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[News Article] Hyundai Motor unveils universal wheel drive system

Hyundai Motor unveils universal wheel drive system By Lee Min-hyung, The Korea Times - Hyundai Motor has unveiled its universal wheel drive system by placing major driving parts inside a wheel, dramatically increasing the potential indoor space for electric vehicles (EV), the company said Tuesday. The so-called "UNI WHEEL" is in its initial development phase, but the carmaker believes it will become a game changer for future mobility here and abroad. The company applied for eight patents for the new wheel system in Korea and other key markets in the United States and Europe. Under the system, key driving components, such as constant velocity joints and drive shafts, are placed inside the wheel, maximizing potential interior space for passengers or extra batteries. If the expanded space is used to carry an additional battery, vehicles equipped with the UNI WHEEL system will be capable of driving for longer without charging, according to Hyundai. “We are pleased to unveil innovative ideas that can serve as a game changer in the future mobility market,” Park Jong-sool, a senior researcher at Hyundai Motor, told reporters during a tech conference. “Hyundai Motor and Kia will do their best to enhance their technological skills, so customers enjoy new and fresh mobility experiences.” But the carmaker did not confirm when exactly it will be commercialized. “We have just completed the second developmental phase, so it appears too early for us to discuss the timeline for its commercialization,” Park said. “Two separate motors are used to realize the UNI WHEEL system, so the price of vehicles with it will be higher than conventional ones with one motor. We forecast the system will be applied to luxury or high-end vehicles first because of the price.” Most EV batteries have so far been placed at the bottom of vehicles, and in most cases, indoor space is reduced in line with battery volume. But EVs equipped with UNI WHEEL will help maximize space efficiency for carmakers, according to Hyundai. The system can also be used for other types of mobility, such as wheelchairs, bicycles and delivery robots, as the size of the wheel is adjustable, ranging from 4 inches to more than 25 inches, the company said. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/11/419_364058.html


[News Article] Sixth Korean Apple store to open in Hanam

Sixth Korean Apple store to open in Hanam    BY JIN EUN-SOO, Korea JoongAng Daily - Apple is set to open its sixth retail store in Hanam, Gyeonggi next month, marking the tech giant’s first offline outlet in Korea that is outside of Seoul. Apple confirmed the location on Monday and released an image of the store's barricade imprinted with Apple's logo. The store is set to open on Dec. 9. “[The store] is an optimized location to meet and purchase Apple products,” the company said in a release Monday. “Domestic customers can visit Apple Hanam and other offline retail stores to meet iPhone 15 lineup, Apple Watch lineup and soon-to-release M3 Mac lineup.” The Cupertino, California-based company has been accelerating its offline presence in Korea recently as it strives to capture a greater share of Korea's smartphone market. After opening its first offline store in Garosu-gil in Sinsa-dong, southern Seoul, in 2018, Apple's second Korean retail store came rather slowly, popping up three years later in Yeouido, western Seoul.  The expansion then picked up pace. A third Apple store opened in Myeong-dong, central Seoul, in 2022, followed by locations in Jamsil and Gangnam District, southern Seoul in 2022 and 2023 respectively. When the Hanam location is up and running, Apple will have opened two stores per year in 2022 and 2023. Online communities have speculated that seventh offline outlet is opening soon in Hongdae, western Seoul. Photos depicting the exterior construction of a building resembling an Apple store have leaked. Apple has recently started recruiting in Korea for two branches, identified merely by “Seoul east" and “Seoul west."  Hanam is located to the east of Seoul. Apple's share of Korea's smartphone market has been increasing recently, especially as younger generations opt for iPhones over Samsung's Galaxy series.  Apple's phones accounted for 15 percent of Korea's smartphone market in the third quarter of this year, according to Counterpoint Research, an increase of 2 percentage points compared to 2022. Source: https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2023-11-27/business/industry/Sixth-Korean-Apple-store-to-open-in-Hanam/1922445


[News Article] Mohegan Inspire integrated resort to hold soft opening in Incheon Nov. 30

Mohegan Inspire integrated resort to hold soft opening in Incheon Nov. 30   By Lee Hae-rin, The Korea Times - Mohegan Inspire Entertainment Resort in Incheon will partly open its doors ahead of its full launch, Thursday. According to the resort, it will host a soft opening, which will include the opening of three hotel towers with 1,275 rooms, a multipurpose performance venue with a capacity of 15,000 seats, a 150-meter-long entertainment street “Aurora,” featuring giant LED screens, a glass-domed indoor water park “Splash Bay,” MICE facilities and restaurants. Equivalent to the size of 64 football fields, the Incheon-based resort will become the largest integrated entertainment resort in Northeast Asia once all four phases are fully complete — although it remains unknown when the full business expansion will be concluded. Following the soft opening, the resort will open the “Inspire Mall” and a foreigner-exclusive casino during the first quarter of next year. Other facilities, including the outdoor entertainment facility “Discovery Park,” an international food court and exhibition center, will open in the following quarter. “This is a momentous occasion for Mohegan, marking both a historic partnership for our Tribe and a new echelon for our system of premier integrated entertainment resorts around the world,” said James Gessner Jr., chairman of the Mohegan Tribe and the Mohegan Management Board. “We are delighted that project Inspire, aimed at creating a leading entertainment-integrated resort in Northeast Asia in Incheon, South Korea, has reached a major milestone,” said Chen Si, president of Mohegan Inspire. "As we grow with the community, we will establish ourselves as an ultimate entertainment destination that attracts visitors from around the world, filled with inspiration and innovation.” To celebrate the soft opening and the year-end holiday season, the resort is offering special packages on hotel accommodation and food and beverage. Bookings open on Tuesday. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/culture/2023/11/141_363941.html 


[News Article] “게임 체인저”…정의선 회장, 미국서 ‘자동차 산업 올해의 리더’ 선정

“게임 체인저”…정의선 회장, 미국서 ‘자동차 산업 올해의 리더’ 선정   매일경제 박소현 기자 - 현대자동차그룹은 정의선 회장이 미국 자동차 전문매체 오토모티브 뉴스가 선정한 ‘자동차 산업 올해의 리더’에 이름을 올렸다고 27일 밝혔다. 이날 오토모티브 뉴스는 정 회장을 포함한 ‘2023 오토모티브 뉴스 올스타’ 38인을 발표하고 정 회장을 최고 영예인 ‘자동차 산업 올해의 리더’로 선정했다. 오토모티브 뉴스는 “정의선 회장은 다양한 미래 기술을 선도하며 모빌리티의 새 역사를 서술하고 있다”면서 “현대차그룹은 자동차 산업의 혁신을 이끌고 있다”고 선정 배경을 설명했다. 오토모티브 뉴스는 1925년 미국에서 창간된 자동차 전문매체다. 편집국 에디터와 소속 기자의 엄격한 심사와 평가를 거쳐 매년 30여명의 글로벌 자동차 산업 올스타를 발표한다. 특히 지난 1년간 글로벌 자동차 업계에서 가장 뛰어난 리더십을 발휘한 인물을 ‘자동차 산업 올해의 리더’로 선정한다. 올해 오토모티브 뉴스는 정의선 회장의 차별화된 전동화 전략과 신사업 추진에 높은 점수를 줬다. 미래지향적 비전으로 현대차그룹을 차세대 모빌리티 ‘게임 체인저(Game Changer)’로 변모시키고 있는 정의선 회장의 파괴적 혁신 의지를 높게 평가했다는 해석이다. 오토모티브 뉴스는 “정의선 회장의 리더십 아래 글로벌 톱3의 자동차 기업인 현대차그룹은 프리미엄 자동차 브랜드와 목적기반모빌리티(PBV), 전기자동차, 수소 에너지 분야에서도 위상을 더욱 강화하고 있다”면서 “현대차그룹은 전동화 전환과 신기술 개발을 위해 63조원 규모의 과감한 투자를 추진 중”이라고 소개했다. 이어 “정의선 회장은 첨단 로봇과 인공지능(AI), 미래항공모빌리티(AAM) 등을 포괄한 혁신적 미래 모빌리티 비전을 제시했다”며 “정의선 회장의 구상은 대담하고, 미래지향적이며 창조적”이라고 덧붙였다. 자동차 산업 올해의 리더로 최종 선정된 정 회장은 “휴머니티를 향한 진보라는 비전을 실현하기 위해 세계 각지에서 헌신하고 있는 현대차그룹 모든 임직원과 파트너들의 노력이 인정받은 것”이라며 소감을 전했다. 또 “현대차그룹은 로보틱스와 AI, PBV, SDV, AAM 등을 통한 ‘스마트 모빌리티 솔루션’으로 인류 발전에 긍정적 변화를 촉진하고, 고객 기대 이상의 가치를 지속적으로 제공해 나가겠다”며 “미래 모빌리티에 대한 즐거운 상상은 현대차그룹 구성원들을 혁신으로 이끄는 원동력”이라고 강조했다. 앞서 정 회장은 지난 1월 미국의 유명 자동차 매체인 모터트렌드의 ‘2023 모터트렌드 파워리스트’ 50인 중 가장 영향력이 높은 ‘올해의 인물’로 선정됐다. 지난해에는 미국 시사주간지 뉴스위크가 꼽은 ‘2022 세계 자동차 산업의 위대한 파괴적 혁신가들’ 가운데 ‘올해의 비저너리’ 초대 수상자로 선정되기도 했다. 출처: https://www.mk.co.kr/news/business/10884205


[News Article] 한국GM, 車 2종만으로 수출점유율 20% 육박…韓철수설 잠재운다

한국GM, 車 2종만으로 수출점유율 20% 육박…韓철수설 잠재운다 트레일블레이저·트랙스 크로스오버만으로 수출 18.9% 점유    연합뉴스 김보경 기자 - 한국GM이 전략 모델인 트랙스 크로스오버와 트레일블레이저를 내세워 국내 자동차 수출 점유율 20% 달성을 눈앞에 뒀다. 한국GM은 중견 완성차업체 3사 점유율이 10%도 안 되는 국내 시장에서 2종의 차량만으로 입지를 강화하며 몇 년 전부터 제기된 한국 철수설을 불식시키고 있다. 27일 한국자동차모빌리티산업협회(KAMA)의 산업통계에 따르면 지난달 국내 자동차 수출량은 총 22만5천391대(상용차 포함)로, 이중 한국GM의 수출량은 4만2천623대로 집계됐다. 한국GM의 수출량은 작년 같은 기간 대비 87.5% 증가한 것으로, 전체 자동차 수출에서 차지하는 비율도 18.9%에 달했다. 또 현대차(46.0%)와 기아(31.9%)에 이어 수출 점유율 3위를 차지하면서 다른 중견 완성차업체인 KG모빌리티(1.2%)와 르노코리아자동차(1.9%)를 큰 차이로 앞섰다. 한국GM은 올해 1∼10월 누적으로 살펴봐도 총 33만7천114대를 수출하며 14.8%의 점유율을 나타냈다. 한국GM을 포함한 중견 완성차업체 3사가 같은 달 내수시장에서 점유율 6.9%에 그친 것을 고려하면 주목할만한 선전이다. 특히 한국GM은 쉐보레 트레일블레이저와 트랙스 크로스오버라는 단 2종의 차량으로 이러한 선전을 이뤄내 의미가 크다고 업계 관계자들은 전했다. 한국GM은 꾸준한 '수출 효자'였던 트레일블레이저와 더불어 올해 2월부터 크로스오버유틸리티차(CUV)인 트랙스 크로스오버를 창원공장에서 생산하며 미국 등 해외 시장 공략에 나섰다. 비록 지난달에는 현대차 코나가 2만1천127대의 수출량으로 1위를 차지했지만, 트랙스 크로스오버와 트레일블레이저도 각각 2만590대, 1만6천806대를 수출하며 2, 4위에 나란히 이름을 올렸다. 올해 1∼10월 누적으로는 트레일블레이저가 17만6천123대의 수출량으로 1위를 차지했고, 트랙스 크로스오버도 13만7천700대로 4위에 랭크됐다. 이러한 추세가 이어질 경우 트레일블레이저는 올해 수출 1위 차종에 오를 가능성이 크다. 두 차종의 선전은 그동안 끊이질 않았던 한국GM의 철수설을 잠재울 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 미국 GM 본사는 2035년 모든 생산 차량을 전기차로 전환한다는 목표를 발표했지만, 한국에서 전기차 생산 계획은 밝히지 않았다. 이와 맞물려 지난해 11월 인천 부평2공장이 폐쇄되면서 한국GM의 철수설은 계속해서 흘러나왔다. 하지만 최근 두 차종의 인기와 더불어 오는 2027년 한국에서 전기차의 일종인 플러그인하이브리드(PHEV)가 생산될 것이라는 전망이 나오면서 이러한 철수설도 사그라지는 모양새다. 한국GM 관계자는 "미국 시장에서 트랙스 크로스오버의 인기가 예상보다 더 뜨거운 것으로 알고 있다"며 "전동화 전환 과도기를 거쳐 계속해서 새로운 차량을 선보이겠다"고 말했다. 출처: https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20231126039600003 


[News Article] McDonald's opens eco-friendly drive-thru restaurant in Jeju

McDonald's opens eco-friendly drive-thru restaurant in Jeju  By Ko Dong-hwan, The Korea Times - McDonald's has opened a new drive-thru restaurant in Jeju Island that boasts environmentally clean features for energy efficiency and visitors' convenience, according to the global franchise, Friday. Oedo DT in northern Jeju, which opened on the same day, has a rapid recharging station for electric vehicles, a feature first introduced by the franchise's chains in the country. Photovoltaic panels are on the third-floor rooftop and, outside the restaurant, safety wooden fences are made from used ground coffee beans from the restaurant's McCafe. Inside, paints, wallpapers and polishers are all products with eco-friendly certifications, according to the company. The new restaurant also caters to customers behind wheels with a speedy service by introducing double lanes to receive orders, known as "tandem DT." Dine-in patrons can enjoy the restaurant's exclusive ocean view, while decor in and outside the eatery is accentuated by an image of a full moon, a theme the management has borrowed from its reflection on the island's northern coastal waters the restaurant flanks. The company said the restaurant is the world's first with a lunar concept. "The new restaurant is in the vicinity of the Jeju International Airport so it has great access as well," said an official from the company. To celebrate the new restaurant's opening, the company delivered 200 burgers and beverages to five local orphanages. The company has been giving out Happy Burgers to socially vulnerable groups since 2013. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/11/419_363854.html 


[News Article] Hyundai Card's overseas usage skyrockets with Apple Pay partnership

Hyundai Card's overseas usage skyrockets with Apple Pay partnership  By Anna J. Park, The Korea Times - Hyundai Card’s overseas usage has surged by 81 percent compared to a year ago, due mainly to the card's increased global payment versatility with its Apple Pay partnership that began in March this year. According to the latest data by the Credit Finance Association, the accumulated amount of lump-sum payments made in overseas countries by holders of cards from nine domestic card issuers from January to October stood at 10.7 trillion won ($8.2 billion). It is a whopping 47.8 percent jump from the same period last year, as overseas travel has fully resumed from earlier this year. While the average double-digit growth rate across the companies is impressive, the increase rate of Hyundai Card was particularly salient among the nine companies — Shinhan, Samsung, KB Kookmin, Hyundai, Lotte, BC, Woori, Hana and NH NongHyup. As of the end of last month, the accumulated overseas lump-sum payments by individual Hyundai Card holders amounted to 2.04 trillion won, taking the top place among the nine card companies. This is an 81 percent increase compared to the 1.13 trillion won marked during the same period last year. Trailing right behind Hyundai Card's overseas usage, in terms of the year-on-year increase rate, is Hana Card, which logged a 46 percent increase, taking the second spot on the list. Other leading local card companies all trail behind the two, with KB Kookmin Card at 44.4 percent, Shinhan Card at 41.3 percent and Samsung Card at 41 percent. BC Card, Lotte Card and Woori Card posted relatively slower growth rates of 37.1 percent, 36 percent and 31 percent, respectively. Hyundai Card's surge in overseas usage is attributed mainly to the effects of the Apple Pay partnership launched in March. In fact, until March this year, Hyundai Card's cumulative overseas lump-sum payments ranked only third, following Samsung Card and Shinhan Card. "I knew overseas travelers would fully enjoy the convenience of Apple Pay, but I didn't expect it would be this huge in scale," Chung Tae-young, the head of Hyundai Card, wrote on Facebook at the end of last month. "As most countries, including Japan and the U.S., accept Apple Pay, it has become the advantageous strength of Hyundai Card in overseas markets." Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/biz/2023/11/488_364062.html 


[News Article] LG Energy Solution accelerates drive to improve working conditions

LG Energy Solution accelerates drive to improve working conditions      By Jhoo Dong-chan, The Korea Times - LG Energy Solution is accelerating its drive to create more jobs and improve working conditions for its employees. The battery maker, recognized as one of the top 100 employers for job creation by the government in September, has actively undertaken diverse steps to upgrade the quality of its workplace. To enhance employee convenience and accessibility, it has set up 101 outpost offices across the country, including remote areas such as Jeju Island. It has also extended its one-year parental leave to two years, while strengthening paid leave for pregnant workers and operating in-house kindergartens. Of its in-house kindergartens, the Ochang Energy Plant kindergarten occupies about 2,000 square meters, the largest such facility operated by a private company in the Cheongju area. It has implemented pay raises for two consecutive years from 2021 despite the sluggish economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also operates in-house medical centers in its three operation bases in Seoul, Daejeon and Ochang. Thanks to its efforts, LG Energy Solution was the only Korean company named in the Great Place to Work (GPTW) list this year. The GPTW is an international agency that evaluates various organizations based on employee experience every year. “LG Energy Solution has become one of the most desirable companies in Korea among young workers,” said a company official. “On top of improving working conditions, we will continue to award our workers boldly who demonstrate outstanding performance.” The number of LG Energy Solution workers reached 12,000 in the second quarter of this year, a sharp rise from 7,500 in 2020 when it became an independent corporate entity. Ninety-eight percent of employees at the company are permanent workers. (Advertorial) Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/11/419_362805.html 


[News Article] 퍼솔켈리코리아 참여 '커리어 데이' 성료

퍼솔켈리코리아 참여 '커리어 데이' 성료  뉴스1 장도민 기자 - 퍼솔켈리코리아는 자사가 참여한 커리어 데이(Career day)를 성공적으로 마쳤다고 23일 밝혔다. 지난 22일 고려대학교 SK 미래관 512, 13호에서 열린 커리어 데이에는 각 분야별 글로벌 선도기업인 한국화이자제약, 로레알코리아, 인텔, 퍼솔켈리코리아가 참여했다. 행사는 수도권·강원지역 대학 장애학생지원센터 실무협의회와 참가 글로벌 기업들과 함께 준비했고 대학 재학 또는 졸업한 청년 장애 인재를 대상으로 총 5시간에 걸쳐 기업별 소개부터 멘토링, HR 상담, 현장 취업 컨설팅, 경품 이벤트 등의 순으로 진행했다. 이날 행사는 주한미국상공회의소 산하 '미래의동반자재단' 후원 사업 중 글로벌 기업 장애인 고용지원을 돕는 'HAPPY TOGETHER' 프로젝트의 일환으로 진행됐다. 'HAPPY TOGETHER 프로젝트'의 대표 후원사인 퍼솔켈리코리아와 한국화이자제약 주도하에 청년 장애 인재와 ESG 경영을 추구하고 D&I(Diversity & Inclusion, 다양성과 포용성) 중심 조직 문화를 갖춘 대표 글로벌 기업의 HR 및 현직자와 한 자리에서 만나 직접 소통할 수 있는 자리로 마련했다. 행사 시작은 기업별로 20분의 소개 시간과 10분의 질 응답 시간으로 구성해 취업에 대한 기업의 방침, 인재상 등의 내용을 확인할 수 있던 자리로 마련돼, 참여 학생들의 뜨거운 호응과 함께 글로벌 기업에 대한 높은 열의와 적극성을 보여주며 행사가 이어졌다. 한편 HAPPY TOGETHER 프로젝트는 한국 사회 취약계층 고용 지원 차원에서 국내 외국계 기업의 장애인 고용 애로사항 해소와 고용 문화 확산 취지에 참여 후원기업 맞춤 프로그램을 진행하고 있다. 출처: https://www.news1.kr/articles/?5240544 
