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[News Article] Hyundai Motor, NaaS sign EV-charging business partnership

Hyundai Motor, NaaS sign EV-charging business partnership  By Kim Hyun-bin, The Korea Times - Hyundai Motor Group signed a partnership agreement with Chinese electric vehicle (EV) charging service provider NaaS, as it seeks to sell more EVs in the world's second-largest economy, Korea's third-largest business group said Monday. Representatives of Hyundai Motor Group China (HMGC) including Executive Vice President Lee Hyuk-jun met with NaaS CEO Wang Yang at NaaS headquarters in Beijing to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for cooperation in EV charging services. "Through cooperation with NaaS, Hyundai Motor Group will provide Chinese EV customers with more convenient and innovative charging services," Lee said during the signing ceremony, Monday. "This collaboration will contribute to elevating Hyundai Motor Group's global electric vehicle competitiveness." NaaS, established in 2019 as China's first specialized EV charging service information company, has accumulated information on 55,000 charging stations and 400,000 charging points across China. Notably, in March, NaaS garnered industry attention by unveiling its autonomous EV charging robot and actively engaging in the development of innovative EV charging-related services. Through this collaboration, Hyundai Motor Group intends to develop tailored EV charging services for Chinese customers and drive various integrated services and cutting-edge technology demonstration projects to lead the EV landscape in China. Both parties will combine Hyundai Motor Group's connected services platform with NaaS' EV charging information service to develop and establish systems including home charging stations, an EV charging point payment/management system and a real-time EV charging network information system. The home charging station sharing system allows customers to share their home-installed EV chargers with third parties, generating revenue. Chargers registered in this system will be continuously visible on NaaS' real-time charging station search network, and vehicles in need of charging can utilize these chargers after payment. The collaboration also envisions various services utilizing charging points generated through this process. Source: https://koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/08/419_357015.html 


[News Article] Korean Air expands in-flight internet services

Korean Air expands in-flight internet services   By Shim Woo-hyun, The Korea Herald - South Korean national carrier Korean Air has started to provide in-flight Wi-Fi connection on some of its Airbus A321neo aircraft, industry sources said Sunday. The expansion of in-flight Wi-Fi connection is part of the company’s long-term goal to expand the in-flight connection to 100 percent of its international flights. The number of Korean Air’s Airbus A321neo aircraft that provide in-flight Wi-Fi connection is currently six. Those A321neo flights operate on the routes connecting Incheon with Fukuoka, Phnom Penh and Ho Chi Minh, as well as on the Gimpo-Haneda connection. Of the national carrier’s 134 aircraft, 11 provide in-flight Wi-Fi connection plans. Starting in June, Korean Air started to offer in-flight Wi-Fi connections on its five Boeing 737 Max 8 planes, which travel between Korea and Osaka, Fukuoka, and Okinawa. The pricing of its in-flight Wi-Fi is different depending on distance traveled. On long-distance flights, the company’s Wi-Fi service for the entire flight is $20.95, while its two-hour Wi-Fi plan costs $10.95. On flights to Japan, China and Northeast Asia, the entire-flight Wi-Fi connection is priced at $11.95. A low-cost inflight connectivity plan for short distance trips, which is designed for passengers to stay connected to messaging and chat services, costs $4.95. To celebrate the Wi-Fi launch, Korean Air offers discounts to all passengers until Aug. 31. Source: https://news.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20230813000147&np=1&mp=1 


[News Article] 퍼솔켈리코리아, BTS 2기 HSBC Korea 장애인 일자리 체험 희망자 모집

퍼솔켈리코리아, BTS 2기 HSBC Korea 장애인 일자리 체험 희망자 모집    디스커버리뉴스 이동욱 기자 - 퍼솔켈리코리아는 1기로 참여한 한국화이자제약㈜의 기업 탐방을 준비함과 동시에 오는 21일부터 HSBC Korea(홍콩상하이은행 서울지점)에서 5주 과정의 BTS(Booster for Talent’s Success; 청년 장애인 인재 취업성공 부스터) 프로그램을 진행한다고 9일 밝혔다. HSBC Korea는 세계적인 금융 기관인 HSBC그룹의 국내 지점으로, 국내 기업, 다국적 기업 및 기관에 기업 금융 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 이어 BTS 3기에 참여하는 한국MSD는 글로벌 헬스케어 기업 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 의 한국 법인이다. 본 사업은 고용노동부와 대한상공회의소 주관으로 퍼솔켈리코리아가 함께 주축이 되어 운영하면서 참여자의 이동적 편의부터 수화통역, 자막, 보조 기기는 물론 청년지원금, 통합지원센터 수료증, 교통비 등 다양한 혜택을 지원한다. BTS 프로그램은 △사전 직무역량 향상교육, △프로젝트 실습 및 과제 수행, △중간 피드백 및 회사 탐방 체험, △프로젝트 실습 및 과제 수행, △결과발표 및 수료식으로 총 다섯 단계로 총 5주 프로그램으로 구성되어 있다. 본 프로그램 참여를 희망하는 경우 청년장애인재 일경험 지원사업 공식 페이지, 또는 미래내일 일경험 사업 공식 페이지를 통해 신청 가능하다. 본 프로그램은 화이자의 한국법인인 한국화이자제약이 BTS 참여자를 대상으로 기업 탐방을 준비하고 있으며 현재 2기로 참여한 HSBC Korea 기업은 온라인 교육부터 기업 탐방까지 운영을 위해 사전 모집은 오는 14일까지 진행될 예정이다. 출처: https://www.discoverynews.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=1031088


[News Article] POSCO Group unveils new corporate slogan 'Green Tomorrow, with POSCO'

POSCO Group unveils new corporate slogan 'Green Tomorrow, with POSCO'    By Kim Hyun-bin, The Korea Times - POSCO Group unveiled its new brand slogan, "Green Tomorrow, with POSCO," Wednesday. The group explained that this new slogan reflects its direction towards becoming a century-old enterprise, attempting to maximize corporate value through a transition into holding company structure and improvements in environmentally-focused business models. According to POSCO Group, the new brand slogan "POSCO Group embodies the commitment to creating a sustainable future for humanity. By combining technology with iron ore, we create the foundational iron for industries; by infusing technology into lithium, a crucial material for green mobility, to contribute value to the world." Starting Aug. 14, POSCO Group plans to showcase a brand advertisement conveying the message of "adding value to the world" through lithium production in the salt flats of Argentina, presented via YouTube and movie theaters. Each business subsidiary under POSCO Group maintains a consistent message of "Adding Value to the World, Green Tomorrow, with POSCO" as the core, while incorporating individual characteristics. POSCO announced its strategic focus on portfolio enhancement through the production of environmentally friendly and high-value-added goods in the coming years. As part of this initiative, the company's Gwangyang-based steel mill in South Jeolla Province is set to commence operation of an electric furnace by 2026. The facility aims to manufacture low-carbon, premium-grade steel, aligning with POSCO's objectives of achieving carbon emission reduction by 2030 while delivering 10 million tons of low-carbon offerings. Beyond its borders, POSCO's overseas factories in Indonesia and India are slated to adopt eco-friendly manufacturing processes. The company envisions doubling the production capacity of these international facilities by 2030, up from 5 million tons recorded in 2022. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/08/419_356675.html 


[News Article] AWS to support Korean startups with Generative AI Accelerator

AWS to support Korean startups with Generative AI Accelerator    By Baek Byung-yeul, The Korea Times - Amazon Web Services (AWS) will help Korean AI startups grow with its Generative AI Accelerator, a program that combines powerful AI tools with business, technical mentors and experts, the global-leading cloud computing service provider said Tuesday. Luke Anderson, managing director of Generative AI and Machine Learning at AWS APJ, said AWS Korea will launch a six-week-long AI startup accelerator program in cooperation with local venture capitals ― Saehan Venture Capital and KB Investment to help creative Korean companies grow with AWS' superior AI technology and accelerator programs. Startups participating in the AWS Generative AI Accelerator program will receive up to $200,000 in AWS credit in addition to a variety of technical support. AWS has been offering various support tools to better help customers in the field of generative AI, which has been recognized as a game changer in the IT industry. They are AWS Bedrock, a tool that allows customers to create generative AI services on the cloud computing service, and AWS SageMaker JumpStart, a tool that can be used for machine learning. "We want to be the easiest place to build foundational models in the world," Anderson said. "Also, we want to be the most performance-focused one. As you are seeing from the rise in generative AI applications, performance is going to be key both in terms of training as well as inferencing the models. The third one is we want to build and help our customers build generative AI-powered applications. And finally, one of the biggest things we hear from our customers is flexibility and choice. There won't be one model to rule them all. It is going to be a combination of multiple foundation models to deliver the awesome outcomes." Generative AI is powered by machine learning models, often referred to as foundational models (FM), which are very large models with massive amounts of data. According to global market research firm CB Insights, global generative AI investment in 2021 was about $1.15 billion, and capital investment in generative AI startups globally was over $2.65 billion in 2022, proving that this sector shows no signs of slowing. "With its global-leading digital infrastructure, creative cultural genes, sophisticated user base and top-notch AI professionals, Korea is well positioned to become a key region for generative AI," Kim Yoon, a partner at Saehan Venture Capital said. "We will work with creative entrepreneurs to develop and nurture innovative applications and services that will transform both the digital and analog worlds." Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/08/133_356593.html​​


[News Article] Hyundai Motor invites Scouts to nearby plant

Hyundai Motor invites Scouts to nearby plant    By Kim Hyun-bin, The Korea Times - Hyundai Motor invited overseas youth members who participated in the Scout Jamboree to its commercial vehicle plant in Wanju, North Jeolla Province, the company said Monday. The factory tour is a program designed to enhance understanding of the Korean automotive industry and the program is scheduled to run through Aug. 10 for scout members from the Netherlands, Japan and Malaysia who pre-registered. The members who visited the Hyundai Motor plant toured the eco-friendly commercial vehicle production line, including hydrogen buses and trucks. The plant boasts the world's largest production capacity for commercial vehicles, with an annual capacity of approximately 103,000 vehicles. Lately, the focus has been on the production of environmentally friendly vehicles such as electric and hydrogen buses and trucks. "We have structured a program for the foreign youth participants of this Jamboree event to enhance their understanding of the Korean automotive industry," a Hyundai Motor official said. In addition, Hyundai Motor Group decided to provide the Jeonju World Cup Stadium, home of Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors FC, as the venue for the main Jamboree event, the K-pop concert, on Aug. 11. The company is also considering additional corporate tour programs at the Hyundai-Kia Namyang Research Center in Gyeonggi Province. Apart from the tours, Hyundai Motor Group has been providing bottled water and umbrellas, 50,000 each, for the Jamboree participants. They also dispatched a "healing bus" and a mobile office. The healing bus is a capsule-style vehicle equipped with premium seats and medical equipment to prevent exhaustion and fatigue and promote mental recovery. The mobile office is a vehicle that transforms Hyundai's premium high-speed bus into a workspace, allowing for various tasks and relaxation, Friday. Over the weekend, Hyundai Motor Group provided iceboxes and installed 24 individual portable restrooms. They also deployed 100 on-site staff, including professional cleaners, to maintain a pleasant environment from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. The carmaker is also discussing ways to immediately support on-site needs, such as deploying mobile washing vehicles. "The support from Hyundai Motor Group had not been publicly disclosed until now. Their swift support is contributing to the smooth operation of the event," a Jamboree event official said. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/08/419_356522.html 


[News Article] "빗물받이는 재떨이가 아니에요" 환경재단X한국필립모리스 '쓰담필터 캠페인' 진행

"빗물받이는 재떨이가 아니에요" 환경재단X한국필립모리스 '쓰담필터 캠페인' 진행파이낸셜뉴스 박지현 기자 - 환경재단과 한국필립모리스가 함께 지난 6월부터 8주간 서울 동작구 일대에서 '쓰담필터 캠페인'을 펼쳤다고 4일 밝혔다. 쓰담필터 캠페인은 지난 3년간 "서울이 깨끗해지면 바다가 깨끗해진다"라는 메시지를 전한 '쓰담서울 캠페인'의 하나로 도심 빗물받이 담배꽁초 문제를 집중 조명하고 있다. 빗물받이는 여름철 집중호우 시 도로 침수를 예방하는 시설물이지만 담배꽁초 등 미세플라스틱 쓰레기가 육지에서 바다로 유입되는 경로이기도 하다. 캠페인 기간 시민 60명으로 구성된 쓰담필터 크루는 빗물받이 78개에서 담배꽁초 약 1만950개, 일반쓰레기 20.06kg을 수거했다. 플로깅을 마친 후에는 빗물받이 주변에 쓰레기 무단투기를 방지하는 그림을 그렸다. 한편 환경재단과 한국필립모리스는 쓰담필터 캠페인의 일환으로 동작구에 담배꽁초 수거함을 설치할 예정이다. 이어 하반기 '쓰담서울 캠페인'은 오는 다음달 16~17일 서울 뚝섬 한강공원에서 진행되며 한강공원을 방문하는 누구나 참여 가능하다. 참여자는 쓰담서울 부스에서 생분해 쓰레기봉투와 집게를 대여해 쓰레기를 주운 후 다양한 친환경 물품을 받을 수 있다. 사전 신청은 쓰담서울 홈페이지에서 오는 21일부터 가능하며 신청 후 현장방문 시 선착순 200명에게 음료 기프티콘을 증정한다. 출처: https://www.fnnews.com/news/202308041356398479 
