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[News Article] Hana Bank offers mobile financial certificates in 16 languages

Hana Bank offers mobile financial certificates in 16 languages   By Anna J. Park. The Korea Times - Aiming to offer differentiated services for various foreign communities in Korea, Hana Bank has begun issuing mobile financial certificates in 16 languages through its overseas remittance-exclusive mobile app HanaEZ, the bank announced on Monday. The bank said it is the first time for a domestic bank to provide support for 16 different languages for the issuance of financial certificates. The new service targets to enhance transactional convenience for foreign nationals living in Korea, while positioning itself as a leading bank in satisfying foreign communities' unique needs in their everyday lives. According to the bank, the Hana Certification is a private financial certificate that earned acknowledgement from the Ministry of Science and ICT, boasting high levels of security and technology. The certificate not only grants financial transactions by users, but also allows various non-face-to-face authentication tasks required at over 170 institutions, including the National Tax Service and the National Health Insurance Service. Thanks to the multilingual support service, foreign nationals residing in Korea can easily get Hana Certification issued at the HanaEZ app without facing a language barrier. Furthermore, Hana Bank said it is the first among domestic banks to allow foreign customers who have been using only their passport numbers for financial transactions to update their alien registration card numbers, once they obtain a registration card for stays exceeding 90 days, through the app without the need to visit an offline branch. "Through the multilingual issuance support for Hana Certification and the online change service for foreigner identification numbers, we expect to increase foreign customers' benefits and financial convenience," an official from Hana Bank said. Source: https://koreatimes.co.kr/www/biz/2024/03/126_369970.html?utm_source=nans 


[News Article] Meta to partner with Samsung to reduce reliance on TSMC: presidential office

Meta to partner with Samsung to reduce reliance on TSMC: presidential office   By Park Jae-hyuk, The Korea Times - Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg indicated the U.S. multinational technology conglomerate's intention to work with Samsung Electronics in the artificial intelligence (AI) semiconductor sector to rely less on chip giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, or TSMC, according to the presidential office Thursday. After a 30-minute meeting between the American tech entrepreneur and President Yoon Suk Yeol in Seoul that day, a senior official at Yoon's office told reporters that Zuckerberg recognized Samsung for its status as one of the largest foundry companies in the world. "Zuckerberg said Samsung's status can be the key point in their cooperation," the official said. The Meta CEO is also said to have mentioned his company's reliance on the Taiwanese chipmaker, describing the current situation as "volatile." The operator of Facebook and Instagram had asked TSMC to manufacture two types of AI chips, which were designed by the U.S. firm and unveiled last May. "His remarks mean that Samsung's status can help in stabilizing Meta's heavy reliance on TSMC under the current geopolitical situation," the official said. Meta's Korean operation declined to confirm what its CEO said exactly to Yoon. After Zuckerberg's dinner with Samsung Electronics Executive Chairman Lee Jae-yong a day earlier at the Korean firm's VIP guest house in Seoul, Meta remained silent on what the two discussed during the meeting. Unlike LG, which informed reporters on Wednesday that the company's executives and Zuckerberg had in-depth discussions centered on technological cooperation related to extended reality, Samsung declined to comment on Lee's meeting with the Meta CEO. Industry officials speculated that their discussions revolved around semiconductor cooperation, particularly concerning the production of AI chips, which are necessary for operating Meta's next-generation large language model known as Llama 3. The presidential office said that Yoon told Zuckerberg about the government's support for Samsung's investments in the construction of the world's largest semiconductor cluster near Seoul. The Meta CEO responded positively to Yoon's request to prevent the spread of fake news on social media ahead of elections in Korea and other countries, the presidential office added. Following the meeting with Yoon, Zuckerberg departed for India to attend a wedding ceremony for the son of billionaire Mukesh Ambani, the head of the oil and technology conglomerate Reliance Industries. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2024/03/133_369772.html 


[News Article] 온세미, 7세대 IGBT 기반 지능형 모듈 출시

온세미, 7세대 IGBT 기반 지능형 모듈 출시   지디넷코리아 장경윤 기자 - 온세미는 1200V SPM31 지능형 전력 모듈(IPM)을 출시했다고 27일 밝혔다. 최신 세대인 필드 스톱 7(FS7) 절연 게이트 양극성 트랜지스터(IGBT) 기술을 적용한 SPM 31은 시중의 다른 솔루션보다 더 높은 효율성, 더 작은 설치 공간, 높은 전력 밀도를 제공하여 토탈 시스템 비용을 낮춘다. 최적화된 IGBT를 사용해 높은 효율성을 활용하는 해당 IPM은 히트 펌프, 상업용 HVAC 시스템, 서보모터, 산업용 펌프 및 팬과 같은 3상 인버터 드라이버 애플리케이션에 이상적이다. 주거 및 산업용 건물의 온실가스 배출량이 26%를 차지하는 것으로 추정되며, 건물의 난방, 냉방 및 전력과 같은 간접 배출이 약 18%를 차지한다. 전 세계 각국 정부가 에너지 및 기후 공약을 달성하기 위해 노력함에 따라 에너지 효율이 높고 탄소 배출이 적은 솔루션이 점점 더 중요해지고 있다. SPM 31 IPM은 3상 모터에 공급되는 전력의 주파수와 전압을 조정해 히트 펌프 및 에어컨 시스템 속 인버터 컴프레서, 팬으로 공급되는 전력을 제어하여 효율을 극대화한다. 예를 들어 온세미의 FS7 기술을 활용한 25A 정격 SPM31은 이전 세대 제품보다 전력 손실을 최대 10% 감소시키고 전력 밀도를 최대 9% 향상시킨다. 전기화로의 전환과 효율성 강화 의무화에 따라 모듈은 제조업체가 시스템 설계를 획기적으로 개선하는 동시에 냉, 난방 애플리케이션의 효율성을 높이는 데 도움이 된다. 향상된 성능을 통해 FS7이 탑재된 온세미의 SPM31 IPM 제품군은 에너지 손실을 줄이면서 높은 효율성을 구현하여 전 세계적으로 유해 배출을 더욱 줄일 수 있다. 이러한 고도로 통합된 모듈은 게이트 구동 IC, 멀티 보호(protection) 기능과 함께 FS7 IGBT가 포함돼 있어 15A-35A까지 광범위한 전류 지원과 함께 업계 최고의 열 성능을 제공한다. 또한 동급 최고의 전력 밀도를 갖춘 SPM31 FS7 IGBT IPM은 장착 공간을 절약하고 성능을 향상시키는 동시에 개발 시간을 단축하는 이상적인 솔루션이다. 출처: https://zdnet.co.kr/view/?no=20240227084929 


[News Article] 현대차그룹 16개 차종, 美 IIHS 충돌평가 ‘최고 안전한 차’… 업계 최다

현대차그룹 16개 차종, 美 IIHS 충돌평가 ‘최고 안전한 차’… 업계 최다   조선비즈 고성민 기자 - 현대차그룹은 미국 고속도로 안전보험협회(IIHS)가 지난 26일(현지시각) 발표한 충돌평가에서 6개 차종이 ‘톱 세이프티 픽 플러스(이하 TSP+)’, 10개 차종이 ‘톱 세이프티 픽(이하 TSP)’에 선정됐다고 28일 밝혔다. IIHS는 올해 TSP+를 22개, TSP를 49개 선정했다. 현대차그룹은 TSP 이상 등급을 받은 차종이 총 16개로, 글로벌 자동차 기업 중 가장 많았다. TSP+ 등급에는 현대차 아이오닉6, 코나, 제네시스 G80 전동화 모델, GV80, GV60, 기아(126,000원 ▲ 8,300 7.05%) 텔루라이드가 이름을 올렸다. TSP 등급을 받은 차종은 현대차 아반떼, 아이오닉5, 투싼, 팰리세이드, 싼타크루즈, 제네시스 G90, G80, GV70, GV70 전동화 모델, 기아 스포티지다. 올해부터 IIHS 평가 기준이 강화된 가운데, 현대차그룹은 우수한 충돌 안전 성능을 입증했다. 올해 IIHS는 전면 충돌 평가에 뒷좌석 더미(인체 모형)를 추가로 배치해, 전방 충돌 시 뒷좌석 승객의 상해 가능성을 점검했다. 측면 충돌 평가는 TSP 자격 요건이 한 단계 높아졌다. 기존에는 ‘양호함’ 등급 이상을 받으면 TSP를 받을 수 있었지만, 올해는 TSP와 TSP+ 모두 ‘훌륭함’ 등급을 필요로 한다. 또 전방 스몰 오버랩 충돌 평가의 경우 기존에는 운전석과 조수석 부분의 평가 등급을 각각 매겼으나, 이번에는 둘 가운데 낮은 등급을 최종 등급으로 부여했다. 출처: https://biz.chosun.com/industry/car/2024/02/28/SXOFGNPW45AGVN66XOVQJRLR5U/ 


[News Article] POSCO hires more engineers, opens new R&D center to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050

POSCO hires more engineers, opens new R&D center to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050   By Ko Dong-hwan, The Korea Times - POSCO is gearing up its workforce and manufacturing plants to produce environmentally cleaner steel products and contribute to the country's 2050 goal of trying to reach carbon neutrality, the country's biggest steelmaker said Tuesday. Systemic upgrades are being implemented to help the company introduce its new method of making iron-based products in a more eco-friendly way, named HyRex, which stands for hydrogen reduction ironmaking. The company improved upon the conventional method, which used heat and gas generated from coal by using hydrogen to convert fine iron ore into direct reduced iron, which is then put into an electric smelting furnace to produce hot metal. The company has introduced a new carbon neutrality team that reports to its CEO, Lee Si-woo. Its newly expanded Carbon Neutral Strategy department is headed by Kim Hee, the company's first woman engineering executive. Earlier this year, the company launched a team dedicated to HyREX, which will plan the technology's testing facilities. It follows the company's completion of a new low-carbon smelting laboratory last year. POSCO's HyREX initiative last month introduced a new research center at the company's key steel plant in Pohang, North Gyeongsang Province. The new facility handles everything from investment procurement to R&D and plant design. The center will be completed by 2027. The HyREX testing facility — with a production capacity of 300,000 tons of steel — will pioneer ways to commercialize the technology. "We strive to become the first mover in the new age in iron by developing HyREX technology and replacing carbon with hydrogen," Lee said. "I hope we successfully implement the technology based on our experience in commercializing Finex fluidized bed technology and developing electric melting furnace technology." The company has also begun building an electric furnace for its other steel manufacturing plant in Gwangyang, South Jeolla Province, by investing 600 billion won ($451 million). The new furnace, with a production capacity of 2.5 million tons per year, is scheduled for completion by 2025 and go into commercial operation the following year. POSCO expects that the new plant will see a reduction of 3.5 million tons of carbon emissions from its traditional smelting furnace. It will be able to manufacture various types of higher-quality steel, allowing the company to better cater to its customers, including those overseas. Some 160,000 workers are now involved in building the new furnace, the company said. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2024/02/419_369568.html 


[News Article] 두나무, 자립준비청년 토크콘서트 개최…"지원사업 방향성 공유"

두나무, 자립준비청년 토크콘서트 개최…"지원사업 방향성 공유"  뉴시1 김지현 기자 - 블록체인·핀테크 전문기업 두나무가 자립준비청년 지원사업인 '두나무 넥스트 JOB'의 성과와 향후 방향성을 공유하는 토크콘서트를 개최했다고 28일 밝혔다. 두나무 넥스트 잡은 자립준비청년들이 다양한 진로를 꿈꾸고 사회에 안착할 수 있도록 일자리를 지원하는 사업이다. 지난해 사회연대은행과 5개 년도 사업에 대한 업무협약을 맺고 정서적 지지와 올바른 경제관 형성을 위한 상담·교육이 병행되는 체험형 인턴십 및 창업지원 체계를 구축했다. 이번 토크콘서트는 자립준비청년의 온전한 자립을 위한 일자리, 경제생활의 중요성에 대한 공감대를 형성하는 한편 실현 방법을 자유롭게 소통하기 위해 마련됐다. 자립준비청년과 기업·재단 실무자 등 이해관계자 80여명이 참석했다. 특히 자립준비청년 지원사업을 오랫동안 진행해 온 아름다운재단 등 전문기관 담당자들은 일자리 중심 지원사업의 방향성에 대한 의견을 나눴고, 프로그램에 참여한 자립준비청년들은 체험형 인턴십에 대한 진솔한 소회를 나누는 기회를 가졌다. 이석우 두나무 대표는 "당장의 어려움으로 본인이 하고 싶은 일이 무엇인지 모른 채 경제적 자립만을 위해 일을 하는 것이 안타까웠다"며 "자립을 위한 일자리보다 다양한 기회 속에 경제적 자립과 꿈을 이루는 길을 찾길 바라며 두나무 넥스트 잡이 그 기회의 장이 됐으면 좋겠다"고 강조했다. 넥스트 잡은 올해 2차년도 사업 시작을 앞두고 있다. 그동안 수도권을 중심으로 진행된 1차년도와 달리 부산·광주 등 거점 지역 자립준비청년들이 지역을 떠나지 않고도 다양한 경험과 일자리를 찾을 수 있도록 지원할 계획이다. 한편 두나무는 ESG 경영 키워드 중 하나로 '청년'을 선정하고 신용회복위원회와 함께 부채로 어려움을 겪는 청년들을 위한 생활비 지원, 긴급생계비 대출과 함께 재무 컨설팅 등을 지원하고 있다. 출처: https://www.news1.kr/articles/5334393 


[News Article] LG Energy Solution heads R&D for next-gen batteries

LG Energy Solution heads R&D for next-gen batteries   BY JEONG SEONWU, Korea JoongAng Daily - LG Energy Solution recently established a Future Technology Center dedicated to the research and development of next-generation batteries. The center concentrates on the development of semisolid and all-solidstate batteries for automobiles, lightweight lithium-sulfur batteries for aircraft, lithium-metal batteries and other technologies, aiming to advance technological development and mass production capabilities for various next-generation batteries. Chung Geun-chang, an expert in the battery industry with around 30 years of experience, serves as the executive vice president and head of the center. He was involved in all stages of research and development, mass production and product development. The company’s decision to appoint him as the leader of the Future Technology Center was based on the recognition that the commercialization process, which brings differentiated and tangible value to customers, is as crucial as developing advanced technology. Since next-generation batteries are equipped with newly applied technologies, producing high-quality products that meet various customer demands in regards to price, stability and energy density can be even more challenging and demanding. With decades of expertise, LG Energy Solution leverages its immense technological leadership in the field of next-generation batteries. The company recently achieved success in developing lithium-metal batteries suitable for aircraft, advancing dry electrode development and mass producing products using innovative Stacking technologies. In November of last year, LG Energy Solution collaborated with KAIST to develop a new electrolyte that can suppress lithium anode corrosion. This achievement was published in Nature Energy. In September 2021, LG Energy Solution collaborated with UC San Diego and revealed high energy density and charging capabilities of a solid-state battery with Si anodes. This accomplishment was published in Science Magazine. Based on these technological advancements, LG Energy Solution plans to focus on the development of next-generation batteries, including the mass production of lithium-sulfur batteries by 2027. Additionally, it will accelerate the development of dry electrode technology, which offers advantages in energy density and cost. Starting this year, the company will begin full-scale production of products based on the new Stacking technology as well. LG Energy Solution CEO Kim Dong-myung said, “This year will mark the starting point of the LG Energy Solution 2.0 era,” adding that the company “will establish a solid business structure and sustainable growth foundation through an intense focus on quality.” Source: https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-02-28/business/guestReports/LG-Energy-Solution-heads-RD-for-nextgen-batteries/1991260 
