of fair trade with its partners. The company has taken proactive steps to establish a subcontracting review committee, conducting internal reviews to ensure compliance with laws before and after contracts are signed. Furthermore, the company has set up an autonomous dispute resolution committee to internally resolve disputes with partner companies. LG Energy Solution is planning to introduce various new support programs for its partners.   Among them is a system where projects jointly pursued with partners, possessing merit in both innovation and business, are recommended to credit guarantee funds.   Depending on the assessment results, partners participating in the projects will be supported to receive debt guarantees. LG Energy Solution is also preparing extensive support for partners in areas such as education, recruitment and welfare benefits. The company is discussing partnerships with online educational institutions to provide partner company employees with free online training courses covering legally required training such as sexual harassment prevention, business, IT, languages, culture, and leadership courses for self-improvement as well as job competency. The company also plans to establish exclusive recruitment sections for partner companies on job search platforms to assist in recruitment efforts. “We will establish a firm relationship of trust with our partners, expanding our mutually complementary dynamic and technological cooperation to strengthen quality, technology, and productivity innovation,” LG Energy Solution said “By doing so, we will continue to maintain leadership in next-generation batteries while pursuing genuine mutual growth.” Source:https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-03-29/business/guestReports/LG-Energy-Solution-ramps-up-partner-support/2014242 


[News Article] 델타항공, 패스트컴퍼니 ‘2024 세계에서 가장 혁신적인 기업’에 선정

델타항공, 패스트컴퍼니 ‘2024 세계에서 가장 혁신적인 기업’에 선정  이데일리 박민 기자 - 델타항공은 미국 경제전문지 패스트컴퍼니(Fast Company)가 선정한 ‘2024 세계에서 가장 혁신적인 기업’ 여행 부문에서 올해 2위로 오르며 지난해 8위보다 거듭 높은 순위를 차지했다고 29일 밝혔다. 델타는 우수한 고객 서비스를 제공하기 위한 강력한 의지와 열정을 지속적으로 인정받아 2017년에 혁신 기업에 처음 선정된 이후 올해 다섯 번째로 이름을 올렸다.  패스트컴퍼니는 2008년부터 매년 혁신을 통해 산업과 사회를 재편하는 기업들을 선정해 발표하고 있으며 올해 종합 발표에서 엔비디아가 1위를 차지하고 하이브가 국내 기업으로 유일하게 23위를 기록해 주목받기도 했다. 여행 부문에서는 델타항공이 항공사로 유일하게 선정됐다.  델타의 ‘초고속 무료 기내 와이파이 서비스’가 가장 큰 선정 이유로 꼽혔다. 델타가 티모바일(T-Mobile)과 협업해 작년 2월부터 미국 메이저 항공사 최초로 무료 와이파이를 제공하여 보다 뛰어난 기내 연결성을 선사했다고 봤다. 현재까지 50만 편이 넘는 미국내 비행 편에 제공됐으며, 3500만 명 이상의 승객이 와이파이 서비스를 사용한 것으로 나타났다.  델타는 디트로이트 공항에서 하나의 디지털 화면으로 최대 100명의 승객에게 맞춤 여행 정보를 제공하는 평행현실(Parallel Reality) 기술 및 공항 터미널 현대화를 위한 대대적인 투자 등 승객의 여정을 간소화하는 노력들로 지난 해에도 혁신 기업으로 선정된 바 있다. 이와 같이 항공뿐만 아니라 지상에서도 프리미엄한 경험을 선사하기 위해 델타는 꾸준한 혁신으로 승객들에게 더욱 높은 편의성과 다양한 선택지를 제공할 계획이다.  델타항공은 에어트랜스포트 월드(Air Transport World, ATW) 매거진의 2024 ‘올해의 항공사,’ 포춘(Fortune)의 ‘세계에서 가장 존경받는 기업’ 11위 및 ‘세계에서 가장 존경받는 항공사’ 1위, 비즈니스 트래블 뉴스(Business Travel News)의 최우수 항공사 1위 등 최근 여러 수상으로 업계 최고 수준의 항공사로 높은 평가를 받았다.  한국에서도 인천국제공항공사의 2023년 하반기 협동운항관리시스템(A-CDM) 운영 최우수상 수상 및 ‘제8회 인천에어포트 어워즈(ICN Awards)’에서 우수항공사로 선정되는 등 뛰어난 운항 실적과 안정적인 운영을 인정받았다.  출처: https://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=02132006638828240&;mediaCodeNo=257&OutLnkChk=Y


[News Article] Hyundai Motor eyes 80,000 jobs, W68tr investment at home by 2026

Hyundai Motor eyes 80,000 jobs, W68tr investment at home by 2026  By Kan Hyeong-woo, The Korea Herald - Hyundai Motor Group announced Wednesday a grand plan to invest 68 trillion won ($50.7 billion) in Korea and create 80,000 jobs by the end of 2026 to secure future growth engines as a global first mover in the mobility sector. According to the auto conglomerate, 31.1 trillion won, about 46 percent of the investment, will be assigned to research and development to secure core technologies in improving product competitiveness, electric vehicle transition, advancing software-defined vehicles and internalizing battery technology for EVs. Hyundai Motor Group has committed 35.3 trillion won toward expanding R&D infrastructure, building EV-dedicated factories, joint investment in affiliates, the Global Business Center project and strengthening information technology capabilities. The remaining 1.6 trillion won has been set aside for strategic investment. To speed up the EV transition, Hyundai Motor plans to spend a large chunk of the investment on building EV manufacturing sites in the country. The automaker said it will complete the construction of the Kia EVO Plant -- the group’s first EV-dedicated manufacturing facility -- in Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi Province in the second quarter of this year and begin production of the Kia EV3 for domestic sales and exports. The company aims to complete the construction of another Kia EVO Plant in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, in the second half of next year to produce purpose-built EVs for customer needs. The automaker added that it will begin the production of its luxury brand Genesis’ full-size electric sports utility vehicle at the Ulsan EV plant in the first quarter of 2026. The company broke ground for the Ulsan EV plant in November last year. Hyundai Motor Group has set the target to expand its EV lineup to 31 models and increase domestic EV production to 1.51 million units per year by 2030. Under the ambition of creating full-cycle hydrogen supply chains to achieve carbon neutrality, the company said it will continue to push for enhancing hydrogen technologies in developing next-generation fuel cell systems as well as hydrogen buses and trucks, and expanding hydrogen chargers across the nation. The carmaker added that it will also focus on the goal of commercializing flying transportation for advanced air mobility by 2028 and establishing a robotics business ecosystem. The automaker noted that the GBC project, which refers to the large-scale complex construction in southern Seoul that includes two 50-some-story buildings and four lower buildings, will be able to serve as a representative landmark of the capital city once the site is completed. The company said if the construction plan gets approved by the authorities in the second half of next year, some 4.6 trillion won will be invested into the project through 2026. For the next three years, the average amount of the investment per year has been set at about 22.7 trillion won, up 30 percent from the 17.5 trillion won investment in 2023. The creation of 80,000 jobs comes three categories: promoting future businesses, strengthening existing businesses and their competitiveness and rehiring experienced staff. About 44,000 people will be hired for the future business sector which includes EV transition, software-defined vehicles, carbon neutrality and the GBC project. To strengthen the conglomerate’s existing businesses, 23,000 people will be hired to develop new vehicles, bolster quality and safety management, diversify global business and increase brand value. The auto conglomerate will also support skilled workers facing retirement age by rehiring 13,000 of them for a certain period. Hyundai Motor Group’s eight affiliates operate the continuous employment program for retired employees through agreements with their labor unions. “We plan to continue strengthening our future business competitiveness centered on Korea through large-scale job creation and intensive investment in the country,” said a Hyundai Motor Group official. “We will try to provide extraordinary services to customers with unmatched technologies and products in not only the new businesses that will become new growth engines but also the existing key businesses.” Source: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240327050673 
