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[Interview Article] [Herald Interview] Crypto.com eyes expansion into Korea

[Herald Interview] Crypto.com eyes expansion into Korea   Im Eun-byel, The Korea Herald -​ Cryptocurrency exchange operator Crypto.com hopes to expand its footing here by launching an exchange app for Korea in the first half of this year, said Eric Anziani, president and chief operating officer at the Singapore-based crypto trading platform. After more than two and a half years of working to build a foundation in Korea, Crypto.com is ready for full competition on the market. The company operates in 90 countries around the world and has more than 80 million global users. “We are in the final stages of working with the different regulators here to be approved to launch our product. We are very excited to get to that final stage to bring easy access to digital assets here in the market with the safest and most regulated platform in the world,” Anziani said in an interview with The Korea Herald in Seoul last week. The app will leverage some of the infrastructure and the licensing setup of OK-Bit, a Seoul-based coin market exchange that Crypto.com acquired in August 2022. OK-Bit is one of the 26 exchanges here that are licensed as a virtual asset service provider. The big break will be on whether the operator can earn the authority to trade Korean won into virtual assets. A VASP has to partner with a local bank for real-name accounts and be approved for the modification report. If proceeds, Crypto.com will become the first foreign player here to gain approval. “The app will feature a little bit more of 150 token projects, extremely simple UI to buy and sell those assets, along with a couple of additional features. We want to bring something very easy, safe and trusted to the market, and then progressively build on this offering with new products,” Anziani said. While the commission rivalry is fierce here -- major players Upbit and Bithumb each charge 0.05 percent and 0.04 percent fee for transactions -- Anziani said Crypto.com’s strategy will be different, though the details have not been set yet. “We will, of course, be very competitive,” he said. “But our value proposition is around safety, convenience and access to exciting projects and bringing those global benefits that are unique to us to Korean consumers.” Under the vision "Cryptocurrency in Every Wallet," the brand has been taking on a "crypto is more than trading" approach, working to expand cooperation with intellectual property content to enhance its portfolio. Crypto.com has been pushing to grow its user base through connections with sports events such as Formula 1 and the Ultimate Fighting Championship. It also has an edge in allowing users to spend their crypto in the real world without liquidation, Anziani explained. “We will also work with our partners to drive awareness and distribute the offering to more users. That differentiates us (with other market players) because we have built deep roots in the market,” he said. While the bitcoin price has been renewing records backed by the global rally in recent weeks, Anziani sees a more promising future in its business expansion both globally and in Korea. “Korea is a very exciting market. There are a lot of tech-savvy consumers and a lot of interest from global players to enter (the local market). Hopefully, we will be the first ones to do it properly,” he said. Source: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240311050591 


[News Article] LGES, Qualcomm to jointly develop battery management system

LGES, Qualcomm to jointly develop battery management system  By Baek Byung-yeul, The Korea Times - LG Energy Solution joined hands with the U.S. chip company Qualcomm to develop software for an advanced battery management system (BMS) to optimally manage the performance and life span of batteries for electric vehicles (EVs), the battery arm of LG Group said Sunday. The battery company said it will combine its BMS diagnostic software with some features of Qualcomm's Snapdragon Digital Chassis — a set of hardware and software solutions for connected vehicles — to develop an advanced BMS solution. BMS is an essential system in EV batteries that utilizes battery data such as current, voltage and temperature to help the product perform optimally and detect and respond to problems in advance. The system is becoming increasingly important as more EVs hit the road. The Snapdragon Digital Chassis is an integrated hardware and software platform that brings together smart features that can be applied across multiple vehicles. The companies said the product made through their collaboration will provide more than 80 times the computing power to run more sophisticated battery diagnostic algorithms than traditional BMS software and will function without communicating with servers. "This collaboration will enable the development of various solutions that are directly linked to the vehicle's driving information as well as real-time battery status diagnosis, creating a differentiated customer experience," an LG Energy Solution spokesperson said. LG Energy Solution said the cooperation is based on its BMS data analysis technology. Given most existing battery diagnostic algorithms were developed by predicting hypothetical conditions rather than data extracted from actual batteries, the battery company secured its own battery analysis algorithm technology based on the performance of more than 10,000 batteries. "As the electric vehicle market grows, the importance of safe and healthy battery management is also growing," Chung Hyuk-sung, vice president of LG Energy Solution, said. "Through cooperation with Qualcomm, we expect to deliver differentiated customer value to our customers." Source:https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www2/common/viewpage.asp?newsIdx=370347&categoryCode=129 


[News Article] LG CNS, 범정부 초거대 AI 정보화전략계획 사업 맡는다

LG CNS, 범정부 초거대 AI 정보화전략계획 사업 맡는다   연합뉴스 홍국기 기자 - LG가 범정부 초거대 인공지능(AI)에 대한 청사진을 설계할 대기업 사업자로 선정됐다. 10일 정보기술(IT) 업계에 따르면 LG그룹의 디지털전환(DX) 전문 자회사인 LG CNS가 포함된 컨소시엄(투이컨설팅 컨소시엄)은 '범정부 초거대 AI 공통 기반 구현과 디지털 행정혁신 체계 수립을 위한 BPR(business process re-engineering·업무 절차 재설계)/ISP(Information Strategy Planning·정보화 전략 계획)' 사업에 대해 5개 컨소시엄과 경합을 벌인 끝에 우선협상대상자로 결정됐다. 사업은 초거대 AI 기술의 정부 내 활용이 요구되는 상황에서 대국민 공공 서비스와 내부 행정에 이를 범정부적으로 활용하기 위한 체계를 마련하기 위한 것이다. 정부에 창의적 업무에 집중하는 근무 환경을 조성하고, 공무원의 일하는 환경을 혁신하는 첫걸음이라고 할 수 있는 사업이다. 구체적으로 사업은 초거대 AI 관련 기술 동향과 국내외 법령 분석, 행정 조직·시스템 내부 현황 분석 및 개선 과제 도출, 초거대 AI 친화적인 환경 조성과 관련 제도 개선 방안 검토, 범정부 AI 확산 전략 수립 서비스 유형과 적용 효과성 검토를 골자로 한다. 사업 금액은 약 10억8천만원, 사업 기간은 우선 협상 과정을 거쳐 계약 후 약 8개월간이다. LG CNS는 컨소시엄에 포함된 5개사 가운데 유일한 대기업으로 이번 사업에 참여했다. 이번 사업은 대기업 참여 제한 예외를 부분 인정받았기 때문이다. 사업 금액의 100분의 20 이내에서 상호출자제한 기업 집단 소속 회사를 포함한 모든 소프트웨어 사업자가 주계약자 이외의 구성원으로 참여할 수 있었다. 이 밖에도 LG CNS는 교육부가 추진하는 AI 디지털 교과서 학습 데이터 관리 체계 구축 사업도 중소기업 3곳과 함께 컨소시엄을 구성해 참여했다. 이 컨소시엄은 KT가 포함된 컨소시엄과 경쟁해 우선협상대상자로 선정됐다. 사업 규모는 약 808억원이다. 교육부의 대규모 시스템 구축 사업에 대기업이 참여하는 것은 2010년 삼성SDS가 3세대 교육행정정보시스템(NEIS)을 구축한 이후 처음이다. 2013년 소프트웨어진흥법 제정으로 당시 공공 소프트웨어 사업에 대기업 참여 제한이 도입되면서 이후 교육부 사업은 대부분 중소·중견기업 컨소시엄이 맡아왔다. 올해 들어 AI센터를 출범한 LG CNS는 이처럼 최근 잇달아 굵직한 정부 사업을 수주하면서 생성형 AI 사업에 한층 탄력을 받을 것으로 예상된다. 출처: https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20240310039100017?input=1195m 


[News Article] 시스코, 부산교통공사 네트워크 솔루션 구축 나서

시스코, 부산교통공사 네트워크 솔루션 구축 나서   전자신문 남궁경 기자 - 시스코는 부산교통공사와 파트너십을 체결하고 지속가능한 부산교통공사 네트워크 솔루션 구축에 나선다고 12일 밝혔다. 회사는 고성능 IP-MPLS 기술을 바탕으로 부산교통공사가 보다 지속가능한 네트워크 인프라를 구축할 수 있도록 지원하고 국가적 에너지 절감 정책에 동참할 계획이다. 시스코의 IP-MPLS 기술은 네트워크 트래픽 관리, 신호 시스템, 실시간 모니터링에 최적화됐다. IP-MPLS와 시스코가 가지고 있는 주문형 반도체(ASIC) 설계 기술, 광통신 모듈 제조 역량, 저전력 기술 활용에 대한 전문성이 결합되면 저전력 설계가 가능하고 탄소 배출 및 운영비 절감을 달성할 수 있다. 시스코는 지하철 평균 네트워크 속도 요구사항을 훨씬 뛰어넘는 400Gbps 이상의 초고속 네트워크를 지원할 수 있는 역량을 갖추고 있다. 사용자들에게 향상된 네트워크 경험을 제공하고 병목 현상을 방지하며, 지연 시간을 줄이고 고객 환경 변화에 효율적으로 대처할 수 있다. 최지희 시스코코리아 대표는 “해당 기술은 철도 기관사와 역무원, 관제소 등 엔드-투-엔드 포인트에서 오갈 수 있는 정보의 양과 속도를 대폭 개선하고 안정적인 서비스를 제공할 것”이라고 말했다. 부산교통공사 담당자는 “철도 통신망 시스템은 승객들의 안전과 운행 품질에 있어 그 무엇보다 중요하다”라며 “IP-MPLS의 기술 표준을 리드하고 있는 시스코의 솔루션 기반으로 인프라를 고도화하고 안전하고 편리한 철도서비스를 제공하기 위해 계속해서 노력하겠다”라고 했다. 부산교통공사 네트워크에 적용될 시스코 EPNM 솔루션은 네트워크 어슈어런스를 강화하고 동시에 네트워크의 성능 모니터링과 관리를 향상하는 게 특징이다. 또 실시간 네트워크 상태 모니터링을 제공해 예기치 못한 문제들을 감지하고, 신속한 대응을 지원한다. 고급 분석 기능도 탑재해 사용자는 네트워크 트래픽의 패턴과 특성을 이해하고, 이에 기반한 최적화된 네트워크 관리 전략을 수립할 수 있어 네트워크의 신뢰성과 효율성을 높일 수 있다. 한편, 이번 부산교통공사 사업은 시스코 국가 디지털 전환 지원 프로그램(CDA)의 일환이다. 시스코가 지난해 완료한 대구교통공사 철도 통합무선통신망(LTE-R) 사업에 이어 공공분야에서 두 번째로 수주한 사업이다. 출처: https://www.etnews.com/20240312000052 


[News Article] 유한양행-한국BMS제약 ‘소틱투’, ‘제포시아’ 공동 프로모션 계약 체결

유한양행-한국BMS제약 ‘소틱투’, ‘제포시아’ 공동 프로모션 계약 체결 팜뉴스 김태일 기자 - 유한양행(대표이사 조욱제)은 11일 한국BMS제약(대표이사 이혜영)과 판상 건선 치료제 소틱투(성분명:듀크라바시티닙) 및 궤양성 대장염 치료제 제포시아(성분명:오자니모드)의 국내 공동 프로모션 계약을 체결했다고 밝혔다. 이번 국내 공동 영업 및 마케팅에 대한 전략적 제휴를 통해 양사는 첫 파트너십을 구축하게 됐으며, 오는 3월부터 본격적인 활동을 시작할 예정이다. 성인 중등도-중증 판상 건선에서 식품의약품안전처로부터 승인된 최초의 TYK2 억제제 소틱투는 1일 1회 경구 투여로 투약 편의성을 제공하는 신약 2으로, 지난 2023년 8월 식품의약품안전처로부터 광선치료 또는 전신치료 대상 성인 환자의 중등도-중증 판상 건선의 치료로 허가를 받았다. 또한, 중등도-중증의 성인 판상 건선 환자를 대상으로 진행한 POETYK PSO-1,2 임상연구를 통해 임상적 유효성과 안전성 프로파일을 입증했다. 제포시아는 성인 중등도-중증 활동성 궤양성 대장염 치료제로 국내에서 승인 받은 최초의 S1P(sphingosine 1-phosphate)수용체 조절제로, 올해 1월 보편적인 치료제(코르티코스테로이드, 6-메르캅토푸린 또는 아자티오프린 등)에 대해 적정한 반응을 나타내지 않거나 내약성이 없는 경우 또는 상기 약제가 금기인 성인 중등도-중증의 활동성 궤양성 대장염 환자의 치료에서 건강보험급여가 적용됐다. 또한, ‘TRUE NORTH’ 임상 연구를 통해 임상적 유효성과 안전성 프로파일을 확인했다.  유한양행 조욱제 대표이사는 “이번 계약을 통해 국내 판상 건선 및 궤양성 대장염 환자에게 혁신적인 의약품을 통한 새로운 치료 혜택을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다”고 말했다. 한국BMS제약 이혜영 대표는 “이번 파트너십을 통해 경구제 라는 투약 편의성을 가진 소틱투와 제포시아의 치료혜택이 보다 많은 환자들에게 빠르게 전달될 수 있길 기대한다”며, “앞으로도 미충족 수요가 높은 다양한 질환 영역에서 환자 접근성을 높일 수 있도록 헬스케어 생태계 구성원들과 협력할 것이다”라고 전했다. 출처: https://www.pharmnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=240683 


[News Article] Hyundai Motor launches EV trade-in program

Hyundai Motor launches EV trade-in program By Baek Byung-yeul, The Korea Times - Hyundai Motor introduced a trade-in program that allows customers to purchase new electric vehicles (EVs) at a lower price in exchange for a used one as part of the carmaker’s efforts to reduce the burden for consumers looking to buy new eco-friendly cars and consequently expand its EV share, the company said Thursday. The company said it launched the trade-in program on March 1. The program is available to those who sell their EVs through a certified used car service and buy a new Hyundai Motor EV, such as the IONIQ 5 and the IONIQ 6. Trade-ins are thriving in the smartphone market to reduce the price burden on consumers. In exchange for trading in an old product, consumers can buy a new one for less than the original price. “For example, a customer who owns the 2022 model year IONIQ 5 can trade in the vehicle and get ... the New IONIQ 5 for less than the factory price,” the company said. Consumers can easily sell their vehicles through Hyundai Motor-Genesis certified vehicle app via smartphones or the website. In addition, Hyundai is offering special rewards to consumers who trade in their vehicles to purchase a new EV. “Owners of Hyundai Motor or Genesis EVs who sell their vehicle to a certified used car service will receive a reward in addition to the sale price. The reward can be up to 2 percent of the sale price. Also, they will receive an additional discount of 500,000 won ($376) from the price of new EVs,” the company said. There are also benefits for those who trade in an internal combustion engine or hybrid vehicle (HEV) for a Hyundai Motor’s EV. If they sell their cars, including any other brand, to a Hyundai Motor’s certified used car service, they can get up to 4 percent of the sale price. “We plan to continue to offer a number of benefits to help position Hyundai Motor’s certified used car service as a trusted EV trading platform for our customers,” the company said. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www2/common/viewpage.asp?newsIdx=370191&categoryCode=419 


[News Article] McDonald's Korea serving sundaes in fully-recycled packaging

McDonald's Korea serving sundaes in fully-recycled packaging   BY SEO JI-EUN, Korea JoongAng Daily — McDonald's customers in Korea are now being served their sundae ice cream in slightly tinted transparent plastic cups and lids. These are not just any ordinary plastic items — they are made from discarded plastic bottles. Each cup-and-lid set is made from approximately two and a half recycled 500-milliliter (17 ounce) plastic bottles. This is part of McDonald's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, with the company expecting to achieve carbon reduction by approximately 59 percent. McDonald's Korea aims to positively influence the industry as the first to implement this initiative among the fast food giant's global network chain as well as the Korean food service sector. At the factory of Sangjin, the partner responsible for packaging production for McDonald's Korea, located in Anseong, Gyeonggi, the roar of machinery drowned out conversations as transparent film-like material flowed steadily from the industrial equipment. This fabric is made from melted rPET chips, the raw material of recycled PET. Following the molding process, the fabric moves to adjacent machines where it's shaped into cups, with the iconic McDonald's "M" symbol embossed during production. To ensure comfort when eating, the rims of the cups are rounded. Richard Ha, a purchasing supervisor at McDonald's Korea, highlighted the company's commitment to various environmental, social and governance (ESG) activities, including food quality assurance, environmental responsibility, community engagement, and employee education. “While our focus used to be on reducing plastic usage, we’re now shifting toward finding ways to recycle waste generated in stores,” Ha said during a press tour on Tuesday. Despite their recycled origin, these cups maintain hygiene and quality standards, undergoing a rigorous sterilization, washing, processing and shredding regime. "Compared to conventional products, there is no compromise in hygiene or quality," said Kim Han-il, senior director of supply chain management at McDonald's Korea. "Initially, we also had concerns, but customers have responded positively to recycled PET." Koreans’ exceptional recycling effortsMcDonald's Korea has become the first among global McDonald's subsidiaries to adopt 100 percent recycled PET. Initially implemented for sundae ice cream cups, the plan is to utilize 100 percent recycled plastic for all takeaway coffee cups by the year's end. What sets McDonald's Korea's initiative apart is the recycling ratio of the newly introduced product. Recycled PET is the most eco-friendly option, but its production entails a relatively high cost — about 20 percent higher than that of conventional plastic — and a lengthy manufacturing procedure due to its complex processing requirements. In the face of such impediments, some companies opt for lower percentages of recycled plastic. Despite the initial cost burden, McDonald's Korea believes that through ESG activities, they can build consumer trust, and it may eventually contribute to revenue growth. "Among the younger generation, when companies engage in acts of goodwill, they say they "make donjjul" [a combination of honjjul, meaning punishment in Korean, and don, meaning money], implying that they are ‘reprimanding’ the company with money,” Kim said in an interview with reporters. “With us emphasizing not only environmental activities but also social responsibility activities, consumers are becoming more aware over time, and as our brand trust increases, it significantly benefits sales,” Kim said. As the climate crisis worsens, the markets most proactive in environmental regulations are Europe and the United States. The EU has implemented a regulation that by 2025, beverage bottles must be made with at least 25 percent recycled materials, and California has required that all forms of single-use packaging be recyclable or compostable by 2032. It was in February 2022 that the Korean government established standards for the recycling of food containers using transparent PET bottles. However, there have been fluctuations in environmental policies across different administrations, such as with paper straws. Among the global fast food company's chains, the reason McDonald's Korea became the first to introduce 100 percent recycled plastic is thanks to the country's recycling culture. "I lived abroad for 23 years, and there aren't many countries like Korea that strictly enforce separate waste collection, like peeling off the labels from PET bottles after drinking a beverage. In other countries, garbage is simply dumped altogether,” Kim said. "European countries are pushing environmental initiatives at the government level, but companies voluntarily engaging in initiatives like ours are very hard to find,” Kim said. “We expect many companies to join the use of recycled PET in the future, expanding the market and reducing the cost burden."  'We do it because we like it' McDonald's emphasizes its environmental commitment with the slogan “Better World, Better McDonald's," or "we do it because we like it" in Korean, suggesting a motive beyond profit. The ice cream served in their recycled plastic cups is sourced from the milk of cows given feed repurposed from McCafe coffee waste. The company aims to go further by 2025, transitioning all packaging used in stores to materials that are recyclable and reusable. Previously, strawless lids were introduced, which were recycled into materials for winter outerwear for the staff. "We are genuinely committed to environmental sustainability under the banner of 'Better World, Better McDonald's,'" expressed Kim. "We hope to inspire other companies to join us in our collective journey toward a more eco-conscious future." In addition to their environmental initiatives, McDonald's is also pushing for social responsibility with the inclusive hiring of seniors and people with disabilities, while also engaging in community-focused projects. Source: https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-03-07/business/industry/McDonalds-Korea-serving-sundaes-in-fullyrecycled-packaging/1997046 


[News Article] Inspire Resort opens in Incheon with grand hopes of becoming hit global attraction

Inspire Resort opens in Incheon with grand hopes of becoming hit global attraction   BY LEE JIAN, Korea JoongAng Daily - Eight years ago, Korean government officials and leaders of American casino and gaming company Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment (MGE) gathered to seal the deal on an ambitious multibillion-dollar integrated resort on an island off the west coast of Incheon's mainland. Their work finally came to fruition Tuesday as Inspire Entertainment Resort on Yeongjong Island held its official grand opening ceremony the same day. The event was attended by some 500 dignitaries and guests, including Korea’s Culture Minister Yu In-chon, the U.S. Ambassador to Korea Philip S. Goldberg and the members of the Mohegan Council of Elders and Tribal Council of Management Board. “This endeavor has been a journey of shared visions and aspirations between the Mohegan Tribe and the Republic of Korea,” James Gessner Jr., the chairman of the Mohegan Tribe and the MGE Management Board, said in his opening speech. Inspire Resort is MGE's wholly-owned Korean subsidiary, scheduled to open in multiple phases until 2046 and develop a large-scale integrated resort complex on a 4.36-million-square-meter (46.9-million-square-foot) site at the International Business Complex, otherwise known as the IBC-III area, of Incheon International Airport. The aggregate funds invested in its first phase alone amounts to some 2 trillion won ($1.6 billion), including 960 billion won in foreign direct investment. When fully operational, the first phase is expected to create approximately 3,000 to 4,000 jobs, according to the resort. Currently open under this first phase are three five-star hotel towers with 1,275 rooms combined; a live performance arena with 15,000 seats; MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions) facilities with the largest hotel banquet hall in Korea; a year-round indoor water park; a foreigner-only casino; a 150-meter (490-foot) immersive digital entertainment street; and Inspire Mall that combines shopping, dining and entertainment spaces. It also plans to open an outdoor entertainment park spanning approximately 100,000 square meters, a 1,000-seat food court, an immersive content exhibition center and an indoor playground for children, all under Phase 1B that is said to open in the second quarter. “I truly believe we can make Yeongjong Island a global tourism destination, and we ask for your continued support,” Inspire Resort President Chen Si said. Business aside, however, Tuesday’s evening foremost celebrated the conjoining of cultures, with vibrant representations of Koreans, Americans and Mohegans. A slew of performances by members of the Mohegan Tribe and traditional Korean performance group MeganDang graced the event. There was also the tribe’s traditional Smudging ceremony to “honor people and the area and give them positive energy,” according to Gessner. “Our journey here has been guided by the Spirit of Aquai, Mohegan’s guiding principle that emphasizes hospitality, mutual respect, collaboration and relationship building,” Ray Pineault, President and CEO of Mohegan, said. “This ethos is woven into the fabric of Inspire, reflecting our commitment to sustainability, community engagement and creating a space that respects the environment and fosters connections between people from all walks of life. Mohegan Inspire is poised to become a landmark destination and a catalyst for tourism, economic growth, and cultural exchanges, enhancing the region’s allure to visitors from across the globe.” The Mohegan Tribe, residing in the Thames River region in Uncasville, Connecticut, is a Native American tribe and a sovereign nation officially recognized by the U.S. Federal Government. In 1994, the U.S. Congress passed the Mohegan Nation (Connecticut) Land Claims Settlement Act and authorized the designation of the Mohegan Reservation area. The Mohegan Tribe established a gaming business thereupon acquiring sovereign protection, to generate revenue for tribal welfare and economic development. Since opening Mohegan Sun Casino near the historic Fort Shantok above the River Thames in October 1996, the tribe has grown the development into an established integrated entertainment resort business with multiple properties. Mohegan owns and operates integrated resorts across North America including Connecticut, New Jersey, Washington, Pennsylvania and Nevada in the United States, and in Niagara Falls, Canada. Inspire in Korea is its first outpost in Asia. Ambassador Goldberg said this joint endeavor between Korean partners and an American — read, a Native American — company “captures the spirit of our two countries.” “The economic relationship and investment between Korea is a two-way superhighway,” Goldberg said. “And today, we celebrate another major milestone in the U.S.-Korea investment relationship — the grand opening of the Inspire resort, one of the largest foreign direct investment ventures in Korea valued at $1.6 billion and expected to create more than 3,000 jobs.” Culture Minister Yu shared his anticipation of the recently opened foreigners-only Inspire casino. The ministry in January granted Mohegan Inspire the license for its international visitors-only casino — the first such license awarded in 19 years. Korea now has 18 foreigners-only casinos registered with the Korea Casino Association. Kangwon Land Casino is open to Koreans as well. “This doesn’t just mean one more casino has been added to the country, as the opening of Inspire’s gaming facility marks a significant milestone in Korea’s tourism industry,” Yu said. “I hope that Inspire Resort goes beyond opening its casino in Korea and makes a meaningful contribution to elevating Korea’s cultural tourism; and for this, it is vital that Inspire consistently invests time and energy to become a globally competitive Korean all-in-one resort.” Featuring some 150 gaming tables, 390 slot machines and a 160-seat ETG stadium across two floors, Inspire Casino is the largest foreigners-only casino in the country. It also has a dining section available exclusively to casino customers, including an original Cantonese fine dining Inspire Pavilion, and a VIP-only casino floor. Reachable through just a few-hour flights from major neighboring cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, and adjacent to Incheon International Airport, it is expected to attract overseas visitors and transit passengers. Incheon International Airport Corporation CEO Lee Hag-jae hinted at the bright prospects for inbound tourism in Korea. According to Lee, Incheon airport recorded 56 million inbound visitors last year, recovering 80 percent of the demand from pre-Covid times in 2019. “This year we expect to see a full recovery, but strive to go beyond and record 100 million passengers to Korea as we are working to expand Terminal 2 of Incheon International Airport. Pairing Terminal 2 with the resort will help turn Yeongjong Island into a place that connects people and businesses.” The resort’s 15,000-seat multipurpose hall Inspire Arena is also expected to attract a bulk of visitors, hosting K-pop events, live music performances by domestic and international artists, K-culture events and Esports competitions. Next up on the venue’s call sheet is Maroon 5, slated to perform on March 8 and 9. It currently shares the title of the biggest concert venue in Korea, along with the KSPO Dome in Songpa District, southern Seoul. KSPO Dome is a gymnastics arena that was originally built for the 1988 Summer Olympics. All of the country’s live events requiring more than 4,000 people capacity have, in fact, been only held in either gymnasiums or sports stadiums. K-pop boy band EXO is set to hold a fan meet at the arena on March 14. The arena will also open the World Table Tennis Champions tournament, where 32 top table tennis players including Korea’s Shin Yu-bin and China’s Fan Zhendong and Sun Yingsha will participate in the games, from March 27 to 31. “Since the soft opening in November, the resort is already seeing more than 10,000 visitors on average daily and is poised to become a de facto iconic tourist destination in Korea,” Incheon Mayor Yoo Jeong-bok said. “I do not doubt this collaboration between the Korean government and Mohegan will not only boost the local economy and tourism, but the resort will also become a landmark that will be the best of its kind in Korea.” Source: https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-03-06/culture/foodTravel/Inspire-Resort-opens-in-Incheon-with-grand-hopes-of-becoming-hit-global-attraction/1995601 
