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[DBiK Seminar 2024] 제임스 김 암참 회장 "韓, 아·태 비즈니스 허브로 도약하려면 규제 개선 필요"

제임스 김 암참 회장 "韓, 아·태 비즈니스 허브로 도약하려면 규제 개선 필요" "CEO 형사처벌 규정 완화해야"   한국경제 성상훈 기자 - “한국이 글로벌 기업의 아시아·태평양 거점이 되려면 노동유연성을 끌어올리고, 과도한 최고경영자(CEO) 형사처벌 규정도 완화해야 합니다.” 제임스 김 암참 회장 "韓, 아·태 비즈니스 허브로 도약하려면 규제 개선 필요"제임스 김 주한미국상공회의소(AMCHAM) 회장(사진)은 23일 서울 한남동 그랜드하얏트호텔에서 열린 ‘2024 암참 국내 기업환경 세미나’에서 “싱가포르에는 글로벌 기업의 아시아·태평양 지역본부(RHQ)가 5000개, 홍콩에는 1400개가 있지만 한국은 100개도 안 된다”며 이렇게 말했다. 그러면서 “한국은 지금 아시아·태평양 비즈니스 허브로 도약하기 위한 중차대한 시점에 있다”며 “아시아·태평양 허브가 되면 경제 전반에 걸쳐 부가가치가 크게 늘어날 것”이라고 강조했다. 암참은 △낮은 노동유연성 개선 △디지털 정보 접근성 증대 △CEO의 과도한 형사 책임 해소 △예측 가능한 세제 구축 등을 핵심 과제로 제시했다. 이날 행사에 참여한 제프 무마우 델타항공 아시아태평양 부사장, 라이언 브라운 쿠팡 환경보건안전부문 대표 등은 각종 사업인증 절차 간소화, 출입국 절차 개선, 금융·교육·주거 지원 등이 필요하다고 제안했다. 암참은 한국 정부와 함께 ‘글로벌 기업 지역본부 유치 프로그램’을 마련해 해외 기업의 한국 유치를 적극적으로 추진한다는 계획이다. 이달 초 최상목 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관을 만나 정책 방향을 협의하기도 했다. 출처: https://www.hankyung.com/article/2024042312421 


[AMCHAM-KITA Joint Trade & Customs Seminar] 암참·무협, '한∙미 합동 관세정책 세미나' 개최

암참·무협, '한∙미 합동 관세정책 세미나' 개최    아주경제 한지연 기자 - 주한미국상공회의소(이하 암참)와 한국무역협회(KITA)는 4일 서울 종로구에 위치한 김·장 법률사무소에서 '한·미 합동 관세정책 세미나'를 개최했다고 밝혔다. 이날 행사에 참석한 미국 관세국경보호청(CBP)과 한국 관세청(KCS) 등 양국 관세당국 전문가들은 한·미 양국 관세행정의 최신 동향 등을 공유하고 암참 회원기업을 포함한 한·미 양국 기업들의 관련 의견을 청취하는 시간을 가졌다. 제임스 김 암참 회장은 "바이든 대통령과 윤석열 대통령의 리더십 하에 한미는 전례 없이 단단하고 끈끈한 한미관계를 목도하고 있다"면서 "2021년부터 한국은 미국의 최고 투자국으로 부상했으며, 지난해 12월 기준 미국이 한국의 제1 수출 시장으로 도약하는 등 양국 교역과 투자가 급증했다. 이러한 상승세 가운데 한·미 교역의 신뢰도와 공정성을 제고하는데 있어 CBP와 관세청이 그 핵심 역할을 수행하고 있다"고 말했다.  이어 "글로벌 시장에서 활동하고 있는 기업들은 끊임없이 변화하는 규제와 최신 정보에 민감하게 대응해 올바른 기업 운영을 해야 한다"며 "암참은 앞으로도 한국 내 미국 기업의 성공과 한국 기업의 미국 시장 진출을 위해 부단한 노력을 이어 갈 것"이라고 덧붙였다. 출처: https://www.ajunews.com/view/20240404094143752 


[Meeting with MOEF Minister] 최상목 만난 암참 회장 “韓 비즈니스 거점 되려면 규제 개혁 속도”

최상목 만난 암참 회장 “韓 비즈니스 거점 되려면 규제 개혁 속도” 부총리·주한미국상공회의소 대표단 면담 “거침없는 규제 개혁으로 투자 환경 조성”   조선비즈 박소정 기자 - 제임스 김 주한미국상공회의소(AMCHAM·암참) 회장이 최상목 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관을 만나 “한국이 비즈니스 거점으로서의 입지를 확고히 하려면 규제 개혁에 속도를 내야 한다”고 말했다. 최 부총리는 2일 정부서울청사에서 제임스 김 회장 등 암참 대표단을 만나 한국이 아시아·태평양 지역의 투자 거점으로 거듭나기 위한 제언과 정책 방향을 논의했다. 제임스 김 회장은 이 자리에서 “한국은 아·태 지역본부 투자 후보국으로서 글로벌 유수 기업의 관심이 어느 때보다도 높다”며 “일본·홍콩·싱가포르 등 역내 경쟁국보다 선호되는 투자 대상국이 되기 위해서는 노동 시장, 조세 행정, 디지털 경제 등 분야의 규제 개혁에 속도를 내야 한다”고 했다. 최 부총리는 “사회적 대화를 기반으로 노동 유연성 개선 방안을 검토해 나가고, 조세 집행의 예측 가능성 증진과 디지털 규제 완화에 대해 노력을 이어나가고 있다”고 했다. 이어 “거침없는 규제 개혁을 통해 국제 수준에 부합하는 투자 환경을 조성해 나가겠다”고 말했다. 최 부총리와 제임스 김 회장은 이날 논의된 정책 제언을 바탕으로 ‘글로벌 기업 지역본부 유치 프로그램’을 함께 만들기로 했다. 한편 이날 면담에는 제임스 김 암참 회장 겸 대표이사를 비롯해 헥터 비자레알 한국GM 대표이사 사장, 유명순 한국씨티은행장, 조지은 라이나생명보험 사장 겸 처브그룹 한국 수석대표, 로버트 스미스 EY한영 선임고문이 자리했다. 출처:https://biz.chosun.com/policy/policy_sub/2024/04/02/VUR3ZK6DEZG4PHK2Z4UNYVWEHM/?utm_source=naver&utm_medium=original&utm_campaign=biz 


[Korea Industry Alliance Forum] “韓 노동정책·독특한 규제 해결되면 아시아 1등 선호국될 것”

“韓 노동정책·독특한 규제 해결되면 아시아 1등 선호국될 것”   헤럴드경제 김성우 기자 - “한국은 일본과 홍콩, 싱가포르 대비 매우 경직된 노동시장을 가지고 있습니다. 글로벌 인재 모집을 위해서라도 더 큰 유연성을 갖춰야 합니다.” 제임스 김(사진) 주한미국상공회의소(AMCHAM·암참) 회장이 27일 서울 서초동 자동차회관에서 열린 ‘제48회 산업발전포럼’에서 노동·규제 개혁의 필요성을 강조했다. 이날 포럼은 ‘22대 국회에 바란다’를 주제로 산업계 관계자들이 향후 국회에 원하는 정책을 제언하기 위해 마련됐다. 김 회장은 “한국은 3년 연속 싱가포르에 이어 다국적기업이 아태지역본부로 가장 선호하는 국가 2위에 올랐지만, 설문 응답자 40% 이상은 한국 노동정책과 규제를 한국 입지의 주요 위험 요소로 봤다”면서 “조세 집행의 명확성과 예측 가능성을 제고하고, 주요 국가 대비 이례적으로 높은 최고경영자(CEO)의 형사 책임 완화도 이뤄져야 한다”고 지적했다. 또 “데이터 현지화, 클라우드 보안 보장 프로그램 도입과 네트워크 분리 등 한국만의 디지털 규제에 대한 완화가 추진돼야 한국이 아시아의 대표적 글로벌 기업의 지역본부 소재지로 자리 잡을 수 있을 것”이라고 부연했다. 이날 현장을 찾은 산업계 인사도 규제완화 중요성에 입을 모았다. 정만기 한국산업연합포럼 회장은 “이익단체에 굴복하거나 일부 이익을 위해 도입된 ‘대기업집단 지정제도’, ‘타다금지법’ 등 각종 진입 규제는 사라져야 할 것”이라며 “특정 계층이익이 아니라 전체 국민 이익 관점에서 제도개혁을 추진하는 데 새로운 국회가 앞장서 나가길 기대한다”고 주문했다. 유정주 한국경제인협회 팀장도 “우리나라의 잠재성장률 하락과 청년실업, 저출산 등 경제·사회 문제의 해결을 위해선 규제 환경이 개선돼야 한다”며 “현재의 탄력적·선택적 근로시간제는 주요 선진국(1~3년) 대비 활용 기간이 짧고, 시행되고 있는 중대재해처벌법은 불명확한 규정이 남아 있다”고 지적했다. 유 팀장은 “대기업집단 지정제도도 기업집단의 자산총액만을 기준으로 동일인(총수)에게 과도한 책임을 부과하는데, 이는 해외 주요 국가에서 사례를 찾아볼 수 없고 대기업집단이 우리 경제에서 차지하는 비중이 하락하고 있는 만큼 제도의 전면 재검토가 필요하다”고 덧붙였다. 현장에서는 최준선 성균관대 법학전문대학원 명예교수를 좌장으로, 김보선 주한유럽상공회의소(ECCK) 부총장, 왕호림 Reddal 매니저, 김윤경 인천대 동북아국제통상학부 교수, 원소연 한국행정연구원 선임연구위원이 참석한 가운데 정책제언 토론회도 열렸다. 김보선 부총장은 토론에서 “현재 국내 법규는 위반 정도에 비해 과도한 형사 처벌을 받을 가능성이 있고, 이런 처벌 규정은 외투 기업의 국내 사업 활동에 부정적으로 작용할 수 있다”면서 “향후 체계적인 법률 개선이 필요하다”고 주장했다. 출처: https://news.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=20240327050341 


[Special Interview] AMCHAM chair calls for regulatory reform to bring more headquarters to Seoul

AMCHAM chair calls for regulatory reform to bring more headquarters to Seoul   BY PARK EUN-JEE & SARAH CHEA, Korea JoongAng Daily - Korea's potential as a site for regional headquarters came into the limelight when media outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post created news hubs in Seoul three years ago. The shift was attributed to the country's relatively high political and press freedom, compared to other Asian countries, while China's censorship in Hong Kong was on the rise. Beijing's increased scrutiny and existing tensions between the United States and China could provide Korea an upper hand in the race to bring home global companies' Asia headquarters, says James Kim, chairman and CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM).  “Many global companies, like Qualcomm and Delta Air Lines, have moved their Asia-Pacific headquarters to Korea from other options like China, Singapore and Japan,” Kim said during an interview with the Korea JoongAng Daily. “Leveraging Korea’s robust infrastructure, skilled workforce and seamless IT integration, there exists a distinct opportunity for Korea to establish itself as a regional business hub.” Kim, in early March, sent President Yoon Suk Yeol a recent report called “Korea as an Asia-Pacific Regional Headquarters,” calling for regulatory reform. “Korea-U.S. relations are at an all-time high,” Kim said. “I believe there is more the two countries can do for future economic cooperation and trade relations, and AMCHAM will play our role as a bridge builder.” As the largest and oldest foreign Chamber in Korea, AMCHAM represents more than 800 member companies and affiliates including Hyundai Motor, LG Energy Solution and SK hynix, which employ more than 460,000 people in Korea. The Korea JoongAng Daily sat down with Kim to discuss AMCHAM 's role in relations between Korea and the United States and what Korea can do more to make it a regional headquarters in Asia. The first Korean American to head the organization, Kim is now in his seventh year as AMCHAM Korea chairman and CEO. He previously served as chief executive official at Korean units of Yahoo, Microsoft and General Motors. Below is an edited excerpt from his March 19 interview at AMCHAM Korea’s headquarters in Yeouido, western Seoul. Q. You sent a report to President Yoon. Can you elaborate on the details of the report? The report highlights why Korea is a good option for U.S. companies to pick as an Asia-Pacific headquarters. Korea has so many chances, and I’ve been telling Yoon to make a few more small changes, and Korea can be the winner here. In semiconductor companies like Applied Materials, Korea is already making big bucks. About 25 percent of global revenue comes from Korea, which is why Qualcomm has its Asia-Pacific headquarters in Korea. EVs- and batteries-wise, Korea has the infrastructure and people equation, and many global companies are now willing to work with Korean companies like Hyundai Motor and LG Energy Solution. My mission is to make Korea a regional headquarters of U.S. companies so that people who run business in Korea are physically in Korea to make direct decisions on investments and resources. Q. There’s an anticipation that the intensifying United States-China tension may benefit Korea in terms of attracting foreign investment and regional headquarters. Do you see that as a realistic scenario? Due to the geopolitical challenges, some companies have to consider other options than China. For instance, the New York Times moved its Asia headquarters from Hong Kong to Korea. They had other options like Singapore, Japan and Australia but picked Korea. Hosting the regional headquarters offers significant economic and strategic benefits to the host country. It attracts foreign direct investment [FDI] from multinational corporations seeking to establish their regional headquarters, thereby boosting economic growth and creating employment opportunities. Additionally, hosting regional headquarters promotes local career advancement as employees gain access to leadership roles overseeing the entire Asia-Pacific region. In recent years, Korea has emerged as a contender for Asia-Pacific headquarters, with numerous prominent multinational corporations, including Qualcomm, General Motors, Delta Air Lines, Disney, Novelis and the New York Times, recognizing the advantages of establishing their regional headquarters in the country. Q. What do you think is Korea’s appeal as a preferred regional headquarters destination in the Asia Pacific region? Korea is the second most favored location for regional headquarters, following Singapore, according to AMCHAM’s Business Survey 2024. More than 80 percent of the AMCHAM partner companies maintain an optimistic outlook for future investments in Korea. First, the Korean economy is remarkably resilient. Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, Korea has emerged stronger as the world’s 10th-largest economy. One of the main drivers of this growth is the Korean people. With a highly skilled workforce and a strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, Korea has been able to adapt quickly to maintain its competitive edge. Korea is also a global leader in innovation, driven by its robust IT infrastructure, talent pool and commitment to research and development. Based on its leadership in cutting-edge technologies such as AI, EV batteries, hydrogen, robotics and semiconductors, Korea has established itself as a powerhouse in the industry. The Korean Wave craze is once again hitting the world. Korean culture is now in the middle of the global fad, including K-pop, K-sports and K-food. There is more interest than ever among U.S. companies to invest in Korea across diverse industries. I am often asked about the strength of the Korean business environment. I’ve been in Korea for 20 years now. If it wasn’t a great place for global companies to do business, I would have probably gone back to the United States years ago. Q. While some 5,000 global companies have selected Singapore as their Asia headquarters, Korea is home to fewer than 100. What do you see as the biggest reason? As I mentioned previously, it is imperative for Korea to establish the most competitive business environment when compared to regional counterparts like Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong. The report identifies labor flexibility as one of the top four areas of reform needed for Korea to realize its potential as a regional headquarters. In terms of labor flexibility, Korea is perceived as having a more rigid system (ranked 97th) compared to regional peers such as Japan (11th), Hong Kong (19th) and Singapore (first). The current working hour policy in Korea imposes more restrictions than its counterparts. Creating an environment that enables companies to quickly adjust their workforce in response to evolving market demands will position Korea as an appealing destination for international businesses. Given Korea’s strategic importance to the global economy, greater regulatory harmonization and market access in the Korean market would create a level playing field for domestic and foreign companies and enable greater innovation and partnerships between the two countries. Q. How about in more general sectors? In my opinion, Korea could significantly enhance expatriate experiences by focusing on administrative services, particularly related to the immigration process and financial services. Simplifying and expediting procedures for obtaining residency permits and work visas would alleviate bureaucratic burdens, enabling expatriates to settle in more swiftly and focus on their professional roles. Additionally, enhancing financial services, including expediting bank account setups and credit card acquisition, would facilitate expatriates' financial transactions and daily living arrangements. Q. How can the Korean government further support initiatives to establish regional headquarters, and how does AMCHAM plan to contribute to these efforts? Foreign investors experience challenges from Korea’s complicated, opaque and country-specific regulatory framework. A more favorable regulatory environment that aligns Korean regulations with global standards is crucial. The Korean government has taken steps to address regulatory issues over the last decade. As a result, we have seen incremental improvements in the overall business environment. In this regard, we appreciate President Yoon’s deregulation initiative. Notably, in the previous year, the Korean government successfully implemented two significant regulatory initiatives including the extension of the flat tax rate for foreign workers. Under the previous tax system, a foreigner had to pay according to the normal tax rate like Koreans after living here for five years. This forced them to move out of Korea, and from a business perspective, juniors replaced the seats. Korea should help experienced workers to stay in the country to make more decisions and attract investments. Q. The Fair Trade Commission's new Platform Competition Promotion Act is the talk of the town. What direction should the regulation go? We always want to tell them, “Please do not rush to speak to as many stakeholders as possible.” The government should be concerned about all the different bodies and make a fair determination. I mean, all the laws already exist there. Q. There have been concerns about the impacts the U.S. election will bring to Korean companies, especially if Donald Trump wins. What do you make of the ongoing election and its effect? Right now, people are just concerned about uncertainties. Korea and the United States have maintained a positive relationship for more than 70 years, surpassing so many presidents. When Trump was president, we still had a very good relationship. He’s a business person. It will be fine. Q. How have Korea-U.S. relations contributed to fostering a business environment, and what is AMCHAM’s role in the ties? I’ve been in Korea for two decades and the relations between Korea and the United States is at the best I’ve ever seen. The relationship between presidents Yoon and Biden is also very good. Trade and investments between the two countries have reached historic levels. Since 2021, Korea has emerged as the leading investor in the United States, exceeding the $100 billion mark. Conversely, the United States secured the top spot as the largest FDI contributor to Korea last year when Korea had a record-high FDI of more than $30 billion. By December of last year, the United States had solidified its status as Korea’s primary export market. The enduring Korea-U.S. free trade agreement has stood as an economic backbone of the two’s economic partnership for more than a decade. Ongoing dialogue and FTA provisions facilitate discussions on potential trade barriers, ensuring a fair and transparent business environment for U.S. companies operating in Korea. The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), a U.S.-led regionwide economic engagement initiative, presents an important opportunity for the Korea-U.S. partnership. As one of the 14 members actively participating in the negotiations across all four pillars including trade, and supply chain, Korea holds a key role in this initiative. We welcome the upcoming implementation of the IPEF Supply Chain next month, which will enhance Korea’s economic security in vital strategic industries. Concurrently, we urge the Korean and U.S. governments to incorporate meaningful deregulatory initiatives, such as introducing a binding digital economy chapter in the trade pillar of the IPEF. This step will contribute significantly to positioning Korea as an innovative hub in the region. Q. What’s AMCHAM 's major focus for 2024 other than the regional headquarters initiative? At AMCHAM, we are serious about our mission to help U.S. businesses thrive in Korea and facilitate greater Korean investments in the U.S. AMCHAM also helps support smaller firms from Korea and the United States to expand their operations abroad. As a bridge builder between the United States and Korea, Amcham will continue to work closely with both governments and partners to deliver on our mission. Despite ongoing uncertainties, AMCHAM saw record growth in membership in our 71 years of history, with many iconic U.S. as well as Korean companies joining the Chamber or becoming premium members. We have seen a 500 percent increase in premium members more than the past five years. This shows that global companies see the appeal of the Korean market, even in a time of pandemic, and recognize the value of the AMCHAM platform. As we move forward, we are keen to maintain this positive momentum. One of our key objectives is to expand the membership base further, broadening the spectrum of perspectives, expertise and networks within AMCHAM. By welcoming more diverse members, we can enhance collaboration, knowledge exchange and business synergies, making AMCHAM an even more robust and influential platform for fostering economic growth and mutual prosperity. Source:https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-03-25/business/industry/Amcham-chair-calls-for-regulatory-reform-to-bring-more-headquarters-to-Seoul/2008680 


[RHQ Report + AMCHAM BOG Letter] Follow AMCHAM's advice

Follow AMCHAM's advice   By The Korea Times - Ending a negative interest rate policy, the Bank of Japan raised the lending rate for overnight borrowing to 0 to 0.1 percent from minus 0.1 percent on Tuesday. The rate hike was the first since February 2007. It came as part of Japan’s attempts to shift away from its ultra-lax monetary policy. Market watchers interpreted Japan’s move as tantamount to a declaration of its exit from the “lost 30 years.” Japan had been desperate to address the long-standing deflation with the negative rate policy coupled with other measures to inject money into the economy to boost workers’ wages and increase employment. Many Japanese companies have been benefitting from enormous amounts of grants from the United States amid the escalating rivalry between the U.S. and China. Japan has also taken audacious deregulatory measures to induce investments from leading foreign companies while exploring future growth engines in cutting-edge areas like semiconductors, for instance. In contrast, it is a pity to see Korea still struggling despite opportunities to make the most of the exodus of global firms from China. It needs to attentively listen to the admonishment by the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) in Korea. It said the “China exodus” by global companies will provide Seoul with precious opportunities to become a business hub of the Asia-Pacific. AMCHAM surveyed around 800 member companies active here, which showed Korea being the second most favored country for establishing their Asia-Pacific headquarters, following Singapore. In explaining their preference for Korea, they highlighted factors such as reasonable living costs, the influence of Hallyu (the Korean wave), and the convenient industrial and transportation infrastructure, which position Korea as a viable alternative to China as the prime candidate for hosting their headquarters. Concerning the reasons global firms avoid Korea, AMCHAM cited a comparatively lower level of labor flexibility, such as the 52-hour work system, paired with an excessive punitive regime against employers represented by the Serious Disaster Punishment Act, heightening the legal accountability risks for CEOs. They also cited hefty corporate taxes and digital-related regulations. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development recently forecast Korea’s potential economic growth to fall to 1.7 percent this year, although it climbed to 2.3 percent in 2020. Due to the declining fertility rate and rapidly aging population, the nation is projected to enter a phase of near-zero growth in the foreseeable future. Against this backdrop, Korea's emergence as the Asia-Pacific hub for global companies could offer a breakthrough from the protracted low growth phase. In particular, attracting major global firms and talented people will facilitate Korea’s bid to sharpen its competitive edges in areas such as finance and information and technology. Singapore has some 5,000 Asia-Pacific headquarters, largely boosted by its policy of curtailing 5 to 10 percent of corporate taxes. In comparison, Korea has less than 100 headquarters. The Yoon Suk Yeol administration and the political parties should double down on efforts to speed up pension, education and labor reforms. They should also focus on reforming corporate and inheritance tax systems. These are necessary to proactively induce foreign investments and prop up the growth momentum. AMCHAM was set up in 1953 in the aftermath of the Korean War. This marks the first time it has published such a goodwill policy report since its inception. It can be taken to tell Korea that it faces the last chance to leap forward again. The admonishment is essential for Korea at a time when its growth momentum sputters. The government and the political parties, regardless of their ideological inclinations and political stances, should combine efforts to do away with the diverse regulations that hinder investments by global companies. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/opinion/2024/03/137_371123.html 


[APAC RHQ Report] “홍콩 떠나는 기업 잡아야”… 韓, 물류·로봇·콘텐츠 강점

“홍콩 떠나는 기업 잡아야”… 韓, 물류·로봇·콘텐츠 강점 ​제조업 인프라·기술력 등 부각 스타트업 정책 활용 가능성도  조선비즈 권유정 기자 - 미·중 갈등 심화로 글로벌 기업의 탈(脫)중국 현상이 심화하는 가운데, 홍콩을 떠나는 글로벌 기업의 아시아·태평양 지역 거점을 한국이 유치해야 한다는 지적이 나온다. 홍콩이 외면받으면서 반사 수혜를 입은 대표적인 나라는 싱가포르지만, 한국은 제조업 관련 인프라(기반시설)와 기술력에 대한 긍정적인 평가가 많다.   24일 재계에 따르면 최근 암참(AMCHAM·주한미국상공회의소)의 800여 개 회원사는 ‘아태 본부를 두고 싶은 국가’로 한국을 싱가포르 다음으로 많이 꼽았다. 암참은 글로벌 기업의 탈중국 현상이 한국에겐 기회라고 봤다.  실제 로봇·물류·콘텐츠 산업에서는 한국을 찾는 기업이 늘고 있다. LG전자가 지분을 투자한 미국 서비스로봇 개발업체 베어로보틱스는 지난해 상반기 아시아 생산 거점으로 한국을 선택했다. 당초 한국 외에 중국을 포함한 아시아 지역을 함께 물색했지만 미·중 갈등, 연관 산업 인프라 구축 여부 등을 고려해 한국으로 정했다. 베어로보틱스는 향후 연구개발(R&D) 센터 설립, 보안 및 감시 로봇 분야로 사업 확대를 검토 중이다.   지난 2022년 세계 최대 국제 화물 항공사 미국 아틀라스항공은 홍콩 대신 인천공항에 직영 정비소를 세웠다. 신종 코로나 바이러스 감염증(코로나19) 사태 이후 중국의 봉쇄 정책 등으로 정비 물량의 절반 이상을 맡아온 홍콩에서 거듭 차질이 생긴 탓이다. 인천공항의 물동량 수준이나 정비 기술에 대한 내부 만족도도 높았던 것으로 알려졌다.   콘텐츠, 미술 등 문화 산업에서도 한국의 입지가 부각되고 있다. 넷플릭스 특수효과 제작 자회사 스캔라인 VFX(현 아이라인스튜디오)는 아시아 첫 오피스로 한국을 택했다. 넷플릭스는 홍콩에서 서비스를 하고 있으나 한국, 싱가포르, 태국 방콕 등과 달리 오피스는 운영하지 않는다.  2022년에는 세계적인 아트페어 프리즈가 아시아 첫 개최 지역으로 홍콩 대신 서울을 골라 화제가 되기도 했다. 그간 아시아 미술 패권은 홍콩이 주도했다.   홍콩은 2020년 국가보안법을 시행하는 등 정치 환경이 급변하고 있다. 이에 홍콩을 떠나는 외국 자본 규모는 점점 커지고 있다. 지난해 홍콩에서 기업공개(IPO)로 조달된 자금은 20여년 만에 가장 낮은 수준을 기록했다.  홍콩이 국가보안법을 시행한 이후 뉴욕타임스(NYT), 워싱턴포스트(WP)는 각각 디지털뉴스 본부와 글로벌 속보 거점을 홍콩에서 서울로 이전했다. NYT는 서울로 오기 전에 싱가포르, 태국 방콕, 일본 도쿄 등을 검토한 것으로 알려졌다.   정부, 지방자치단체, 경제단체 등은 홍콩에 있는 기업을 국내로 유치하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 글로벌 금융회사의 아·태 본부 유치를 추진하면서 핀테크, 바이오, 첨단산업 분야에서 유망한 스타트업의 한국 진출을 지원한다는 계획이다. 지난해 말 한국의 코트라(대한무역투자진흥공사) 같은 기능을 하는 홍콩 무역발전국(HKTDC)은 보고서를 통해 한국의 스타트업 생태계를 소개하며, 투자 교류 가능성을 제시하기도 했다.   출처: https://biz.chosun.com/industry/company/2024/03/24/E7LCGFRWKBFMFPV7O4XQQ6KKYA/  


[AI Accelerate Summit 2024] ​AMCHAM presses Korea for forward-thinking AI regulations

​AMCHAM presses Korea for forward-thinking AI regulations   BY PARK EUN-JEE, Korea JoongAng Daily - The American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM) brought AI and regulation specialists from major tech companies together with top policymakers to discuss how oversight of the relatively new technology should take shape in Korea in a forum on Thursday. The establishment of a legal framework for the use of generative AI has been at the forefront of policy debates around the world as the technology penetrates a broad range of areas. “We are witnessing a global embrace of generative AI and machine learning as businesses increasingly leverage these technologies to secure a prosperous future and stay competitive in the market,” said AMCHAM Chairman & CEO James Kim in his opening remarks for the AI Accelerate Summit 2024, which was held at the Conrad Seoul Hotel. “Given Korea’s expanding global influence, we believe that now is the best time for Korea to position itself as a regional innovation hub in the Asia Pacific,” he said. The government has allocated around 700 billion won ($528 million) to support the wider use of advanced AI systems. “To secure world-class AI technology and foster global talent, we will launch new international joint research and cooperation in the field of AI and data and spend a total of 700 billion won to expand the use of AI in everyday life, industrial sites and public administration,” said Yeol Um, the artificial intelligence-based policy officer of the Ministry of Science and ICT. Also present were AI and regulation specialists from IBM, LG CNS and GR Korea. Source:https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2024-03-21/business/tech/Amcham-presses-Korea-for-forwardthinking-AI-regulations/2008018
