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[News Article] LG엔솔, 4.8GWh 규모 ESS 공급계약 체결…"사상 최대"

LG엔솔, 4.8GWh 규모 ESS 공급계약 체결…"사상 최대"   서울경제 이건율 기자 - LG에너지솔루션이 한화가 미국 애리조나주에 조성하는 대규모 에너지 저장시스템(ESS) 프로젝트 수주에 성공했다. 규모는 4.8GWh(기가와트시)로 업계에서는 1조 4000억 원 이상으로 추산한다. LG에너지솔루션은 17일 공시를 통해 한화솔루션 큐셀부문 미국 법인과 총 4.8GWh 규모의 ESS 배터리 공급계약을 체결했다고 밝혔다. LG에너지솔루션이 그동안 진행했던 ESS 프로젝트 중 단일 기준 최대 규모다. 공급된 ESS는 미국 애리조나주 라 바즈 카운티에 설치된다. 계약기간은 2026년 10월까지다. 앞서 LG에너지솔루션은 지난해 한화큐셀, ㈜한화 모멘텀부문, 한화에어로스페이스 등 한화그룹 3개사와 ESS 사업 등 배터리 관련 사업협력을 위한 업무협약(MOU)을 체결한 바 있다. 이번 계약을 통해 ‘LG에너지솔루션 버테크’의 시스템통합(SI)도 함께 제공된다. 버테크는 LG에너지솔루션이 2022년 공식 출범한 ESS SI 전문 자회사다. ESS 기획, 설계, 설치 및 유지·보수 등 ESS 사업 전반을 아우르는 역량을 보유한 것으로 알려져 있다. LG에너지솔루션은 가파르게 성장하는 북미 ESS 시장을 선점하기 위한 노력을 지속하고 있다. 현재 LG에너지솔루션은 미국 애리조나에 총 17GWh 규모의 ESS용 LFP 배터리 공장을 건설하고 있다. 26년 본격 가동을 시작할 예정이다. 배터리업계 관계자는 “전기차 시장 캐즘으로 배터리 산업이 주춤한 상황에서 LG에너지솔루션과 한화의 북미 ESS 공급 계약은 의미 있는 소식”이라며 “빠르게 성장하는 북미 ESS 시장 선점을 위해 양사의 전략적 파트너십은 더욱 확대될 것으로 기대된다”고 말했다. 한편 시장조사기관 SNE 리서치에 따르면 북미 ESS 시장은 2023년 55GWh에서 2035년 181GWh까지 성장할 것으로 전망된다. 출처: https://www.sedaily.com/NewsView/2D981TTG3T 


[News Article] 메트라이프생명 MDRT Day 개최..송영록 대표 “창립 35주년..소외되는 고객 없도록 할 것”

메트라이프생명 MDRT Day 개최..송영록 대표 “창립 35주년..소외되는 고객 없도록 할 것”   파이낸셜뉴스 박신영 기자 - 메트라이프생명은 지난 14일 서울 파르나스 그랜드 인터컨티넨탈 호텔에서 자사 소속 MDRT 회원들의 축제 ‘2024 메트라이프 MDRT Day’를 개최했다고 17일 밝혔다. 메트라이프 MDRT Day 20주년을 맞이해 진행된 이번 행사는 ‘Harmony’라는 주제로 총 600여명이 참석해 성황을 이뤘다. 우수지점 시상, MDRT 문화 노하우 공유, 수상자 대담 등 성공을 나누고 서로를 격려하는 시간을 가졌다. 또 외부 강연을 통한 동기부여, 다양한 아이디어 교류 등을 통해 새로운 목표를 설정하고 도전을 향해 결의를 다졌다. MDRT(Million Dollar Round Table∙백만 달러 원탁회의)는 1927년 미국 멤피스에서 시작된 전문가 단체로, 보험∙재무설계 분야 최고의 전문가에게만 회원 자격이 주어진다. MDRT 회원은 연간 약 6250만원 이상의 수수료 또는 약 1억5600만원 이상의 보험료 실적을 달성해야 하며, 엄격한 윤리의식을 갖추고 우수한 고객 서비스를 제공해야 한다. 2024년 메트라이프생명의 MDRT 회원 수는 576명으로 한국MDRT협회가 공시한 전체 등록 회원수 2188명 중 약 26%에 달한다. 메트라이프생명의 보험재무설계사(FSR) 중 약 20.5%가 MDRT회원인 셈이다. 한국MDRT협회뿐 아니라 미국MDRT협회에 등록한 메트라이프생명 재무설계사 회원수 역시 594 명(2024년 3월 기준)으로 국내사 중 1위를 기록했다. 송영록 메트라이프생명 대표이사는 “메트라이프생명이 올해 창립 35주년을 맞은 가운데 모든 고객들이 담당 설계사의 케어를 받아 소외되는 고객이 없도록 할 것”이라며 “탁월한 재무설계 역량과 높은 윤리성을 갖춘 ‘글로벌 세일즈 전문가’ 육성이 궁극적으로는 최상의 고객 서비스로 이어질 것이라 믿으며, 헬스케어 서비스인 360Health 등 차별화된 서비스를 제공하기 위해 더욱 노력하겠다”고 말했다. 출처: https://www.fnnews.com/news/202405170942556669 


[News Article] Amazon Web Services promises energy efficiency through cloud computing, generative AI

Amazon Web Services promises energy efficiency through cloud computing, generative AI   BY LEE JAE-LIM, Korea JoongAng Daily - Korean clients using cloud computing solutions and AI chips from Amazon Web Services (AWS) can prioritize sustainability and cost optimization through generative AI, AWS said on Thursday. Korean clients are particularly interested in reducing their carbon footprint, which can be achieved using the AWS Graviton processor, designed to offer a high-performance computing environment with an emphasis on energy efficiency.   “Korea has the second-largest user base within the Asia-Pacific region that utilizes Graviton,” AWS Korea Director Ham Kee-ho noted at the AWS Summit Seoul 2024 hosted in southern Seoul’s Coex. The annual event gathers IT experts and business leaders to showcase instances of clients utilizing AWS services. Another realm of interest for Korean companies is minimizing costs when utilizing AI. Local demand for two of AWS’s homegrown AI chips, AWS Trainium and AWS Inferentia — both designed to optimize graphics processing unit (GPU) performance and reduce costs — is swiftly on the rise, according to Ham. “Domestic virtual human startup Klleon is a representative example of using Inferentia,” he said. SK Telecom, a major Korean mobile carrier, is another AWS client currently utilizing Amazon Bedrock, a fully managed cloud service that offers a range of high-performing foundation models available for use through a unified application programming interface (API). Using Bedrock, clients can easily develop AI applications by fine-tuning existing large language models (LLMs) with their own data and adding functions like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technology. “We are developing telco-specific LLMs through fine-tuning LLMs and using RAG technology on Bedrock,” said SK Telecom’s Chung Suk-geun, head of global AI tech division. “We plan to launch the telco LLM and personal AI assistant service based on this product within the second half of this year.” Source: https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-05-16/business/industry/Amazon-Web-Services-promises-energy-efficiency-through-cloud-computing-generative-AI/2048436 


[News Article] Hyundai Motor, Kia urged to diversify supply chains as US moves to regulate Chinese c…

Hyundai Motor, Kia urged to diversify supply chains as US moves to regulate Chinese connected cars   By Lee Min-hyung, The Korea Times - Hyundai Motor and Kia need to diversify their parts supply chains beyond China and expand their lobbying efforts to prepare for potential U.S. measures aimed at banning Chinese-connected vehicles, according to experts, Thursday. This reaction follows a series of warnings issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, highlighting concerns that connected cars manufactured by Chinese companies could pose national security threats by potentially leaking sensitive data on American motorists to the Chinese government. On Wednesday (local time), U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo announced that the department will issue rules on Chinese connected vehicles this autumn and consider taking "extreme actions" against them due to security risks. However, since the U.S. government has not yet clarified the specifics regarding the scope of connected vehicles, the recent announcement has sparked concerns that Korean automakers may also face broad and comprehensive regulatory risks from the U.S. Automobile industry analysts said local carmakers should come up with specific action plans by preemptively diversifying their supply chains. “Hyundai Motor and Kia have to brace for the worst by reducing their reliance on China and broadening their supply chains into other countries such as Vietnam,” Lee Ho-geun, an automotive engineering professor at Daedeok University, said. “There stands a possibility that the U.S. will regulate any connected vehicles that are equipped with Chinese parts. Under the scenario, the Korean automakers will be seriously affected, so they are advised to make more efforts to reduce the proportion of Chinese parts in their automobiles.” Even if this may end up increasing the initial costs, maintaining the status quo could result in a larger financial burden for Hyundai Motor and Kia in the long run, according to the expert. “However, it is realistically challenging for automakers to completely avoid using any Chinese components, even if they are minor,” Lee said. “For this reason, the two home-grown automakers should appeal more to the U.S. authority that their connected vehicles are free from any data leak risks by proving that critical components are sourced in Korea and other safe regions.” Other experts urged the government and automakers to expand their lobbying activities in the U.S., so they can map out more concrete countermeasures against the upcoming regulatory hurdle there. “The automakers need to beef up their lobbying actitivites and gain a clearer understanding of the regulatory direction from the U.S.,” Kim Pil-soo, an automotive technology professor at Daelim University College, said. This will help them set up a specific Plan B or even Plan C, according to the professor. “Leaving diverse scenarios open is a must, as the U.S. authority has not shared any concrete regulatory direction, even on what exactly the regulated connected vehicles are,” Kim said. From the viewpoint of Korean automakers, the regulatory action by the U.S. can be widely seen as a political gesture in its power struggle with China. But as of now, there is no clear breakthrough or solution to this situation, according to the professor. “Hyundai Motor Group may have to leave all possibilities open,” he said. “They have no clear strategies to take, other than expanding the lobbying activities for swift decision-making to the upcoming regulation.” Last month, the Korean government and a local automobile association conveyed their concerns about the U.S. regulation to the U.S. authorities. They requested clarification on the scope of connected vehicles that would be subject to the regulation. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2024/05/419_374762.html 


[News Article] Google unveils updated Gemini Nano AI model for upcoming Galaxy series

Google unveils updated Gemini Nano AI model for upcoming Galaxy series   BY JIN EUN-SOO, Korea JoongAng Daily - Google unveiled an updated Gemini Nano for on-device AI that is expected to be installed on Samsung Electronics' upcoming Galaxy S25 smartphones. The Big Tech company held a developer conference, Google I/O 2024, in California on Tuesday where it laid out key updates and a road map for AI to enter what it calls "the Gemini era." The updated Gemini Nano, the smallest version of Google's large language model, comes topped with multimodality, able to process not only text but also video, pictures and sound data. The model will be deployed in Google's Pixel phones in the latter half of the year, according to the tech company. Samsung Electronics is also in talks to install the latest version of the AI model on its Galaxy S25 smartphones, which are slated for release early next year.  "Talks on how to realize the second version of Gemini Nano, which will have multimodal features for on-device AI, have commenced," said Jo Chul-min, vice president of Samsung Electronics' software development division, at a conference in April. In order to optimize the model on Samsung's Exynos 2500 processor, which is expected to power the Galaxy S25, the company is planning to expand the related research team by two to threefold, according to Jo. Speculation was also reignited when Samsung Electronics President Roh Tae-moon, in charge of the mobile business, met with Rick Osterloh, the vice president of Google responsible for platform and device operation, later that month. "Exciting things are coming up for the future of AI-powered Android and Galaxy experiences," a tweet from Samsung read after the meeting. The partnership between the two companies has become tight recently.  The Korean IT giant's first AI smartphone, the Galaxy S24, which launched early this year, has partially deployed the first version of the Gemini Nano along with its own Gauss model to run its on-device AI features. It also introduced Google's flashy Circle-to-Search feature for the first time. At its developer conference, Google also introduced Project Atra, an AI agent that takes on more natural conversation with the user and its own tensor processing unit, Trillium, which has increased the deployment of high bandwidth memory chips twice over compared to the previous version. Source: https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-05-16/business/tech/Google-unveils-updated-Gemini-Nano-AI-model-for-upcoming-Galaxy-series/2048239


[News Article] SK hynix may complete next-generation memory chips by 2026

SK hynix may complete next-generation memory chips by 2026 BY LEE JAE-LIM, Korea JoongAng Daily - SK hynix floated the possibility of completing the development of its next-generation high bandwidth memory (HBM) chips, known as HBM4E, by 2026 at the earliest. “HBM chips, until the fourth generation HBM3, have been developed every two years. But since the fifth generation, HBM3E, the cycle has been shortened to one year,” Kim Gwi-wook, head of SK hynix’s HBM advanced technology division, said Monday at the International Memory Workshop (IMW 2024) at Grand Walkerhill Seoul in Gwangjin District, eastern Seoul. SK hynix has not yet made a production road map for HBM4E chips official, but Kim’s remark signaled that the next-generation chips could be completed by 2026. The chipmaker is currently the sole HBM3 and HBM3E supplier to AI chip goliath Nvidia. It also became the first memory chipmaker to begin supplying eight-layered HBM3E to clients in March. Samples of SK hynix's 12-layered models will be provided to clients this month for verification and are scheduled to begin mass production in the third quarter of this year. Production of sixth-generation chips, or 12-layered HBM4, initially set to kick off in 2026, will instead begin next year. “After this year, the HBM market is expected to continue to grow due to the increase in the number of parameters to enhance AI performance and the expansion of AI service providers,” SK hynix CEO Kwak Noh-jung said at a press event on May 2. The Korean memory giant also announced last month that it had extended its partnership with Taiwan’s TSMC to collaborate on the development of HBM4.  Source:https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-05-15/business/industry/SK-hynix-may-complete-nextgeneration-memory-chips-by-2026/2047413 


[News Article] SK Telecom to lead AI data center standardization

SK Telecom to lead AI data center standardization   By Park Se-ra, The Korea Herald - SK Telecom said Monday that their proposal for standardizing industry-wide technologies for AI data centers has recently been approved as a new research project by a UN telecom agency. The ITU-T, a division of the UN-affiliated International Telecommunication Union, is responsible for studying and establishing electrical and telecom standards, with over 900 entities from around 190 member countries joining. "The ITU-T's endorsement of our new standardization project not only underscores the international community's recognition of the importance of AI DC-related technologies but also affirms our extensive AI R&D capabilities in this field,” said Lee Jong-min, vice president and head of future R&D at SK Telecom. “We aim to finalize the AI DC standard specifications through the collective expertise of SK Group and global partners." SK Telecom said the demand for international standards for AI data center-related technologies has been on the rise, as the increased workloads not only lead to higher energy consumption but also prompt operational inefficiency across industries. The company’s new proposal aims to revise ITU-T’s existing SG 11 requirements and protocols. The proposal is designed to enhance the interconnection and integration of the fundamental technological components that constitute AI data centers, providing a standardized framework that spans various aspects of data center technologies, including signaling methods and usage. Moreover, the proposal systematically defines and categorizes the setup into three primary modules based on their functions and roles: AI Infrastructure, Management and Resource Allocation. Each module is tailored to specific aspects of data center operations: AI Infrastructure focuses on AI computing, cooling technologies, and security; Management deals with the oversight of AI DC infrastructure; and Resource Allocation is linked to the virtualization, allocation, and authentication of resources. Now, SK Telecom is set to work with other member companies to further refine and develop detailed measures concerning data types, interconnection architecture and other aspects. Once these standards are discussed and ultimately adopted through future ITU-T meetings, the standardization proposal will be formalized as a global standard. Source: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240513050533 
