Years of History
Member Companies
& Affiliates
Receive advertising and promotional support through AMCHAM platforms.
Build strong brand recognition via events and activities.
Gain access to AMCHAM media channels and publications.
Be exposed to approximately 800 member companies and affiliates both in the U.S. and Korea.
Have access to key decision makers in US and Korean governments.
Resolve various issues through position papers, meetings, and seminars.
Be represented in U.S. government, industry associations, and think tanks on advocacy issues via Annual Doorknock to Washington D.C.
Receive up-to-date information on ongoing issues and trends through industry-specific committee meetings and policy-related seminars.
Explore present and future trends with approximately 30 industries.
Get the latest on business issues and opportunities via AMCHAM website, quarterly Journal, and annual Membership Directory.
Meet high-level executives of Korean and multinational firms as well as government officials.
Belong to social and professional network across various industries through events such as the Inaugural Ball, Networking Nights, committee meetings, and industry meetups.
Increase the value of your business with your presence at events, your name on AMCHAM branded collateral, and your involvement in the community.
Member Companies
by Nationality
Size of Corporations
Industrial Sector