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[News Article] 대한항공, 고객 서비스 강화를 통해 글로벌 선도 항공사로 비상

대한항공, 고객 서비스 강화를 통해 글로벌 선도 항공사로 비상   매일경제 - 대한항공(대표이사 우기홍)이 한국표준협회 '2023년 한국서비스품질지수(KS-SQI' 항공사 부문에서 2년 연속 1위를 차지했다. 대한항공은 코로나19 엔데믹 전환 이후 늘어나는 해외여행 수요에 발맞춰 차별화된 서비스로 고객별 수요를 폭넓게 충족시켰다는 점에서 우수한 평가를 받았다. 대한항공은 올해 6월부터 국제선 기내 와이파이 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 보잉737-8 항공기가 운항하는 국제선 노선을 시작으로 에어버스 A321neo, 보잉787 등 다양한 기종으로 확대, 순차적으로 국제선 전 노선에서 서비스를 제공할 계획이다. 대한항공은 다양해진 고객 수요에도 적극 대응하고 있다. 올해 3월부터는 제철 식재료를 활용한 '한국식 채식 메뉴를 개발해 도입했고 유명 소믈리에와 협력해 기내용 신규 와인 52종을 선정했다. 또 국제선 프레스티지 클래스 승객을 대상으로 '기내식 사전 주문 서비스'도 도입해 하늘 위의 만찬을 즐길 수 있도록 했다. 현대화된 기단도 주목할 만하다. 대한항공이 국내 항공사 최초로 도입한 에어버스 A321neo 기종 프레스티지 좌석은 소형기이지만 180도 완전 평면으로 펼쳐지는 침대형 좌석으로 이뤄졌다. 또 300여 편의 영화는 물론, 세계적으로 인기를 끌고 있는 K콘텐츠 최신물을 기내 주문형 오디오비디오(AVOD)에 지속 업데이트하는 등 고객에게 항공 여행의 재미와 감동을 전하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 대한항공은 마일리지 이용의 편의성을 높이기 위해 8월 10일부터 '캐시 앤 마일즈' 이용 한도를 기존 운임의 20%까지에서 운임의 30%까지로 상향 조정했다. 캐시 앤 마일즈는 항공권 구매 시 운임의 일부를 마일리지로 지불하는 복합결제 서비스다. 소액 마일리지를 보유한 고객들이 보다 유용하게 마일리지를 사용할 수 있도록 하고자 마련됐다. 특히 올해 11월까지 캐시 앤 마일즈를 이용해 항공권 구매 및 탑승을 완료하면 마일리지를 페이백해주는 프로모션도 진행 중이다. 마일리지 사용처는 더욱 확대했다. 대한항공은 마일리지로 생활에 필요한 물건을 구매할 수 있는 '스카이패스 딜' 기획전을 올해 10월 말과 12월 말 두 차례 운영한다. 상담 서비스도 한층 업그레이드됐다. 대한항공은 올해 6월부터 대한항공 홈페이지 또는 앱에서 만나볼 수 있는 챗봇 '대한이'를 '일반 챗봇'과 '스카이패스 챗봇'으로 이원화했다. 대한항공의 고품격 서비스는 전 세계에서도 인정받고 있다. 대한항공은 지난 5월 영국의 항공 컨설팅 및 평가 기관인 '스카이트랙스'의 서비스 품질 평가에서 2020년에 이어 최고 등급인 5성 항공사로 선정됐다. 지난 6월에는 글로벌경영협회(GMA) 주관 '2023년 글로벌 고객만족도(GCSI) 우수 기업' 시상식에서 19년 연속 항공여객운송 서비스 부문 1위를 차지했다. 출처: https://www.mk.co.kr/news/special-edition/10868327


[News Article] Renault Korea CEO pledges to accelerate future mobility transition

Renault Korea CEO pledges to accelerate future mobility transition   Byun Hye-jin, The Korea Herald - Korea Motors CEO Stephane Deblaise has pledged to ramp up the transition to electric vehicles with cutting-edge hybrid car technologies, the company said Wednesday. With additional investments, the company will add hybrid cars to its Busan plant production lineup, Deblaise was quoted as saying at the Invest Korea Summit 2023 that wrapped up Wednesday in Busan. No time frame was mentioned. Under the vision of a “thriving automotive tech company,” the CEO added the carmaker has advanced its software research and development capabilities for cars. Its innovative digital services include in-car payment and fast-track booking, which offers real-time maintenance reservations at auto repair shops. Stressing that Korea’s top-class industrial infrastructure and labor force are the key factors driving foreign investment, Deblaise touted that the Korean unit has produced and exported a total of 3.7 million cars as of October, based on the 5 trillion won ($3.8 billion) investment. Its No. 1 car model in terms of export volume has been the XM3 or Arkana, a small-sized sport utility vehicle, since its launch in March 2020. “Renault Korea Motors has played a vital role as a global hub for Renault Group in developing and producing high-end mid- and large-sized car segments,” he said in his speech Tuesday. Last year, Deblaise invited Renault Group Chairman Luca de Meo to Korea for the first time, raising the company’s profile in the French carmaker’s future road map, according to the Korean unit. During the past two years as CEO, Deblaise has led conflict-free management-labor union negotiations and the communication between executives and staff, as well as the company’s development of new car models, it added. In August, he announced that Renault Korea’s utmost priority is to launch hybrid cars under the codenames Aurora 1 and 2 until it boosts battery-powered EVs in 2026. The Aurora 1 is to debut by the second half of next year. Invest Korea Summit 2023 was hosted by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and organized by the state-run Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency. The annual event, in its 19th edition, ran from Monday to Wednesday. Source: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231108000573 


[News Article] Coupang reports record $6.18 billion in Q3 sales powered by Rocket delivery

Coupang reports record $6.18 billion in Q3 sales powered by Rocket delivery   By Lee Min-hyung, The Korea Times - Coupang saw sales increase to an all-time high in the third quarter of this year thanks to the gradual growth of its flagship Rocket Delivery service here and abroad, the e-commerce giant said on Wednesday. In a regulatory filing, the company reported sales of $6.18 billion between July and September, up 18 percent from a year ago. Operating profit also reached $87.5 million, up 13 percent over the same period. The solid earnings were driven by the overall growth of its core businesses, such as Rocket Delivery, Rocket Fresh, Marketplace and Rocket Growth, the Nasdaq-listed e-commerce firm said. Their combined sales reached 7.81 trillion won, jumping 18 percent during the same period. The firm’s operating profit, however, fell 40.9 percent from the previous quarter, as Coupang expanded investments in Taiwan after launching the ultra-fast Rocket Delivery service there. In October last year, Coupang made inroads into the Taiwanese market, and launched its flagship delivery service which has displayed faster growth there than in Korea. Coupang founder Kim Bom-suk, better known as his English name Bom Kim, reiterated his confidence in the growth potential of the market. “We are increasingly convinced over the longer-term growth potential of Taiwan,” he told investors during a conference call. “Our Rocket Delivery business there is on track to report faster growth than Korea in the first year after our debut there. If the ongoing momentum continues, Coupang will gain the title of the most-downloaded app in Taiwan in 2023.” According to Kim, Coupang helped more than 12,000 small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Korea export their products to Taiwan in just one year. The e-commerce company is also forecast to achieve its first-ever annual surplus this year, even at a time of shrinking consumption and lingering inflationary pressure, Coupand said, citing relevant data. As of the third quarter, the number of Coupang’s active customers surpassed 20 million, up 13.5 percent from the previous year. Active customers refer to those who purchase goods through the platform at least once in a quarter. Average sales for each active user inched up 6.7 percent to $303 during the same period. Coupang also expected its Coupang Eats food delivery service to extend gradual growth. “Only 20 percent out of our Coupang Wow membership customers uses the service, so it still has significant growth opportunities down the road,” Kim said. “The market share of Coupang Eats here will reach close to 20 percent by the end of this year.” Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/11/419_362802.html 


[News Article] SK Innovation recognized for green transformation strategy

SK Innovation recognized for green transformation strategy  By Park Jae-hyuk, The Korea Times - SK Innovation’s “green transformation” strategy has been noted as superior to those of the company's competitors by a foreign academic citing its high feasibility, the company said Wednesday. Kannan Ramaswamy, a professor at Arizona State University's Thunderbird School of Global Management, expressed the opinion during a teleconference last Friday, regarding a case study analyzing global peers of the Korean petrochemical firm. This was the second intensive study on SK Innovation following one last year which the professor reflected for an in-depth comparative analysis. During the teleconference, Ramaswamy analyzed SK Innovation’s green transformation strategy, identifying its differences from the strategies of similar companies. The strategy, he noted, is more feasible due to the company’s entrepreneurial spirit. “SK Innovation is one of the companies that is firmly pursuing large-scale changes toward an eco-friendly energy future,” the professor said. “The willpower to implement this is reflected throughout the company, including its company-wide vision and business strategy.” Global petrochemical companies having business structures, history and goals similar to those of SK Innovation were selected as peers to be evaluated for comparison. They were analyzed on two axes — concentration of eco-friendly strategies and diversity of portfolios. “Despite the company’s identity as a petrochemical company, it announced a bold vision to reduce its carbon footprint in 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050,” Ramaswamy said. “Within just a few years, SK Innovation showcased clear business results in the eco-friendly field, demonstrating a true corporate innovation.” He praised the company for its management system and corporate culture that inspired its employees. The professor explained that SK Innovation is pursuing a two-track strategy that strengthens the efficiency of existing businesses and expands new businesses based on its diversified portfolio. He added that this resulted from the company's continued exploration of sustainable profitability for fuel-based businesses and future business options. “A rapid business model transition is taking place in all SK Innovation-affiliated business areas, such as SK On and SK IE Technology’s business expansion into mobility and SK Geo Centric securing chemical recycling technology,” he said. SK Innovation said it was pleased with the recognition that its green transformation strategy has received from global scholars. “As we have shared the results and meaning of the analysis with all members of SK Innovation, we will develop a strategy based on the analysis’s findings and will further accelerate this implementation,” the company said. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/11/419_362806.html


[News Article] Hyundai to develop own cheaper batteries for EVs

Hyundai to develop own cheaper batteries for EVs  Byun Hye-jin, The Korea Herlad - Hyundai Motor Group is expected to develop its own price-competitive lithium iron phosphate, or LFP, batteries for electric vehicles late next year to reduce dependence on China-made batteries, industry sources said Monday. According to media reports, under the two-year joint project with Korea-based battery makers that started this year, Hyundai will complete development of LFP batteries in 2024. The batteries will be installed in Hyundai and Kia’s small and entry-level electric cars and midpriced EVs from 2025. A Hyundai Motor Group official declined to comment on the matter, citing confidentiality, and said, “We are looking into working with small battery makers as well as large companies (like LG Energy Solution, Samsung SDI and SK On) here in Korea.”Hyundai aims to maximize the battery cell’s capacity to the highest level of more than 60 amperes. Its energy density will be around 300 watts per kilogram. The company plans to improve the product’s voltage and capacity to similar levels of premium nickel, manganese and cobalt, or NCM, batteries. Industry insiders say the carmaker’s bold move to make its own batteries comes after its commitment to distance itself from Chinese battery makers in producing cost-effective EVs. The Hyundai Kona EV, an electrified version of the small sport utility vehicle, and its smaller sibling Kia’s compact sedan Ray EV are equipped with China-based CATL’s LFP batteries. But with the deepening tech trade war between China and the US and its allies, including Europe, Hyundai Motor Group, which operates one of the largest EV businesses in the US, has been under pressure to join the decoupling push. Hyundai’s own battery business can also ramp up low- and midpriced electric car production, which is gaining more traction amid a worldwide EV sales slump, according to experts. “With prolonged economic slowdown and high inflation, customers, who are interested in electric cars, are eyeing entry-level and less pricey EVs,” said Lee Ho-geun, a car engineering professor at Daeduk University. “Like the world’s top EV makers Tesla and BYD, if Hyundai develops more EV batteries, it can boost production and cut the overall costs.” In June, Hyundai Motor Group CEO Chang Jae-hoon unveiled an investment plan worth 9.5 trillion won ($7.3 billion) for battery development and technologies over the next 10 years. Chang vowed that the company will jointly develop LFP, NCM and all-solid-state batteries in coordination with battery manufacturers and academic institutions. Following the master plan, the first Hyundai-made NCM battery for its hybrid cars, a product of a business tie-up with SK On, was installed in the hybrid version of the company’s new midsize SUV Santa Fe, launched in August. Commercial production of the battery was previously expected to come next year, however Hyundai moved up the schedule. The carmaker led the processes of battery materials certification, design and testing while enhancing performance – approximately 10 percent greater battery efficiency compared to the previous car model. For research and development of lithium-ion and next-generation all-solid-state batteries, Hyundai plans to work with the US-based firms Solid Energy System and Solid Power. It also looks to open a new research building in its Uiwang research center in Gyeonggi Province for lithium-ion and all-solid-state batteries by next year. Building a small-scale pilot production line is under consideration to test and improve the performance of the batteries. Source: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231106000611


[News Article] 모히건 인스파이어, '글로우서울'과 손잡고 초대형 푸드코트 선보인다

모히건 인스파이어, '글로우서울'과 손잡고 초대형 푸드코트 선보인다   머니투데이 문병환 기자 - 모히건 인스파이어 엔터테인먼트 리조트(대표 첸 시)가 국내 공간 브랜딩 전문 기업인 글로우서울(대표 유정수, 윤성혁)과 F&B 푸드코트 조성 및 위탁운영 계약을 체결하고 독특한 콘셉트의 초대형 푸드코트를 선보인다고 2일 밝혔다. 인스파이어 푸드코트는 약 3,500㎡(약 1,076평)의 공간에 총 1,000석 규모로 조성될 예정이며, 인스파이어 직영 시그니처 레스토랑들과 함께 동북아시아를 대표하는 푸드 랜드마크로 자리매김할 전망이라고 회사 측은 전했다. 인스파이어는 인천국제공항 인근에 위치하여 동북아 주요 도시들에 뛰어난 접근성을 제공한다. 이러한 지리적 장점에 기반하여 세계의 중심이 되는 거대한 나무를 뜻하는 '세계수'를 모티브로 삼아, 세계수로부터 뻗어 나가는 다채로운 공간과 미식 경험을 제공할 계획이다. 여기에는 글로우서울의 대표 브랜드인 '온천집', '우물집', '창창'부터 인스파이어를 위해 새롭게 제작되는 웨스턴 스타일의 신규 레스토랑까지 다양한 F&B브랜드가 들어설 예정이다. 앞서 지난 7월, 인스파이어는 미국 외식업체인 코너스톤 레스토랑 그룹과의 협력을 통해 '마이클 조던 스테이크 하우스'와 'MJ23 스포츠 바 앤 그릴'의 국내 첫 단독 입점과 신규 오리지널 F&B 브랜드 론칭 계획을 발표한 바 있다. 모히건 인스파이어의 양미아 리테일 디렉터는 "글로우서울과의 협업을 통해 새로운 영감을 자극하는 인스파이어의 브랜드 아이덴티티에 어울리는 매력적인 공간을 만들어 내외국인 방문객들에게 다양한 경험과 감동을 선사할 것"이라고 말했다. 한편, 인스파이어 푸드코트의 기획 및 위탁운영을 맡은 글로우서울은 서울의 익선동, 창신동, 경리단길, 대전 소제동 등의 지역에 생기를 불어넣으며 새로운 상권으로 재창조해 냈으며, 여러 기업들과 협력하여 '롯데 타임빌라스', '이도 클럽D오아시스', '광주 라운지OIC' 등의 다양한 공간 조성 프로젝트를 성공적으로 이끌고 있다. 글로우서울 윤성혁 대표는 "지금까지의 푸드코트 개념을 넘어서는 새로운 형태의 공간을 개발 중"이라며 "세계인들에게는 한국에서 잊을 수 없는 경험을 할 수 있는 공간, 내국인들에게는 꼭 가야 하는 새로운 핫플레이스가 될 것"이라고 말했다. 영종도 인천국제공항 제3국제업무단지(IBC-III)에 조성되는 모히건 인스파이어는 특급호텔, 국내 최초 다목적 공연장(1만5천석 아레나), 실내 워터파크, 야외 체험공원, 컨벤션시설, 외국인 전용 카지노, 쇼핑, 다이닝, 디지털 스트리트 등 다채로운 엔터테인먼트 요소를 결합한 엔터테인먼트 복합 리조트로서 올해 4분기 개장을 목표로 하고 있다. 모히건 인스파이어 엔터테인먼트 리조트의 사업주체인 ㈜인스파이어인티그레이티드리조트(INSPIRE Integrated Resort)는 글로벌 프리미어 복합 엔터테인먼트 리조트 운영기업인 모히건(Mohegan) 사가 100% 출자해 국내에 설립한 특수목적법인이다.” 출처: https://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2023110210294761712&type=2&sec=industry&pDepth2=Itotal 


[News Article] LG전자, 이마트 30여곳에 전기차 충전 솔루션 공급...신사업 결실

LG전자, 이마트 30여곳에 전기차 충전 솔루션 공급...신사업 결실  지디넷코리아 이나리 기자 - LG전자가 국내 대형 유통업체 이마트와 손잡고 전기차 충전소 구축에 나섰다.  LG전자와 이마트는 지난 3일 트레이더스 홀세일 클럽 동탄점에서 LG전자 장익환 BS사업본부장, 백기문 ID사업부장, 서흥규 EV충전사업담당, 이마트 최진일 마케팅담당 등 관계자들이 참석한 가운데 전기차 충전소 개소식을 가졌다. LG전자는 이마트 이용객의 체류시간 및 편의를 고려해 100kW 급속충전기, 7kW 완속충전기를 전국 이마트 30여 개 점포에 설치했으며, 향후 지속적으로 확대해 나갈 예정이다.  LG전자는 지난해 전기차 충전기 전문업체 애플망고(現 하이비차저)를 인수하며 전기차 충전 솔루션 사업에 본격 진출했다. 지난 5월부터 급속과 완속 등 총 4종의 전기차(EV) 충전기를 본격 생산하고 있다.  100킬로와트 급속 충전기는 DC콤보 어댑터를 사용하는 차량 2대를 동시에 충전할 수 있어, 효율적인 공간 활용이 가능하다. 충전기에 탑재된 24형(대각선 약 60센티미터) 화면에서는 충전상태는 물론, 방문객들의 매장 체류시간 등을 고려해 행사 안내 등 다양한 정보를 제공한다.  LG전자는 전기차 충전기와 연동하는 클라우드 기반 통합 관제 솔루션도 구축한다. 이를 통해 이마트는 전국 매장 내 충전기 현황을 한 눈에 보고 원격 관리할 수 있다.  관제 솔루션은 이마트 모바일앱과 연동된다. 고객은 이를 활용해 전기차 주차 공간을 찾고, 관련 정보도 검색할 수 있다.  고객이 충전하며 사용한 전력량 등 관제 솔루션에 기록된 데이터는 이마트의 결제플랫폼과 연결된다. 고객은 이마트 포인트로 충전요금을 결제하거나 적립해 둔 포인트를 활용해 충전도 가능하다.  이마트 동탄점의 경우, 대형 LED 광고 사이니지 및 광고플랫폼을 제공해 충전소 사업자들에게 부가적인 사업기회도 제공한다.  한편, 지난 7월 LG전자 조주완 사장은 미래비전 발표 때 “뛰어난 제조 역량과 글로벌 오퍼레이션 및 서비스망, B2B 사업을 통해 확보한 버티컬 고객 네트워크 통해 EV 충전사업을 조(兆) 단위 사업으로 육성하겠다”는 의지를 밝힌 바 있다.  LG전자는 높은 신뢰성이 요구되는 전기차 충전 분야에서 제조, 품질 및 사후관리(A/S), 공급망, 솔루션 역량을 기반으로 국내는 물론 북미와 유럽 등 글로벌 시장으로 전기차 충전 사업을 확장할 방침이다.  독일 컨설팅업체 롤랜드버거(Roland Berger)에 따르면, 글로벌 전기차 충전 시장 규모는 2030년 1천860억 달러 규모까지 성장할 것으로 전망된다.  서흥규 LG전자 EV충전사업담당 상무는 “이번 공급은 고객과 운영자의 편의를 제고한 충전기, 고도화된 관제 솔루션이 결합된 종합 충전 솔루션 공급의 대표 사례”라며 “전기차 충전 통합 솔루션 공급업체로서 다양한 공간에서 고객들이 필요로 하는 서비스를 제공할 것”이라고 말했다.  출처: https://zdnet.co.kr/view/?no=20231105084113


[News Article] Paris Baguette caters to soccer fans via partnership with Saint-Germain

Paris Baguette caters to soccer fans via partnership with Saint-Germain   By Ko Dong-hwan, The Korea Times - Paris Baguette, a multinational bakery chain, has signed a partnership with French soccer club Paris Saint-Germain to promote its brand to global soccer fans, according to the franchise, Thursday. Hur Jin-soo, president of SPC Group which owns the brand, met Marc Armstrong, chief revenue officer (CRO) of the French Ligue 1 club, in Paris to agree upon promotion of the Korean brand at Parc des Princes, the club's home stadium, and additional join promotional activities. Paris Baguette expects the new partnership will ride on the French club's global success. Before the eyes of over 47,000 fans at Parc des Princes, soccer stars like Lee Kang-in, Kylian Mbappe and Ousmane Dembele play for the club. And millions of fans around the world search for them online. The bakery is betting on the global frenzy around the athletes to draw attention to its brand. The club has agreed with Paris Baguette to display the bakery's logo and commercials during matches at the stadium. The Korean firm said it also plans to host a tasting event at the stadium for visitors to be introduced to its signature pastries. Other strategic cooperation works include creating ad contents with the club players, jointly producing goods and launching promotional events with prizes like free tickets to soccer matches at the stadium. Armstrong said the new partnership has "interestingly brought together two big names that both have 'Paris' in them" and the partnership will "certainly help the bakery's global expansion." "By matching a gastronomic culture and a sport club that are both based in Paris, I believe our brand can appeal to global breadlovers with extra pleasure and fun," said Hur. Having launched over 3,400 shops in Korea, Paris Baguette is boosting its overseas network. Its network of global franchise has registered 500 stores across 10 countries in North American, Europe and Asia. Source: https://koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/11/419_362423.html 


[News Article] Chong Kun Dang partners with Novartis in historic $1.3 billion deal

Chong Kun Dang partners with Novartis in historic $1.3 billion deal   BY SHIN HA-NEE, Korea JoongAng Daily - Pharmaceutical company Chong Kun Dang signed a $1.3-billion technology transfer agreement with Novartis for its rare genetic disease treatment candidate. The technology transfer deal, signed on Monday, is the largest ever for the Korean pharmaceutical company. Chong Kun Dang’s CKD-510, a histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) inhibitor, is a drug candidate for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, which is a rare, hereditary genetic condition that causes muscle weakness. HDAC6 is an enzyme involved with inflammatory responses, and inhibiting it can dampen those responses. In signing the deal, Chong Kun Dang licensed out the exclusive rights to research, clinical studies and sales of CKD-510 outside Korea to Novartis, a big pharma company based in Basel, Switzerland, according to the company’s regulatory filing Monday. It retains the rights to CKD-510's development and sales in the domestic market. While the technology transfer contract is valued at $1.3 billion, Novartis agreed to an upfront payment of $80 million upon the signing of the deal, and will later pay $1.2 billion each time certain drug-development milestones, or objectives, are attained.  Licensing royalties will be paid separately based on the drug’s sales performance in the future. Chong Kun Dang completed CKD-510's phase one clinical trial of in Europe and reported positive results during preclinical studies. “Chong Kun Dang has previously exported our anemia treatment biosimilar Nesbell to Japan and a novel diabetes treatment Duvie to the United States through technology transfer,” said the company’s CEO Kim Young-joo. “The latest deal is our biggest ever, and it feels rewarding to license out one of our new drug candidates, that we have been investing over 12 percent of our revenue every year to develop, to a global big pharma company,” said Kim. Following the regulatory filing Monday, Chong Kun Dang's share price soared by 26.11 percent on the main Kospi bourse to close at 128,000 won ($98.80). Source:https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2023-11-06/business/industry/Chong-Kun-Dang-partners-with-Novartis-in-historic-13-billion-deal/1906996 
