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[News Article] LG전자·메가존클라우드, 5G 특화망 사업자 됐다

LG전자·메가존클라우드, 5G 특화망 사업자 됐다   지디넷코리아 박수형 기자 - 과학기술정보통신부는 LG전자와 메가존클라우드에 이음5G 주파수할당과 기간통신사업자 등록을 완료했다고 밝혔다. 이번 주파수 공급으로 이음5G 주파수 할당이 13개 기관으로 늘어나며 총 23개 기관 39개소가 이음5G 주파수 할당과 지정을 받게 됐다. LG전자는 경기도 평택에 소재한 LG 디지털파크에 이음5G 통신망을 기반으로 인공지능(AI), 자율이동로봇(AMR), 지능형 관찰카메라(CCTV), 클라우드 등의 성능시험장을 구축해 자사 제품을 검증할 예정이다. 메가존클라우드는 CCTV, 감지기(센서) 등에서 수집한 정보를 이음5G를 통해 클라우드로 전송한 후 분석해 관리하는 지능형물류 시스템을 고객사에 제공할 예정이다. 향후 클라우드와 이음5G의 융합을 통해 로봇과 인간의 협업, 인명 안전사고 예방 등 다양한 서비스를 선보일 계획이다. 앞서 과기정통부는 보안 솔루션 기업 쿤텍과 합동참모본부에 각각 통신 솔루션 검증을 위한 이음5G 주파수공급을 완료했다. 최우혁 과기정통부 전파정책국장은 “이번 이음5G 주파수공급으로 기술력과 다수의 협력사를 보유한 주요 디지털 기업이 이음5G 시장에 적극 진출한 것에 의의가 있다”면서 “향후 다수 기업들이 이음5G 생태계에 참여하여 다양한 산업분야로 확산할 수 있도록 적극 지원할 것”이라고 말했다. 출처: https://zdnet.co.kr/view/?no=20230708221336 


[News Article] LGES, Stellantis resume Ontario plant construction as subsidy deal reached

LGES, Stellantis resume Ontario plant construction as subsidy deal reached  The Korea Times - LG Energy Solution (LGES) said Thursday its joint venture with Stellantis N.V. has reached an agreement with the Canadian governments on the terms of subsidies for the construction of its electric vehicle (EV) battery plant in Ontario. The binding agreement puts the construction of the battery module manufacturing facility in Windsor immediately back on track, the companies said. The deal came about two months after they suspended part of the project over a delay by the Canadian federal and local governments in setting the conditions for incentives as promised to be on par with the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which provides tax credits of up to $7,500 to buyers of EVs assembled only in North America. "We are pleased that the federal government, with the support of the provincial government, came back and met their commitment of leveling the playing field with the IRA. This collective effort enabled the deal to close, and we are now resuming construction on the site in Windsor," Mark Stewart, Stellantis' chief operating officer for North America, said in a release. "We are happy to finally move forward with building the country's first major battery plant and be a central part of the local battery ecosystem," said Kim Dong-myung, president and head of LGES' advanced automotive battery division. In May, LGES and Stellantis said they had halted the construction of the battery module factory amid apparent haggling between the Canadian federal and provincial governments over who should pay more incentives. While the battery cell plant was still under construction, the decision put the brakes on what will be a more than 4.7 trillion-won ($3.6 billion) joint venture between the world's second-largest battery producer and No. 4 automaker. LGES and Stellantis launched their joint venture, NextStar Energy, in March last year to build an EV battery manufacturing plant with an annual production capacity of 45 gigawatt hours. The Ontario plant aims to be completed in the first half of 2024. If the Ontario plant reaches its maximum production targets, NextStar Energy could receive as much as C$19 billion ($14.3 billion) in financial support from the Canadian governments over the next decade, the local outlet Windsor Star has reported, citing an estimate from an unidentified source. The output from the Ontario plant will be supplied to Stellantis assembly plants in the area, which manufacture its famous brands, such as Chrysler and Jeep SUVs. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/07/419_354359.html 


[News Article] 한국다우, ‘2023 무역안보의 날’ 산업부 장관 표창 수상

한국다우, ‘2023 무역안보의 날’ 산업부 장관 표창 수상   헤럴드경제 김은희 기자 - 한국다우는 지난 5일 산업통상자원부가 주최하고 전략물자관리원이 주관한 ‘2023 무역안보의 날’ 행사에서 산업통상자원부 장관 표창을 받았다고 6일 밝혔다. 한국다우는 전략물자 취급단체로서 전략물자 수출관리제도를 차질 없이 이행해 국가사회 발전에 기여한 공로를 인정받았다. 전략물자는 정부가 국제평화와 안전유지, 국가안보 등을 위해 수출입을 통제하는 물품이나 소프트웨어, 기술 등을 뜻한다. 한국다우는 정부의 전략물자 관리 시책에 따라 2012년 사내에 자율수출관리 규정을 제정하고 같은 해 전략물자 자율준수무역거래자 AA 등급을 취득한 이후 매년 최신 요건사항을 반영해오고 있다. 자율준수무역거래자는 수출관리법규 준수를 위해 전략물자의 수출관리에 필요한 조직·규정 등 체제를 갖추고 거래내용을 자율적으로 심사해 수출허가를 내리는 자율준수 프로그램(CP)을 갖춘 무역거래자를 말한다. 산업부는 매년 국내 자율준수무역거래자를 심사해 A, AA, AAA 등 3단계의 등급을 부여하고 있다. 한국다우는 최고 등급인 AAA를 2014년 취득했으며 현재까지 유지하고 있다. 이창현 한국다우 대표이사는 “앞으로도 끊임없는 혁신을 통해 지속적인 성장을 이어가는 한편 안보, 안전, 환경 등 기업이 준수해야 할 각종 규범을 성실하게 이행할 것”이라고 말했다. 출처: http://news.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=20230706000598 


[News Article] Marking 35th birthday, McDonald's Korea unveils new menu, outlet expansion

Marking 35th birthday, McDonald's Korea unveils new menu, outlet expansionBy Lee Yoon-seo, The Korea Herald - McDonald's Korea on Wednesday unveiled its vision to operate a total of 500 McDonald's outlets in the country by 2030 and release an exclusive menu in the Korean market, in celebration of its 35th anniversary. "During the first half of this year, the (firm's) sales rose about 10 percent on-year to some 623 billion won ($479 million), logging its largest (semi-annual) sales since the brand's entry into Korea," McDonald's Korea CEO Kim Ki-won said during a press conference held in Seoul. Back in 1988, McDonald's Korea had 3,000 daily visitors for all domestic outlets and posted 1.7 billion won in annual sales. Now it has grown into a fast-food chain with 400,000 daily visitors and annual sales of 1 trillion won, Kim said. "We attribute our stellar growth (in the Korean market) to long-term investments such as actively opening new outlets, strengthening menus, such as by introducing the McCrispy burger, and launching various platforms that benefit customers," she added. After 35 years of its operations, Kim said the company will be aiming to expand the number of its Korean branches to 500 by 2030, up 25 percent from from current some 400. It will open eight large-scale new drive-thru restaurants across the country by the end of this year. The new drive-thru stores, dubbed McDrive, are planned to be equipped with an expanded version of McDonald's Hi-Pass payment system, which allows a consumer to pay for ordered goods using a transceiver placed in the car without having to exit the vehicle. Marking its 35th birthday, Lee Hae-yeon, the chief marketing officer of McDonald's Korea, added that McDonald's Korea will be releasing a Korea-exclusive menu as a part of its Taste of Korea campaign. The campaign aims to contribute to the local economy by developing burger recipes that use locally sourced ingredients. For the production of the new menu item, the Jindo Green Onion Cream Croquette Burger, McDonald's Korea said it will be purchasing 50 tons of green onions from Jindo, South Jeolla Province, to support economically local farmers. "We will continue to conduct businesses with environmental, social and governance initiatives to aim for sustainable growth from a long-term perspective, in order to become a trustworthy, friend-like brand," Kim said. To further promote its ESG efforts, Kim said McDonald's Korea is set on converting all its packaging materials into recyclable and reusable materials by 2025. She added the company will be upping efforts to convert use of all eggs to pasture-raised eggs, in a bid to promote animal welfare. Regarding the heated competition for global brands' foray into the Korean market amid its burgeoning demand for burgers, Kim said McDonald's Korea "welcomes the global burger brands' inroads into the domestic market," remarking that the recent boom in global burger brands advancing into the Korean market reflects the increased demand for burgers. On June 26, popular US burger brand Five Guys started its first Korean operations in Gangnam, southern Seoul. British celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay recently opened his second burger restaurant in South Korea in the southern city of Busan. "We will aim to launch products that best convey consumers' needs (amid the competition)," Kim said. According to Euromonitor, the size of the domestic hamburger market, which was valued at 1.9 trillion won in 2013, grew rapidly to about 4 trillion won last year. According to the research firm, Korea's burger market is expected to grow to some 5 trillion won this year. Source: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20230705000606 


[News Article] 패트릭 윤 크립토닷컴 코리아 사장 "올해 안에 크립토닷컴 거래소 오픈할 것"

패트릭 윤 크립토닷컴 코리아 사장 "올해 안에 크립토닷컴 거래소 오픈할 것" 글로벌이코노믹 이상훈 기자 - 올해로 설립 7년을 맞은 크립토닷컴(Crypto.com)은 글로벌 톱 그레이드 블록체인 기업이다. 7년간 해외 시장을 부지런히 개척해 현재 20여 개국에 진출했으며 회원 수도 8000만명에 달한다.   지난해 가상자산 거래소 오케이비트를 인수함으로써 국내서 가상자산사업자 라이선스를 획득한 크립토닷컴은 올해 안에 가상자산 거래소를 오픈하고 한국시장에서의 합법적인 비즈니스를 본격 개시할 준비를 하고 있다. 이를 총괄하고 있는 패트릭 윤(Patrick Yoon) 크립토닷컴 코리아 사장으로부터 그에 대한 얘기를 들을 수 있었다.  패트릭 윤 사장은 2021년 9월부터 크립토닷컴 코리아 사장으로 부임해 근무하고 있다. 패트릭 윤 사장은 크립토닷컴에 합류하기 전 약 4년간 비자(Visa)의 한국 및 몽골 시장 총괄사장을 역임했다. 특히 금융사부터 크고 작은 핀테크 기업에 이르기까지 비자의 다양한 고객들이 글로벌 영향력을 확대하는데 기여했으며 비자 이전에는 스탠다드차타드은행 런던 본사와 한국, 싱가포르, 대만, 영국 등 여러 해외 지사에서 근무한 경험이 있다.   이러한 다양한 경험을 한 그는 크립토닷컴이 국내에 성공적으로 서비스를 개시할 수 있도록 다방면으로 준비하고 있다. 가장 기대되는 소식은 연내 거래소를 오픈할 계획이라는 점이다. 거래소 명칭도 크립토닷컴이 될 전망이다. 패트릭 사장은 "원화거래를 지원하기 위해 은행과의 논의에 필요한 기능을 모두 갖추는 등 준비를 진행하고 있다"고 밝혔다.   패트릭 윤 사장이 꼽는 크립토닷컴의 경쟁력은 합법적인 비즈니스에 중점을 두고 있다는 점이다. 이미 크립토닷컴은 국내를 포함해 미국, 캐나다, 호주, 프랑스, 싱가포르, 두바이 등 주요 시장에서 라이선스를 확보하는 등 전 세계 규제 당국과 긴밀히 협력하고 있다. 가상자산 관련 규제가 존재하는 국가에서는 그 규제를 준수하기 위해서 노력하고 있고, 규제가 없는 국가에서는 규제 당국과 협업하며 업계와 투자자 보호를 위한 규제를 개발하는 데 도움을 주고 있다.   비록 1년 이상 국내 뿐 아니라 해외까지도 가상자산 시장이 침체 분위기였지만 최근 시장 상황이 좋아지고 있는 점도 하반기 크립토닷컴의 성장을 기대하게 만든다. 주목할 점은 크립토닷컴이 한국 블록체인 시장에 대해서 긍정적으로 전망하고 있다는 점이다. 패트릭 윤 사장은 "K-콘텐츠가 세계적으로 많이 알려져 드라마, 음악 등 세계적으로 콘텐츠를 수출하고 있다. 한국 문화 콘텐츠 수출은 정부의 주요 아젠다 중 하나이기도 하다. 크립토닷컴은 IP 및 대형 기획·제작사와의 다양한 협업을 통해 전 세계 팬들이 국내 문화와 예술을 경험할 수 있는 새로운 방식들을 발굴해 나가고 있다"고 강조했다.   실제 국내에서는 블록체인 유저들을 위한 다양한 프로젝트, 활발한 거래 그리고 검증된 NFT 마켓플레이스가 부족한 실정이다. 때문에 많은 한국 유저들이 크립토닷컴에서 선보이는 프로젝트에 참여하고 있다. 현재 크립토닷컴은 미술 분야 뿐만 아니라, K-팝(판타지오, 마마무), K-드라마(에이스토리, 스튜디오 드래곤), K-게임 그리고 다양한 브랜드들과의 협업을 진행하고 있다.   패트릭 윤 사장은 투자자 입장에서 가상자산 거래소를 선택하는 데 있어 좋은 기준 중 하나로 '브랜드 신뢰성'을 꼽았다. 그는 "크립토닷컴은 비자라는 신뢰받고 잘 알려진 브랜드와 협업해 회사의 첫 번째 제품인 크립토닷컴 비자 카드를 출시했다. 또한 포뮬러1, UFC 등 전 세계적으로 인정받는 톱 스포츠 브랜드와 파트너십을 맺었다. 이러한 유명 브랜드들은 파트너십을 맺기 이전에 높은 기준을 가지고 자체적으로 실사를 진행, 신뢰할 수 있는 브랜드인지 평가하고 있다. 따라서 이는 크립토닷컴이 제대로 운영되는 비즈니스라는 것을 보여주는 근거가 될 수 있다고 생각한다"고 밝혔다. 앞서 크립토닷컴은 맷 데이먼이나 르브론 제임스 같은 글로벌 스타를 광고모델로 기용했다. 세계적인 기업들로부터 신뢰할 만한 기업, 파트너십을 맺을 수 있는 기업으로 평가받는 동시에 유저들에게도 신뢰감을 줄 수 있도록 전세계적으로 사랑받는 스타를 모델로 기용한 것이다. 이것이 주효해 크립토닷컴은 어느새 8000만명 이상이 사용하는 블록체인 기업으로 자리매김했다.   이제 국내 유저들은 크립토닷컴의 시작을 알린 '크립토닷컴 리워드 카드'의 출시 여부에 대해 관심을 기울이고 있다. 수많은 블록체인 스타트업들이 가상자산을 손쉽게 충전하고 실생활에서 결제가 가능하도록 하겠다고 선언했지만 현재 크립토닷컴을 제외하면 이것에 성공한 곳을 찾기 힘들다. 지난해에는 크립토닷컴이 비자, BC카드와 손잡고 상업자표시신용카드(PLCC) 출시를 위한 업무협약을 체결했기에 크립토닷컴 리워드 카드의 출시 가능성이 한층 높아졌다.   이에 대해 패트릭 윤 사장은 "크립토닷컴은 지속적으로 규제 기관들과 협력 및 논의하고 있다. 완전한 규제 승인을 받게 되면, 카드 사용자에게 고유한 NFT 및 크립토 리워드를 제공하는 카드 프로그램을 출시할 예정"이라고 조심스레 말했다. 당장 패트릭 윤 사장 스스로도 국내 리워드 카드 발급이 허가되지 않았기에 크립토닷컴 카드를 소유하지 않고 있다고 한다. 어쩌면 카드 발급을 가장 바라는 이가 패트릭 윤 사장일 것이다. 그는 "하루속히 해당 카드를 발급받고 여러 혜택에 대해 국내 사용자들과 에피소드를 나눌 수 있도록 노력하겠다"고 덧붙였다.   출처: https://news.g-enews.com/view.php?ud=2023070407515117733b60030fa2_1&md=20230704104748_U


[News Article] Samsung Biologics lands further Pfizer deals in record year

Samsung Biologics lands further Pfizer deals in record year    BY SHIN HA-NEE, Korea JoongAng Daily - Pharma manufacturer Samsung Biologics has secured $897 million worth of deals from Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals, the Incheon-based company said Tuesday. The deals, which followed a letter of intent signed with Pfizer in June, are a $704-million contract manufacturing organization (CMO) deal and an additional $193 million order from a previous contract worth $183 million inked on March 2. CMOs refer to companies that provide drug manufacturing services on a contract basis. With the addition of the latest contracts, Samsung Biologics’ contract value this year from Pfizer totals $1.08 billion. The combined value of all of the CMO contracts signed by Samsung Biologics so far this year comes in at $1.49 billion, already outrunning last year’s total of $1.37 billion. The contracts marked the largest CMO deals ever for Samsung Biologics since the company’s establishment in 2011, surpassing a $351 million deal with AstraZeneca in 2020. The two contracts are a follow-up of the $411-million letter of intent announced in a regulatory filing on June 8. Under the deals, Samsung Biologics will manufacture Pfizer's biosimilar products including tumor and inflammation treatments at its fourth plant in Songdo. Samsung Biologics recently started full operation of its fourth plant, in Songdo, Incheon, which has a production capacity of 240,000 liters (63,401 gallons). It is the world’s largest single pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. The latest plant brought the company's annual production capacity to 604,000 liters, which Samsung Biologics said is equivalent to nearly 30 percent of the global contract manufacturing market for biopharmaceuticals. Moreover, Samsung Biologics announced in March that it will invest 1.98 trillion won ($1.5 billion) to build its fifth production plant, which started construction in April.   While Samsung Biologics previously stated in a regulatory filing that the commercial operation of Plant 5 will begin on September 2025, the project is expected to be fast-tracked by five months. The upcoming Plant 5 will sit on a 96,000 square-meter (23-acre) site in Bio Campus II, Samsung Biologics’ new manufacturing complex in Songdo. Once the new factory, which will have a 180,000-liter production capacity, begins operations, Samsung Biologics said it will boast the largest combined production capacity among global biomedicine contract manufacturers at 784,000 liters. The company is currently operating a research and development center for contract development in San Francisco, which was established in 2020, and opened a local sales office in New Jersey in March. Samsung Biologics' share price closed at 746,000 won on Tuesday, up 0.4 percent from the previous trading day. Source: https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/2023/07/04/business/industry/Korea-Samsung-Biologics-CDMO/20230704150421743.html 


[News Article] Korean Air boosts ESG efforts

Korean Air boosts ESG efforts  By Lee Jung-joo, The Korea Herald - South Korea’s flag carrier Korean Air attracted the attention of the global airline industry during the annual gathering of the International Air Transport Association held in Istanbul last month, during which it shared its enhanced efforts for more sustainable management. Korean Air said it has focused on environmental, sustainable and governance management since 2021, and the same year also released its own ESG report. “Environmental issues, such as global warming, climate change and environmental degradation have been countlessly addressed but are no longer issues that can be addressed in the distant future,” said Hanjin Group Chairman Walter Cho in a press release. “Rather, they are immediate challenges that our generation must face.” During the IATA gathering, Korean Air announced that the firm plans to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. To achieve this goal, the airline has been using eco-friendly aviation fuel, also known as Sustainable Aviation Fuel or SAF. SAF is a type of jet fuel made from eco-friendly resources, such as animal and vegetable oils, algae and municipal waste gas rather than traditional resources like petroleum and coal. It is two to five times more expensive than traditional jet fuel being used, but can reduce carbon emissions by up to 80 percent. In November 2017, Korean Air operated its first international flight from Incheon to Chicago using SAF. Since last year, SAF was also used for all regularly scheduled flight services between Incheon and Paris. It is the only Korean airliner that uses the eco-friendly fuel. Korean Air also sold various merchandise that was upcycled from aircraft parts that otherwise would have been discarded. Since 2021, the airline has sold luggage tags made from aircraft skin which were a big hit. In May, golf ball markers also made of aircraft skin were also sold. Additionally, used blankets were remade into insulated water bags and worn-down life jackets were repurposed into cosmetic pouches. All proceeds made from Korean Air’s sales were donated to environmental organizations. Korean Air, equipped with its own aerial vehicle development know-how, is also betting big on urban air mobility or UAM. It is leading one of the consortiums to join the government-funded UAM pilot programs. Source: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20230705000632&np=1&mp=1


[News Article] POSCO gears up for big stride as green material firm with Hyper NO

POSCO gears up for big stride as green material firm with Hyper NO  By Sungsu Bae, The Korea Economic Daily - South Korea’s steel pioneer POSCO under POSCO Holdings Inc. is preparing to take another big stride as an eco-friendly materials provider with its latest steel manufacturing facilities being built in Gwangyang, some 300 kilometers south of Seoul, that will produce its premium electrical steel for electric vehicle motors. The construction of a new electrical steel factory inside POSCO’s Gwangyang Steelworks in South Jeolla was still underway last Thursday when the site was unveiled to the media. A pile of equipment and machines inside the 240,000-square-meter factory, however, suggests POSCO has no issue with its initial plan to complete the first phase of the factory construction by October this year. This means the Korean steel giant will be able to churn out 150,000 tons of Hyper NO steel per year from the new factory from this fall. By October next year, POSCO will finish the second and last construction phase, which will enable the new factory to produce 300,000 tons of Hyper NO steel in total. Combined with the existing Hyper NO production facility in Pohang, home to POSCO, the steelmaker will be capable of producing total 400,000 tons of Hyper NO steel in late 2024. This is enough to make drive motors for 5 million EVs every year. EV BOOM A BOON TO HYPER NO Hyper NO is the brand of POSCO’s non-oriented electrical steel with homogeneous magnetic properties in all directions, making it a perfect core material for electric motors, like EV drive motors, and large power generators. POSCO is pinning high hopes on this premium steel product in the EV era. Hyper NO boasts high magnetic flux density and significantly low core loss. The electrical steel with low core loss can speed up the motor and extend the EV driving range. Hyper NO is high-efficiency electrical steel with a core loss of 3.5 watts per kilogram. Its demand is rapidly increasing in line with the growing EV market. This is one reason why POSCO in April last year poured 1 trillion won ($767.2 million) into building the Hyper NO factory in its Gwangyang steel plant, Korea’s biggest steel mill. POSCO is equipped with the world’s leading technology that can produce Hyper NO steels with a thickness of 0.15 millimeters, the thinnest in the world. The thinner the better for preventing electrical energy loss during the motor running. “POSCO’s Hyper NO boasts 30% less energy loss than ordinary electrical steel,” said Ahn Hyeong-tae, the head of POSCO’s Hyper NO advancement task force. “POSCO is the only Korean steelmaker that can produce electrical steel.” Hyper NO steel sheets are made from hot rolled coil after going through annealing to remove scales and recrystallize them as well as insulation coating. GREEN MATERIALS PRODUCER Along with Hyper NO, POSCO will continue to strive to further advance its GIGA steel, the brand for its advanced high-strength steel for automotive use. Demand for its high-strength steel is also growing thanks to its light weight, while maintaining strength. EVs need light materials because of the battery pack that makes EVs 25% heavier than combustion-engine cars in general. POSCO has been capable of producing 1 million tons of GIGA steel since September 2021. It in May completed its integrated GIGA steel processing facility in POSCO-CSPC, at POSCO’s steel processing center in Suzhou, China. It also plans to add the GIGA steel line to its automotive galvanized iron plant with a production capacity of 900,000 tons a year now under construction. With the two cutting-edge automotive steel technologies, POSCO will accelerate its transformation into a green materials company. Its parent POSCO Holdings was officially launched in March last year with a goal to nurture the steel group into an eco-friendly future materials producer. Source: https://www.kedglobal.com/steel/newsView/ked202307060023 
